Draft Dublin City Council Control of Stationless On-Street Bicycle Hire Bye Laws 2017
Dublin City Council proposes to introduce Bye-Laws under Section 199 of the Local Government Act 2001 to manage and control the operation of Stationless Bicycle Hire Operations in the City. The Council has now drawn up Draft Bye-Laws to regulate such operations in Dublin City.
The Draft Bye-Laws cover the issuing of Operators’ licences, and provide for a permit fee for each individual bicycle, in addition to specifying certain minimum standards for operators and bicycles, together with the ability for the Council to specify deployment locations and locations where bicycles can or cannot park.
The City Council meeting of the 3rd July approved the initiation of a public consultation process. A copy of the Briefing Note on the proposed Bye-Laws together with a copy of the draft Bye-Laws may be viewed her or inspected during normal office hours over the period Wednesday 12th July to Thursday 10th August 2017 inclusive at the offices of the Environment & Transportation Department, Floor 6, Block 2, Civic Offices, Fishamble Street, Dublin 8. Copies of the Briefing Note, and the draft Bye-Laws are available free of charge from this office, telephone (01) 222 2232 or below.
Dublin City Council will consider submissions made by any person in relation to the draft Bye-Laws. Submissions must be made in writing to Mr. Vincent Norton, Executive Manager, Environment & Transportation Department at the above address or electronically at www.consultation.dublincity.ie before 4.30pm on Thursday 24th August 2017. Submissions received will not be individually acknowledged.
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- Traffic Planning and Movement
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- Roads Maintenance
- Road Licences
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