394 results
Ceistneoir Domhnach Míde
Nocht Do Chuid Tuairimí ! Tá do chuid tuairimí á lorg againn ar conas feabhas a chur ar Domhnach Míde. Is mian linn do chuid tuairimí agus moltaí a chloisteáil maidir le conas feabhas a chur ar an gceantar, is cuma má tá tú i do chónaí, ag obair nó ag tabhairt cuairt ar Dhomhnach Míde. Díríonn an suirbhé isteach ar réimse ábhar cosúil le gluaiseacht agus rochtain, úsáid talún, carachtar agus dearadh, forbairt eacnamaíoch, pobal agus cultúr, páirceanna agus... MoreClosed 11 April 2016 -
Donaghmede Questionnaire
Have Your Say! We want your ideas of how to improve Donaghmede Whether you live, work or visit Donaghmede for whatever reason, we want to hear your vision and ideas on how to improve the area. The survey covers a range of topics like movement of people and access, land use character and design, economic development, community and culture, parks and environmental issues. MoreClosed 18 April 2016 -
Draft Tree Strategy Consultation
Trees enhance Dublin City as a place to live, work and visit. Within the City, trees clean the air, provide natural flood defences, mask noise and promote a general sense of well-being. A Draft Tree Strategy has been prepared that sets out a vision for the management of public trees according to a long term plan. It also aims to identify opportunities for new tree planting to ensure a sustainable and balanced urban tree canopy. In addition the Tree Strategy will seek to create a greater... MoreClosed 29 April 2016 -
College Green
Dublin City Council is undertaking a process of Public Consultation regarding proposed Traffic Management Measures at College Green and surrounding streets as set out in the below document. College Green Traffic Management Measures Public Consultation Document College Green presentation 11th April 2016 Representations in relation to the proposals may be made in writing to: The Executive Manager Dublin City Council Environment and Transportation Department... MoreClosed 24 May 2016 -
Public Consultation Notices under the COMAH regulations (SI 209 of 2015) - Barclay Chemicals
Barclay Chemicals, Damastown Way, Damastown Industrial Park, Dublin 15 An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive and Fingal County Council are each required by the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) to prepare a plan (External Emergency Plan) to deal with effects off-site and to assist, where relevant, with the emergency response on site in the event of a major accident at sites designated as... MoreClosed 8 July 2016 -
Public Consultation Notices under the COMAH regulations (SI 209 of 2015) - BOC Gases Ireland
BOC Gases Ireland, John F Kennedy Drive, Bluebell Industrial Estate, Dublin 12 Dublin City Council, An Garda Síochána, and the Health Service Executive are each required by the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) to prepare a plan (External Emergency Plan) to deal with effects off-site and to assist, where relevant, with the emergency response on site in the event of a major accident at sites designated... MoreClosed 8 July 2016 -
Kevin Street Library Refurbishment
Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8 Applicant: Dublin City Council, Public Libraries/ Community, Culture, Economic and Emergency Services Department Location: Kevin Street Library, 18 Lower Kevin Street, Dublin 8 Proposal: Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of an upgrade to the building in compliance with current building regulations in terms of universal access,... MoreClosed 3 August 2016 -
Cáin Mhaoine Áitiúil – Céim an Chomhairliúcháin Phoiblí 2016
Cliceáil anseo chun na Ceisteanna Coitianta agus Buiséad a Glacadh 2016 a léamh. Chun teacht ar an suirbhé, téigh thíos go bun an leathanaigh. De réir alt 20 den Acht Airgeadais (Cáin Mhaoine Áitiúil), 2012, arna leasú le halt 5 den Acht Airgeadais (Cáin Mhaoine Áitiúil), 2013, is féidir le hÚdarás Áitiúil, mar fheidhm fhorchoimeádta, cinneadh a dhéanamh le bunráta na Cánach Maoine Áitiúla a athrú +/-15% laistigh dá limistéar feidhme. Is féidir le... MoreClosed 15 August 2016 -
Local Property Tax – Public Consultation Phase 2016
To read the FAQ, please click here and the adopted budget book here . Please, scroll down to start the survey. Please, click here for the Irish version Under section 20 of the Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012, as amended by section 5 of the Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2013, a Local Authority may as a reserved function resolve to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax within its functional area by a maximum of +/-15%. This power is available to Local Authorities... MoreClosed 15 August 2016 -
Survey on proposed Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2016
Dublin City Council is undertaking a review of speed limits within our administrative area and wish to engage through consultation with members of the public, with particular regard to the extension of the 30km/hr speed limit into further residential areas of our city. The review of current speed limits is being undertaken in accordance with the publication of the ‘Guidelines for Setting & Managing Speed Limits in Ireland’ (March 2015) published by the Department of Transport Tourism &... MoreClosed 24 August 2016 -
Public Consultation on proposed Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2016 - Submission
Dublin City Council is undertaking a review of speed limits within our administrative area and wish to engage through consultation with members of the public, with particular regard to the extension of the 30km/hr speed limit into further residential areas of our city. The review of current speed limits is being undertaken in accordance with the publication of the ‘Guidelines for Setting & Managing Speed Limits in Ireland’ (March 2015) published by the Department of Transport Tourism &... MoreClosed 24 August 2016 -
Non-Statutory Public Consultation Process: A Draft Strategy Towards Climate Change Action Plans
The Dublin local authorities want your views on A Draft Strategy Towards Climate Change Action Plans for the Dublin Local Authorities The four Dublin local authorities (DLAs) – Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council – acknowledge that climate change is an immediate challenge and that they have a responsibility in helping to address national climate change targets. The draft strategy document therefore sets out... MoreClosed 17 October 2016 -
Consultation on the Draft Public Realm Masterplan for the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Planning Scheme 2014 (A)
Comments and observations are now invited on the draft Public Realm Masterplan for the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme 2014. The publication of the Masterplan for the Docklands SDZ is designed to accompany and support the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Planning Scheme which was published in 2014. The Masterplan will guide the design of urban spaces and streets to be socially inclusive and universally accessible. It will encourage pedestrian movement and... MoreClosed 1 November 2016 -
Luas Cross City Special Development Contributions Scheme
Luas Cross City - St. Stephens Green to Broombridge Line is a 6km line extension of the Luas system to the north of the city centre, providing an interchange between the existing Red and Green Luas lines. The provision of this line will be a significant step in the creation of an integrated public transport system for Dublin, providing an effective link between the main city centre shopping districts at Henry Street and Grafton Street, linking the central city business precincts and providing... MoreClosed 20 February 2017 -
Dublin City Parks Strategy
Dublin City Parks and Landscape Services are preparing a City Park Strategy and comments and suggestions on the consultation draft document are now invited. The strategy reviews and assesses the resources and services provided by Parks and Landscape Services and formulates policy and intended actions for them into the future. Following public consultation a revised draft will be put for adoption to the City Council. Dublin City Parks_Strategy.PDF MoreClosed 28 February 2017 -
Ringsend Irishtown Local Environment Improvement Plan (LEIP)
On 6th November 2014 a meeting, called by Cllr Dermot Lacey, was held in Ringsend Library to raise the concerns of local residents and traders about the library plaza area. Arising from this a motion from Cllr. Flynn was agreed at the South East Area Committee (SEAC) on 8th December 2014 to redesign the Library precinct and environs a brief was drawn up and provided to the SEAC in November 2015. After a tender competition in early 2016, Mitchell and Associates were... MoreClosed 28 February 2017 -
Proposed Clontarf to City Centre Cycle Route. Clontarf Road/ Alfie Byrne Road, Dublin 3 to Amiens Street/Talbot Street, Dublin 1.
Proposed Clontarf to City Centre Cycle Route. Clontarf Road/Alfie Byrne Road, Dublin 3 to Amiens Street/Talbot Street, Dublin 1. Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed construction by Dublin City Council of the above scheme, The proposed works shall comprise of the construction of circa 2.5km of high quality cycle facilities, improved footpaths and landscaping from Clontarf Road / Alfie Byrne Road, via Clontarf Road, Marino Mart, Fairview,... MoreClosed 9 March 2017 -
Traffic Management changes North and South Quays
Non-Statutory Public Consultation Dublin City Council invite feedback on proposed traffic management changes on the North and South Quays. The commencement of passenger services on the Luas Cross City link to Broombridge in December 2017 will have a major impact on street and junction capacity of Dublin City and it will require significant changes to the traffic network to protect the substantial investment in Luas LCC and to ensure that the commencement of passenger services in... MoreClosed 10 April 2017 -
Ballymun Local Area Plan
A draft Local Area Plan (LAP) has been prepared by Dublin City Council for Ballymun. The implementation of the LAP will help safeguard the significant investment made in the area to date and ensure that the regeneration is brought to a successful conclusion. The LAP will review the progress made in implementing the aims and objectives of the Ballymun Masterplan and provide an updated strategy for the future development and management of the area to meet the needs of the existing and future... MoreClosed 17 May 2017 -
Dodder Flood Alleviation Works- Planning Amendment to the previously approved Planning Application 2504/13 at Donnybrook RFC
Dublin City Council is currently engaged in River Dodder Flood Alleviation Works, Phases 2c/2d/2e under a Part 8 planning permission issued in 2013. Part of this project includes works to the western bank of the river Dodder between Herbert Park and Anglesea Bridge (Donnybrook). Separately, Dublin City Council with the support of the National Transport Authority (NTA) has been developing proposals for a high quality walking and cycling route along the river Dodder. The Dodder Greenway... MoreClosed 20 June 2017 -
Francis Street Environmental Improvement Scheme
Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposal to undertake a public realm improvement plan for Francis Street, Hanover Lane and Dean Street, Dublin 8. The proposal comprises improvements to the public realm along the full length of Francis Street, Hanover Lane and part of Dean Street to include kerb buildouts along with footway repaving, raised junction plateaus, kerb buildouts to formalise parallel parking and loading bays, landscaping, bicycle stands,... MoreClosed 28 June 2017 -
Lands at Kildonan Road, Finglas West Site Masterplan Study
A draft masterplan has been prepared by Brady Shipman Martin on behalf of Dublin City Council. The masterplan covers three options for the 6.1 hectares site at Kildonan Road, Finglas West currently the location of the Abigail Women’s Centre. Vision for the Kildonan Lands - ‘Connected Communities’ The key objectives for the draft masterplan is to positively integrate the lands with the existing communities and to ensure the development includes a mixed type and tenure of... MoreClosed 30 June 2017 -
Athraithe Ábhartha ar Dhréachtscéim Pleanála CFS an Phoill Bhig Thiar
Trí aighneacht a dhéanamh is féidir leat do chuid tuairimí faoi na hAthruithe Ábhartha molta do Dhréachtscéim Pleanála CFS an Phoill Bhig Thiar a chur in iúl. Déantar aighneachtaí ionas gur féidir leat féin, nó le do ghrúpa ról a ghlacadh i ndéanamh an Scéim Pleanála. Chun cabhrú leat, tugtar Uimhir Thagartha d’Athrú Ábhartha ar an Dréachtscéim agus is féidir leat aighneacht a sheoladh isteach faoin leasú ábhartha. Is féidir grianghraif nó doiciméid eile... MoreClosed 12 July 2017 -
Cherry Orchard Action Plan Public Consultation
Dublin City Council intends to prepare an action plan for Cherry Orchard, Dublin 10. The action plan will enable Dublin City Council to set in motion the delivery of a Village Centre, which has long been overdue in the area. It will also enable the Council to gain support and agreement from other statutory and private sector interests to shape, fund and support community development, employment, education and lifelong learning. The Action Plan is non-statutory. It seeks to... MoreClosed 24 July 2017 -
Variation No. 3 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 - 2022: Amendment of wording re Student Accommodation
It is proposed to amend the wording of Section 16.10.7 Guidelines for Student Accommodation of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022. The purpose of this Proposed Draft Variation is to provide clarity and improved information on the existing and proposed number of students living in the area of the proposed development. MoreClosed 26 July 2017 -
Variation No. 4 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 - 2022: Rezoning of lands at the former Harold's Cross Stadium, Dublin 6
The purpose of the Variation is: Taking into consideration the unused nature of the site at present, the proximity of the land to an established residential area and the projected requirements for significant additional school provision over the coming years by the Department of Education and Skills, the proposed rezoning from Z9 and Z1 to Z15 will facilitate a more appropriate use for this land and allow any future suitable development to utilise a prominent underutilised site and will... MoreClosed 8 August 2017 -
Draft Dublin City Council Control of Stationless On-Street Bicycle Hire Bye Laws 2017
Dublin City Council proposes to introduce Bye-Laws under Section 199 of the Local Government Act 2001 to manage and control the operation of Stationless Bicycle Hire Operations in the City. The Council has now drawn up Draft Bye-Laws to regulate such operations in Dublin City. The Draft Bye-Laws cover the issuing of Operators’ licences, and provide for a permit fee for each individual bicycle, in addition to specifying certain minimum standards for operators and bicycles, together with... MoreClosed 24 August 2017 -
Draft Ballymun Local Area Plan
Material Alterations to Draft Ballymun Local Area Plan 2017 Public Consultation Notice is hereby given that the Members of Dublin City Council, having considered the Draft Local Area Plan for Ballymun 2017 and the Chief Executive’s Report (Nos. 199/2017 and 254/2017) at a Special Meeting of the City Council held on the 11th July 2017 thereon in accordance with Sections 18-20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) have resolved that the Draft Ballymun Local Area Plan be... MoreClosed 28 August 2017 -
Temple Bar Square
Temple Bar Square Refurbishment Plan - Part 8 Temple Bar Square was delivered as part of a regeneration of the area in 1996 over 30 years ago. The space is highly valued in the area and forms one of the few public spaces in this dense urban setting. It is now proposed to implement a public realm refurbishment project comprising upgrade of the square and adjacent streets, Crown Alley to the east and Temple Bar to the north and Fownes Street to the west.. The re-imagined Square... MoreClosed 30 August 2017 -
Local Property Tax – Public Consultation Phase Budget 2018
To read the FAQ, please click here and the adopted 2017 budget book here . Please, scroll down to start the survey. Please, click here for the Irish version Under section 20 of the Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012, as amended by section 5 of the Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2013, a Local Authority may as a reserved function resolve to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax within its functional area by a maximum of +/-15%. This power is available to Local... MoreClosed 30 August 2017
394 results.
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