395 results
River Santry Rainscape
The River Santry Rainscape project aims to create new green spaces, make enhancements to existing green spaces, and change the appearance of some hard surfaces. This will provide benefits to the local community and at the same time protect the Santry River by removing harmful pollutants from the rainwater that flows off our roads, before it gets to the river. Adapting to variations in weather patterns, as a result of climate change, is a key issue that we will all have to address.... MoreOpened 17 June 2021 -
River Dodder Rainscape
The River Dodder Rainscape project aims to create new green spaces, make enhancements to existing green spaces, and change the appearance of some hard surfaces. This will provide benefits to the local community and at the same time protect the Dodder River by removing harmful pollutants from the rainwater that flows off our roads, before it gets to the river. Adapting to variations in weather patterns, as a result of climate change, is a key issue that we will all have to address.... MoreOpened 15 June 2021 -
Draft Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan
Dublin City Council is preparing a new Biodiversity Action Plan for Dublin City for the next 5 years. The draft plan has been prepared with the assistance of many environmental organisations through a Biodiversity Forum. The Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation Strategic Policy Committee has received a report on the draft Plan (see attached) and agreed that public consultation on it can take place. This will take place over 4 weeks. We want to hear your views to inform the final... MoreOpened 19 May 2021 -
Baggot Street - increasing pedestrian space
Background Dublin City Council (DCC) has developed a proposal to increase pedestrian space on Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 in order to provide additional space for pedestrians, space for queueing and to enable hospitality businesses on the street to reopen with outdoor dining. Overview of changes Dublin City Council propose to start these buildouts Monday the 17 th of May. The drawing and description are for information. All local businesses will receive... MoreOpened 11 May 2021 -
Capel Street - Increasing Pedestrian Space
Background Dublin City Council (DCC) has developed a proposal to increase pedestrian space on Capel Street, Dublin 1 by 1,300m2 in order to enable hospitality businesses on the street to reopen with outdoor dining. Overview of changes The area of Capel St. between Ryders Row and Parnell St. will be traffic-free on a 24/7 basis. Removal of all on street parking between Ormond Quay and Mary St. and introduction of temporary... MoreOpened 7 May 2021 -
Extinguishment of Public Right of Way over a laneway located at 4-26 Carndonagh Park & 73-91 Donaghmede Road, Donaghmede, Dublin 13
In accordance with Section 73 (1) of the Roads Act 1993 Dublin City Council hereby gives notice that it is considering the proposal to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over a laneway at 4-26 Carndonagh Park & 73-91 Donaghmede Road, Donaghmede, Dublin 13. A request to have the public right of way extinguished was submitted to Dublin City Council’s North Central Area Office by a majority of residents who have properties abutting this laneway. The reason why they are requesting... MoreOpened 4 May 2021 -
Lord Mayor's Awards 2020/2021 - May: Community/Volunteer Workers
Since 1989, the Lord Mayor’s Awards have honoured individuals and groups who have made a special contribution to both Dublin and its citizens. These Awards, usually held annually, are Dublin City’s way of acknowledging and congratulating them for the extraordinary work they do. This year the Lord Mayor’s Awards will take place monthly and the public will be able to submit nominations for the first time. Each month members of the public will be invited to nominate either a... MoreOpened 1 May 2021 -
Sandymount Village - outdoor dining proposal
Following requests from businesses and the Sandymount and Merrion Residents Association (SAMRA) residents association to consider how to facilitate outdoor dining by closing one side of Sandymount Green, Dublin City Council wish to obtain people’s views on this proposal as a number of local residents have made their concerns known. Dublin City Council could facilitate this request by making this side of Sandymount Green Traffic free over the Summer Months, with emergency... MoreOpened 30 April 2021 -
Kildonan Park - Landscape Plans
Dublin City Council Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services wishes to develop the park in Kildonan to provide more active and passive recreation opportunities for a greater number of users, improve biodiversity and improve the visual amenity of the park. The draft Masterplan within this consultation is not fixed and Dublin City Council seeks feedback and opinion on that design. The Masterplan will then be developed to respond to the ideas and comments brought forward in this... MoreOpened 30 April 2021 -
Merrion Row Consultation
Background Dublin City Council (DCC) has received a proposal from businesses on Merrion Row, Dublin 2 to pedestrianise Merrion Row, removing all vehicles after a certain time and converting the road space to primarily facilitating outdoor dining, in order to enable hospitality businesses on the street to reopen with outdoor dining whenever the Government public health restrictions allow. DCC are currently assessing this proposal and liaising with the National... MoreOpened 16 April 2021 -
New Finglas Library - Have your say!
Last year Dublin City Council announced the proposed c hange of use and development of a public library at the former Postal Sorting Office, Seamus Ennis Road, Finglas. The former postal sorting office will be converted into a public library with works to include full mechanical and electrical refit, enlargement of existing window on south elevation internal refurbishment providing spaces for reading, studying, exhibitions, library/community events and sanitary... MoreOpened 12 April 2021 -
30km/h Survey
Dublin City Council wish to engage through public consultation with members of the public with regard to the expansion of the 30km/h speed limit in the city. As part of the non-statutory consultation phase we would like to get your feedback by answering some questions about these proposals. The introduction of 30km/h speed limit in all roads of the city will make the city safer for more people to walk and cycle and will also assist in making the city a safer place for everyone ... MoreOpened 9 April 2021 -
Lord Mayor's Youth Awards 2021
Since 1989, the Lord Mayor’s Awards have honoured individuals and groups who have made a special contribution to both Dublin and its citizens. These Awards, usually held annually, are Dublin City’s way of acknowledging and congratulating them for the extraordinary work they do. This year the Lord Mayor’s Awards will take place monthly and the public will be able to submit nominations for the first time. Also, this year the Lord Mayor will be presenting youth... MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
Extinguishment of Public Right of Way over a laneway located at 17-32 Castilla Park, Clontarf, Dublin 3
In accordance with Section 73 (1) of the Roads Act 1993 Dublin City Council hereby gives notice that it is considering the proposal to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over a laneway at 17-32 Castilla Park, Clontarf, Dublin 3. A request to have the public right of way extinguished was submitted to Dublin City Council’s North Central Area Office by a majority of residents who have properties abutting this laneway. The reason why they are requesting the closure of the laneway is... MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
Proposed Additions to the Record of Protected Structures (RPS)
Notice of Proposed Additions To The Record Of Protected Structures In The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Dublin City Council proposes the following additions to the Record of Protected Structures in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, in respect of the following structures; Proposed Additions to the Record of Protected Structures: Former... MoreOpened 31 March 2021 -
Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8 Applicant: Dublin City Council, Housing and Community Services Department, Block 1, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 Location : Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 Proposal : Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby... MoreOpened 16 February 2021 -
Extinguishment of Public Right of Way over a walkway on the Oscar Traynor Development Site
In accordance with Section 73 (1) of the Roads Act 1993 Dublin City Council hereby gives notice that it is considering the proposal to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over a walkway across land known as the Oscar Traynor Development Site. The walkway runs from Coolock Lane to Castletimon Road. Due to the proposed development of the site it is necessary to extinguish the current right of way in order to keep pedestrian traffic safe and away from the construction traffic during the... MoreOpened 8 February 2021 -
Dolphin Park, Senior Citizen Development, Demolition Part 8
Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8 Applicant: Dublin City Council Location: Dolphin Park, Senior Citizen Development, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8. Notice is hereby given of the demolition of the three existing Senior Citizen Blocks containing Units 1-44 located at the Dolphin House complex. The existing hardstanding/parking area and roads and footpaths on the site will be replaced with a pea gravel finish... MoreOpened 8 February 2021 -
Taking in Charge 1-7 Parkview, Kincora Court, Clontarf, Dublin 3
In accordance with the provisions of Section 11 of the Roads Act, 1993 as set out in Subsection 4 and 5 of section 180 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended by Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010, Dublin City Council hereby gives notice of its intention to consider the making of a declaration that the roads and footpaths at 1-7 Parkview, Kincora Court, Clontarf, Dublin 3 be public roads and footpaths. The roads and footpaths are indicated on the... MoreOpened 8 February 2021 -
Glin Court, Glin Crove, Coolock, Dublin 17
Dublin City Council proposes to redevelop the older person's housing scheme at Glin Court, Glin Grove, Coolock, Dublin 17. An integrated design team led by Paul Keogh Architects were appointed to design the new development. The proposed development will replace the existing housing complex with the construction of 32 quality homes for older person's accommodation. As well as delivering modern homes, the new housing development will also provide for a community... MoreOpened 29 January 2021 -
Change of use and development of a public library at the Former Postal Sorting Office, Seamus Ennis Road, Finglas
Notice is hereby given of a change of use and upgrade to the existing building in compliance with current building regulations in terms of universal access, fire escape and accessible WC provision. The former postal sorting office will be converted into a public library with works to include full mechanical and electrical refit, enlargement of existing window on south elevation internal refurbishment providing spaces for reading, studying, exhibitions, library/community events and... MoreOpened 21 January 2021 -
Proposed Additions to the Record of Protected Structures (RPS)
Notice Of Proposed Additions To The Record Of Protected Structures In The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Dublin City Council proposes the following additions to the Record of Protected Structures in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, in respect of the following structures: Proposed Additions to the Record of Protected... MoreOpened 14 January 2021 -
Public Consultation Notices under the COMAH regulations (SI 209 of 2015) – Tedcastle Oil Products Ltd
Tedcastle Oil Products , Promenade Rd, Dublin Port, Dublin 1 Yard 2 An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive and Dublin City Council are each required by the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) to prepare a plan (External Emergency Plan) to deal with effects off-site and to assist, where relevant, with the emergency response on site in... MoreOpened 7 December 2020 -
Public Consultation Notices under the COMAH regulations (SI 209 of 2015) – Tedcastle Oil Products Ltd
Tedcastle Oil Products , Promenade Rd, Dublin Port, Dublin 1 Yard 1 An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive and Dublin City Council are each required by the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) to prepare a plan (External Emergency Plan) to deal with effects off-site and to assist, where relevant, with the emergency response on site in... MoreOpened 7 December 2020 -
Public Consultation Notices under the COMAH regulations (SI 209 of 2015) - NORA
NORA, Shellybanks Rd, Poolbeg, Dublin 4 An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive and Dublin City Council are each required by the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) to prepare a plan (External Emergency Plan) to deal with effects off-site and to assist, where relevant, with the emergency response on site in the event of a major accident at sites designated as ‘Upper-Tier... MoreOpened 7 December 2020 -
Public Consultation Notices under the COMAH regulations (SI 209 of 2015) - NORA
NORA, Shellybanks Rd, Ringsend, Dublin 4 An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive and Dublin City Council are each required by the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) to prepare a plan (External Emergency Plan) to deal with effects off-site and to assist, where relevant, with the emergency response on site in the event of a major accident at sites designated as ‘Upper-Tier... MoreOpened 7 December 2020 -
Strand Road Cycle Trial - Beach Road options
Strand Road Cycle trial – Beach Road Consultation Dublin City Council in conjunction with the NTA are proposing to provide cycle facilities along the Strand Road to offer safe protected cycling for all ages and abilities, where none currently exists. A six month trial of a 2 way separated cycle track along Strand Road is proposed. Dublin City Council carried out a non-statutory public consultation from 21st August 2020 to 14th September 2020 During... MoreOpened 7 December 2020 -
River Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme River Poddle - Consultation on Significant Further Information
In July, South Dublin County Council and Dublin City Council received a Request for Further Information from An Bord Pleanála on the River Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme. Following the provision of a response, the information provided has been deemed by the board as being of Significant Further Information and therefore a further consultation period is required. The significant further information, including a revised Natura Impact Statement, may be inspected free of charge or... MoreOpened 20 November 2020 -
Cromcastle Court and the Old Coal Yard
Dublin City Council have begun the design process for the residential redevelopment of Cromcastle Court and the Old Coal Yard. Metropolitan Workshop are the design team leaders for the project, and have developed a masterplan for the site, and are currently designing the first phase of housing. The team are also in the process of preparing a planning application for Phase One, which will contain approximately 150 homes between the Cromcastle and Old Coal Yard Sites. ... MoreOpened 18 November 2020 -
St. James's Linear Park Masterplan
In July 2018, Ait Urbanism and Landscape Architects were appointed by Dublin City Council Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services to undertake an assessment of St. James’s Linear Park. The park takes its name from neighbouring St. James’s Hospital and encompasses over a kilometre of public open space alongside the ‘Red’ Luas line - beginning at Suir Road Bridge to the west and ending at Basin View to the east. Both Rialto and Fatima Luas stops are located between these two points.... MoreOpened 18 November 2020
395 results.
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