Draft Dublin City Council Parking Control Bye-Laws 2019
A Briefing Note on the proposed Bye-Laws together with a copy of the draft Bye-Laws and the current Bye-Laws (Dublin City Council Parking Control Bye-Laws 2014) may be inspected during normal office hours over the period from Monday 11th February to Friday 22nd March 2019 inclusive at Roads & Traffic Department, Block 2, Floor 6, Civic Offices, Fishamble Street, Dublin 8. Copies of the Briefing Note, the draft Bye-Laws and the current Bye-Laws are available to download below or free of charge from this office at the above address, tel. (01) 222 6291.
Dublin City Council will consider submissions made by any person in relation to the draft Bye-Laws. Submissions must be made in writing to
Mr. Dermot Stevenson,
Parking Enforcement Officer,
Environment and Transportation Department,
Block 2, Floor 6,
Civic Offices,
Fishamble Street,
Dublin 8.
or Online Below
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