Finglas Area Roundabouts Upgrade

Closed 9 Oct 2020

Opened 14 Sep 2020


Finglas Area Roundabouts Upgrade – Non-Statutory Public Consultation


Dublin City Council Environment and Transportation Department proposes the upgrade of the St. Margaret’s Road/McKee Avenue and Jamestown Road/Melville Road Roundabouts to improve facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and vulnerable road users through the installation of traffic signals, as well as improve traffic flow in the area.

These works are designed to complement the Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035 and the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022.

The Project Objectives are to:

  • Maximise priority for cyclists and pedestrians;
  • Improve safety and accessibility for all road user;
  • Reductions in high traffic speeds;
  • Addressing lack of facilities for the mobility impaired;
  • Cater for the walking and cycling mode in Finglas; and
  • Provide a linkage to the orbital cycle routes. 

Proposed Scheme - St. Margaret’s Road Roundabout

The proposed works will include the complete redesign of the roundabout with provision of a new “protected” signal-controlled junction, which provides physical kerb build-outs to protect cyclists through the junction. The signal-controlled junction also provides improved facilities for pedestrians and vulnerable road users, with the provision of signalised crossings for pedestrians on all junction arms. Associated works include the realignment and upgrade of existing footpaths and repaving sections of the existing road surface, where necessary; and associated ancillary services including but not limited to public lighting, drainage, etc. The signal staging and design seeks to protect existing traffic flow capacity from the R135 exit in order not to impact on traffic flow in the area.


It is proposed to replace the roundabout junction and provide the following:

  1. A four-arm signal-controlled crossroads junction;
  2. Controlled pedestrian crossings on four arms of the junction in line with pedestrian desire lines;
  3. A three-stage cycle signal with a dedicated “all-red” pedestrian stage;
  4. Provisions for disabled pedestrians such as audible and tactile devices;
  5. Cycle lanes on the four approach arms with “protection” kerbs;
  6. High friction surfacing on the immediate approaches to the signals due to the high approach speeds;
  7. Services works including provision of traffic signal services, provision of ESB (electricity) services, protection and diversion of services and the provision of road drainage infrastructure (provision of gullies and gully connections and gully relocations);
  8. New road markings and signage; and
  9. New lighting if required.

Jamestown Road Roundabout

The proposed works will include the complete redesign of the roundabout with provision of a new “protected” signal-controlled junction, which provides physical kerb build-outs to protect cyclists through the junction. The signal-controlled junction also provides improved facilities for pedestrians and vulnerable road users, with the provision of signalised crossings for pedestrians on all junction arms. Associated works include the realignment and upgrade of existing footpaths and repaving sections of the existing road surface, where necessary; and associated ancillary services including but not limited to public lighting, drainage, etc. The signal staging and design seeks to protect existing traffic flow capacity in order not to impact on traffic flow in the area.

The following features will be included in the design:

  1. A four-arm signal-controlled crossroads junction;
  2. Controlled pedestrian crossings on all four arms of the junction in line with pedestrian desire lines;
  3. A five-stage cycle signal with a dedicated “all-red” pedestrian stage;
  4. Provisions for disabled pedestrians such as audible and tactile devices;
  5. Cycle lanes on the four approach arms on the road network;
  6. High friction surfacing on the immediate approaches to the signals due to the high approach speeds;
  7. Services works including provision of traffic signal services, provision of ESB (electricity) services, protection and diversion of services and the provision of road drainage infrastructure (provision of gullies and gully connections and gully relocations);
  8. New road markings and signage; and
  9. New lighting if required.

Submissions and Observations

The proposed plans will be available for inspection from Monday 14Th September to Friday 9th  October 2020 at:

  • Finglas Library, Jamestown Road , Dublin 11. Opening Hours : 1000hrs to 1600hrs

The proposals can also be viewed below

Please inspect these proposals and let us know your views.  Representations in relation to these proposals may be made in writing to:

The Executive Manager,

Environment & Transportation Department,

Block 2 Floor 6, Civic Offices,

Wood Quay,

Dublin 8.

Or by email to


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  • Prescribed Bodies
  • Service Providers / Utilities
  • Voluntary Organisations/ NGO
  • Business Associations and Organisations
  • Environmental Organisations
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  • All citizens
  • Older people
  • Gach SaorĂ¡nach


  • Traffic Planning and Movement