Variation No. 4 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 - 2022: Rezoning of lands at the former Harold's Cross Stadium, Dublin 6

Closed 8 Aug 2017

Opened 11 Jul 2017


The purpose of the Variation is:

Taking into consideration the unused nature of the site at present, the proximity of the land to an established residential area and the projected requirements for significant additional school provision over the coming years by the Department of Education and Skills, the proposed rezoning from Z9 and Z1 to Z15 will facilitate a more appropriate use for this land and allow any future suitable development to utilise a prominent underutilised site and will form a community hub in the Harold’s Cross Area.

Why your views matter

A report from the Chief Executive on all submissions received, together with recommedations will be presented to Elected Members for consideration and decision.  If the variation is agreed, the site in question will be considered as being rezoned. 


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