Dublin City Council Strategic Policy Scheme 2024-2029

Closed 9 Aug 2024

Opened 10 Jul 2024


Dublin City Council has produced the Draft Dublin City Council Strategic Policy Scheme 2024-2029.

The statutory basis for Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) is set out in Section 48 of the Local Government Act 2001, as amended by Section 41 of the 2014 Act.

SPCs are intended to be Strategic in nature.  The Council is, and remains the decision making authority and the final decision on strategic issues rests with the full Council.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s Guidelines advise that SPCs should:

  • assist the Council in the formulation, development, monitoring and review of policy and strategy.
  • reflect the major functions or services of a local authority within the broader context.
  • take account of the Council’s overall corporate policy and objectives, integrate with statutory plans and link realistically to financial resources.
  • be tailored to the size, membership and administrative resources of a local authority but generally be four in number.
  • have one third of their membership drawn from sectors relevant to the Committees’ work.  At least one of those members on each committee should be drawn from the Public Participation Network Membership.
  • Meet twice yearly at a minimum.  SPCs in Dublin City Council have traditionally met four to six times a year.
  • The Corporate Policy Group (CPG) should decide on the work programmes of the SPCs and recommend issues to be considered by SPCs.  All subgroups of SPCs should be sanctioned by the CPG to ensure clarity on brief, reporting and to avoid overlap between Committees.

Dublin City Council’s SPC Scheme 2019-2024 provided for 7 SPCs and I am proposing a similar structure for 2024-2029 as follows:

  1. Community, As Gaeilge, Sport & Culture SPC  (21 members: 14 Councillors, 7 Sectoral Members)
  1. Climate Action & Urban Resilience SPC (15 members: 10 Councillors, 5 Sectoral Members)
  1. Economic Development & Enterprise SPC (15 Members: 10 Councillors, 5 Sectoral Members)
  1. Finance SPC – (18 Members: 12 Councillors,  6 Sectoral Members)
  1. Housing SPC  (24 Members:  16 Councillors, 8 Sectoral Members)
  1. Mobility and Public Realm SPC (18 Members:  12 Councillors,   6 Sectoral Members)
  1. Planning & Urban Regeneration SPC (15 Members:   10 Councillors,    5 Sectoral Members)

External Membership:

Invitations will be given to the following sectors to be represented on the SPCs

  • Development/Construction
  • Business/Commercial
  • Trade Union
  • Community/Voluntary                (Public Participation Network Pillar)
  • Social Inclusion Pillar                (Public Participation Network)                   
  • Environmental/Conservation     (Public Participation Network Pillar)

The Draft Dublin City Council Strategic Policy Scheme 2024-2029 may be downloaded below.

Strategic Policy Committees

The statutory basis for Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) is set out in Section 48 of the Local Government Act 2001, as amended by Section 41 of the 2014 Act.

SPCs are intended to be Strategic in nature.  The Council is, and remains the decision making authority and the final decision on strategic issues rests with the full Council.

Please submit all observations on the scheme by Friday August 9th 2024.

To complete the survey in Irish click here


  • All Areas


  • Stakeholders
  • Prescribed Bodies
  • Service Providers / Utilities
  • Voluntary Organisations/ NGO
  • Business Associations and Organisations
  • Environmental Organisations
  • National Representative Bodies
  • Elected Officials
  • Residents Groups
  • Staff
  • All citizens
  • Older people
  • Gach Saoránach


  • Traffic Planning and Movement
  • Public Transport
  • Pedestrian Movement
  • Cycling
  • Wayfinding
  • Roads Design
  • Roads Maintenance
  • Road Licences
  • Road Closures
  • Taxi Ranks
  • Planning
  • Urban Design
  • City Development Plan
  • Forward Planning
  • Local Area Plans
  • Public Realm
  • Economic Development
  • Property Development
  • Strategic Development Zones
  • Conservation
  • Heritage
  • Parks, Greening and Biodiversity
  • Open and Civic Space
  • Sports and Leisure
  • Events
  • Tourism
  • Casual Trading
  • Control of Dogs and Horses
  • Community Engagement
  • Community Facilities
  • Childrens Services
  • Older Persons Services
  • Arts and Culture
  • Street Performance/ Busking
  • Homeless Services
  • Traveller Accommodation
  • Housing Management
  • Regeneration Projects
  • Environmental Health
  • Water and Drainage
  • Waste Management
  • Climate Change
  • Environmental Issues
  • Local Property Tax
  • An Cháin Mhaoine Áitiúil
  • All Interests
  • All Services
  • Gach Seirbhís
  • Uile
  • Fire Services
  • Training
  • Human Resources