Newcomen Bank 16 Castle Street Part 8 Public Notification
Closed 18 Apr 2024
Opened 4 Mar 2024
Dublin City Council wishes to give notice that it has lodged a Planning Application under Part 8 of the Local Government Planning and Development Regulations 2001 for the development on 16 Castle Street, the former Newcomen Bank (Protected Structure).
Newcomen Bank is one of the finest Georgian townhouses in Dublin, a city that contains hundreds of magnificent houses constructed during the second half of the eighteenth century.
Only surpassed in scale by the great city mansions such as Leinster House, Powerscourt House and Charlemont House, Newcomen is their equal in architectural finesse. Extended twice, Newcomen now boasts not less than three principal facades on Castle Street, Cork Hill and Lord Edward Street. The only Dublin townhouse to be entirely faced in Portland stone, it contains one of the finest hanging stone staircases, sometimes referred to as a ‘cantilevered stairs’. Designed by Thomas Ivory, an architect of great note who also designed the former Blue Coats School, or Law Society, it contains superb Neo-Classical interiors and a number of elliptical shaped rooms, one of which has a painted ceiling. This room is thought to have inspired the Oval Office in the White House in Washington, which was designed by James Hoban, who was an architectural student and an assistant to Thomas Ivory.
It is a protected structure (RPS 2050), in the ownership of Dublin City Council and the building most recently functioned as the Dublin City Rates Office, until it closed in 2018. In 2020 a multidisciplinary design team, led by Howley Hayes Cooney Architecture, was appointed by Dublin City Council to conserve and repurpose the building to become a suite of civic rooms, for cultural, commercial, ceremonial and social uses, both by the council and the public. This team includes experienced conservation engineers, quantity surveyors and experts in fire safety and accessibility design. The stage 1, feasibility design process was completed in March 2022, and presented to Dublin City Council and the Newcomen Steering group, prior to commencement of the stage 2a planning documentation process.
The development will consist of –
(A) Refurbishment of Newcomen Bank (formerly the Rates Office) which is a Protected Structure (Ref. No. 2050), and part change of use to provide multi-purpose spaces, visitor and staff facilities, and offices for Dublin City Council and future tenants. Works will include conservation and repair of existing historic fabric, and general upgrades to meet fire safety and accessibility requirements.
(B) Demolition of the existing twentieth century four storey lift and stair structure to the west façade of Newcomen Bank.
(C) Construction of a new five storey lift and stair structure to the west façade of Newcomen Bank, which will provide access to the basement.
(D) Installation of new stone steps with ramped access to the Castle Street entrance for universal access and extension of the pedestrian paving, with relocation of one accessible car parking space.
(E) Basement areas at Castle Street to be opened up and new cast iron pavement lights with glazed inserts added to the area.
Why your views matter
If you have any comments please provide them here
What happens next
Please provide your views or comments on the Newcomen Bank Part 8 submission here. Your comments will be reviewed following the closing deadline of the 18th April next.
- 230804 Newcomen Design Statement&AIA.pdf 96.1 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-001-OSI Map Site Notice Location.pdf 549.9 KB (PDF document)
- Notification to South East Area to commence Part 8 June 2023.pdf 2.6 MB (PDF document)
- A-Cover Letter Planning.pdf 133.8 KB (PDF document)
- B-Schedule of Intent.pdf 133.0 KB (PDF document)
- Newcomen Bank - Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report June 2023.pdf 1.3 MB (PDF document)
- Newcomen_Bank-AA_Screening.pdf 13.9 MB (PDF document)
- Archaeological impact assessment newcomen Bank 2023 Merged.pdf 2.8 MB (PDF document)
- Site Notice Final English.pdf 108.7 KB (PDF document)
- Site Notice Final Irish.pdf 103.4 KB (PDF document)
- Newcomen Bank-Bat_Survey-20230810.pdf 25.7 MB (PDF document)
- F1-Letter-of-support_CastleGate2.pdf 112.4 KB (PDF document)
- F2-Letter-of-support-Tusla.pdf 125.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-001-OSI Map.pdf 549.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-010-Existing Site Layout Plan.pdf 296.2 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-201-Proposed Ground Floor Plan .pdf 1.0 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-202-Proposed First Floor Plan.pdf 307.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-203-Proposed Second Floor Plan .pdf 402.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-204-Proposed Third Floor Plan .pdf 236.1 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-205-Proposed Attic Floor Plan .pdf 157.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-206-Proposed Roof Plan.pdf 132.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-220-Proposed North Elevation.pdf 490.2 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-221-Proposed East Elevation.pdf 678.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-222-Proposed South Elevation.pdf 909.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-223-Proposed West Elevation _ Section PP.pdf 669.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-231-Proposed Section BB.pdf 769.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-235-Proposed Section FF.pdf 922.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-237-Proposed Section HH.pdf 944.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-240-Proposed Section KK.pdf 1007.1 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-241-Proposed Section LL.pdf 795.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-310-Proposed UA Entrance - Sheet 1.pdf 1.2 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-311-Proposed UA Entrance - Sheet 2.pdf 1.1 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-313-Proposed UA Entrance - Sheet 4.pdf 649.4 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-100-Existing_Demolition Basement Plan.pdf 218.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-101-Existing_Demolition Ground Floor Plan.pdf 264.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-102-Existing_Demolition First Floor Plan.pdf 204.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-103-Existing_Demolition Second Floor Plan.pdf 212.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-104-Existing_Demolition Third Floor Plan.pdf 198.5 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-105-Existing_Demolition Roof Plan.pdf 143.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-110-Existing Basement RCP - Demolition and Conservation Works.pdf 229.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-111-Existing Ground Floor RCP - Demolition Works .pdf 179.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-113-Existing Second Floor RCP - Demolition and Conservation Works .pdf 194.1 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-114-Existing Third Floor RCP - Demolition and Conservation Works .pdf 291.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-120-Existing North Elevation.pdf 529.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-121-Existing East Elevation.pdf 716.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-122-Existing South Elevation.pdf 904.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-123-Existing West Elevation _ Section PP.pdf 232.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-131-Existing_Demolition Section BB.pdf 292.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-135-Existing_Demolition Section FF.pdf 426.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-137-Existing_Demolition Section HH.pdf 475.1 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-112-Existing First Floor RCP - Demolition and Conservation Works .pdf 183.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-140-Existing_Demolition Section KK.pdf 578.4 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-141-Existing_Demolition Section LL.pdf 309.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-312-Proposed UA Entrance - Sheet 3.pdf 998.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-021-Proposed Site Layout Plan .pdf 1.1 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-200-Proposed Basement Plan.pdf 277.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-210-Proposed Basement RCP.pdf 176.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-211-Proposed Ground Floor RCP.pdf 172.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-212-Proposed First Floor RCP.pdf 212.5 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-214-Proposed Third Floor RCP.pdf 398.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-300-Stair 3 - Existing & Proposed 2nd Floor Plan.pdf 219.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-301-Stair 3 - Existing & Proposed 3rd Floor Plan.pdf 206.2 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-302-Stair 3 - Existing & Proposed Section EE.pdf 530.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-303-Stair 3 - Historic Fabric Retention.pdf 228.3 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-314-Castle Street Entrance Door.pdf 163.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-315-Existing Castle Street Entrance.pdf 2.1 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-320-Shared Fire Escape - Elevations.pdf 142.4 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-213-Proposed Second Floor RCP.pdf 186.2 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-L-321-Shared Fire Escape Stairs Plans.pdf 189.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-A-310-Pavement Light & Entrance Steps Details.pdf 720.5 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-010-Existing Window - Repair .pdf 800.0 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-011-Proposed Window W0-12 & 3rd Flr. Windows.pdf 148.4 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-012-Proposed Basement Windows with Vent Grilles.pdf 139.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-020-Door Types 1 - Type 3 .pdf 315.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-021-Door Types 4 - Type 6.pdf 113.8 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-022-Door D0-03 .pdf 99.9 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-023-Door Openings.pdf 166.2 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-024-Fireplace Relocation First Floor .pdf 633.7 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-025-Fireplace Relocation First Floor .pdf 529.5 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-026-Cantilever Stairs.pdf 3.7 MB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-027-FF Windows Fire Rating.pdf 230.9 KB (PDF document)
- 01_0569 Drawing Register-240216.pdf 300.0 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NBB-CORA-Civil Drawing Register 20240216.pdf 35.6 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NBB-CORA-ZZ-B1-C-001-EXISTING BASEMENT DRAINAGE.pdf 1.4 MB (PDF document)
- 2050-NBB-CORA-ZZ-B1-C-002-PROPOSED BASEMENT DRAINAGE.pdf 558.1 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-C-005-SECTION A-A & ROAD GULLY DETAIL.pdf 388.8 KB (PDF document)
- 01 2050-NBB-CORA-Strucutral Drawing Register 20240216.pdf 36.2 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-00-S-002-GROUND FLOOR GA PLAN.pdf 595.5 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-01-S-003-FIRST FLOOR GA PLAN.pdf 317.3 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-02-S-004-SECOND FLOOR GA PLAN.pdf 295.7 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-03-S-005-THIRD FLOOR GA PLAN.pdf 286.6 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-B1-S-001-BASEMENT GA PLAN.pdf 395.2 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-S-008-NEW REAR STAIRS-PLANS & SECTIONS.pdf 1.5 MB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-S-008-NEW REAR STAIRS-PLANS & SECTIONS.pdf 1.6 MB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-S-0020-TYPICAL DETAILS-SHEET01.pdf 309.1 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZZ-S-000-GENERAL NOTES.pdf 165.5 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZZ-S-009-FIRE ESCAPE STAIRS.pdf 755.4 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZZ-S-0010-SECTIONS-SHEET01.pdf 358.6 KB (PDF document)
- 2050-NB-CORA-ZZ-ZZZ-S-0021-TYPICAL DETAILS-SHEET02.pdf 233.4 KB (PDF document)
- 2036_Newcomen Bank_Elec Issue register.pdf 411.9 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-E02.pdf 218.6 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-E03.pdf 228.6 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-E04.pdf 210.2 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-E05.pdf 216.8 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-E06.pdf 204.6 KB (PDF document)
- 2036_Newcomen Bank_Mech Issue register.pdf 412.3 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M01.pdf 277.5 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M02.pdf 203.5 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M03.pdf 188.5 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M04.pdf 203.1 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M05.pdf 193.1 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M06.pdf 196.8 KB (PDF document)
- 2036-SK-M07.pdf 159.0 KB (PDF document)
- S-100-Window schedule Planning 240216.pdf 103.1 KB (PDF document)
- S-200-Door Schedule existing doors Planning 20240216.pdf 160.9 KB (PDF document)
- S-201-Door Schedule Planning Proposed doors 20240216.pdf 123.9 KB (PDF document)
- E-Newspaper-add-Published.pdf 340.1 KB (PDF document)
- 0569-C-028-FF Windows Fire Rating.pdf 1.9 MB (PDF document)
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