Parnell Square East Contraflow

Closed 30 Sep 2020

Opened 17 Sep 2020


Update - 29th October 2020

Planned resurfacing works have begun on North Frederick Street and Parnell Square East. Once the resurfacing works are completed we intend on installing new road markings that will allow for the installation of the contra-flow linking O’Connell Street to Dorset Street via North Frederick Street. However we have still to complete civil works to allow cyclists safely pass from O’Connell Street onto Parnell Square East and again from Parnell Square East onto North Frederick Street. Until these are completed we only intend allowing access to the new cycle lanes on North Frederick Street. We also have to make changes to the junction of North Frederick Street and Dorset Street and in the interim period the current arrangements will remain with all vehicles including cyclists having to turn left from North Frederick Street onto Dorset Street. It is intended that in the coming months all civils will be completed to allow the contra-flow to be fully operational.

A summary of the feedback received since the original proposals were published last month and our responses have been attached below.


Dublin City Council in conjunction with the National Transport Authority are proposing to introduce a new cycling link that will provide a direct route for cyclists on O’Connell Street wishing to access Dorset Street. The works will involve introducing a contraflow cycle lane on Cavendish Row/Parnell Square East and improving the cycling facilities on North Frederick Street for both northbound and southbound cyclists.

The main elements of the propose work include:

  • Re-allocating a section of the carriageway at the northern end of O’Connell Street to allow for the introduction of a protected cycle lane and stacking area for northbound cyclists
  • Introduction of dedicated cycle signals to allow cyclists access the contraflow on Cavendish Row
  • Introduction of a 2m wide protected cycle lane on the west side of Cavendish Row/Parnell Square East which in turn requires the (1) Removal of on-street parking on the western side of Parnell Square East (2) Re-location of two disabled parking bays on Cavendish Row to a new location on Parnell Square North (3) Re-location of the Taxi Rank on the western side of Cavendish Row to the east side of Parnell Square East.
  • Installation of new dedicated cycle signals to allow northbound cyclists access Frederick Street North
  • Introduction of a new northbound advisory cycle lane on Frederick Street North between Gardiner Row and Frederick Lane North
  • Introduction of a south bound protected cycle lane between Dorset Street and Gardiner Row
  • Provision of new signals to allow cyclists turn right at the junction of Frederick Street North onto Dorset Street

Subject to the successful introduction of this link it is proposed to examine the possibility of extending the link with the introduction of a contraflow on Blessington Street.

Dublin City Council is requesting feedback on any specific concerns regarding these proposals or suggestions on how they can be improved.

Please see the design documents at the end of this page for the design documents.

To give your feedback on this proposal please complete the online form, or send your feedback in writing to: Covid Mobility Team, Parnell Square East contraflow consultation, Block 2, Floor 7, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Ireland, D08 RF3F.

We are interested to hear:

- any specific concerns you have in relation to this proposal

- any suggestions you have for improvement to this proposal

- any complementary measures that you feel should be introduced in tandem with this proposal


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Traffic Planning and Movement
  • Cycling
  • Wayfinding
  • Roads Design