Draft Dublin City Council Litter Management Plan 2020 - 2022
The Draft Replacement Plan is available for inspection online at below and also at the following locations:
- Customer Services Centre, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
- All Public Libraries in the Dublin City Council area.
- Dublin City Council Area Offices.
A copy of the plan may also be obtained free of charge at the above locations.
- Submissions can be emailed to littermanagementplan@dublincity.ie before 5pm on Monday 06th April 2020
- Written submissions can be posted to:
Executive Manager
Dublin City Council
Waste Management Services
Environment and Transportation Department,
68/70 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8
- Oral submissions will be facilitated at Waste Management Services, Dublin City Council, Ground Floor, 68 – 70 Marrowbone Lane, D8 on Monday 30th March and Thursday 02nd April 2020 between the hours of 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm
All submissions should be clearly marked “Draft Replacement Litter Management Plan 2020 - 2022” and be received before 5pm on Monday 06th April 2020
All submissions will be considered by the City Council before the final adoption of the Replacement Litter Management Plan.
- All Areas
- Stakeholders
- Prescribed Bodies
- Service Providers / Utilities
- Voluntary Organisations/ NGO
- Business Associations and Organisations
- Environmental Organisations
- National Representative Bodies
- Elected Officials
- Residents Groups
- Staff
- All citizens
- Older people
- Gach SaorĂ¡nach
- Traffic Planning and Movement
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