Extinguishment of the public right of way over the laneway at St. Laurence Place East, Sheriff St Lower, Dublin 1

Closed 21 Jun 2023

Opened 3 May 2023


In accordance with Section 73 (1) of the Roads Act 1993 Dublin City Council hereby gives notice that it is considering the proposal to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over a laneway at St. Laurence Place East, Sheriff Street Lower, Dublin 1.

A request to have the public right of way extinguished over the laneway at St. Laurence Place East, Sheriff Street Lower, Dublin 1 has been made. The reason for this extinguishment is to dispose of the land, by way of Licence Agreement from DCC to St. Laurence O'Toole School in order that they can expand their existing playground space to cater for their increased student numbers. The extent of this proposed extinguishment is shown outlined in red on the attached map, SM-2022-0429.


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