Extinguishment of Public Right of Way over Road and Footpath at Millwood Court, Tonlegee Road, Dublin 5

Closed 25 Jul 2023

Opened 13 Jun 2023


In accordance with Section 73 (1) of the Roads Act 1993 Dublin City Council hereby gives notice that it is considering the proposal to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over Road and Footpath at Millwood Court, Tonlegee Road, Dublin 5.

A request to have the public right of way extinguished was submitted to Dublin City Council's North Central Area Office by Dublin City Council’s Property Disposals Section. The reason for requesting the closure is to allow for the redevelopment of this site.

The right of way to be extinguished can be viewed on drawing SM-2023-0104 (copy attached).

Why your views matter

In accordance with section 73 (1) of the Roads Act 1993 we are obliged to display the drawing for a period of no less than 1 month and must accept representations and objections from the public in writing for a further 2 weeks. The drawing will be available to view here on the consultation hub from 13th June 2023 and submissions will be accepted through the hub from this date until midnight on25th July 2023. 

It should be noted that persons making such representations or objections, may make a request, in writing to state their case at an oral hearing conducted by a person appointed by the Local Authority for that purpose. 

The closing date for recepit of postal submissions is Tuesday 25th July 2023.

Dublin City Council will consider any objections or representations received and will bring a full report to the North Central Area Committee and City Council for their consideration and decision. 

Please note: Extinguishing a Public Right of Way is a reserved function of Dublin City Council. 


  • Dublin 5


  • Stakeholders
  • Elected Officials
  • Residents Groups
  • All citizens


  • Planning
  • Regeneration Projects