Casual Trading Bye-Laws Review

Closed 12 Jun 2018

Opened 28 May 2018


Dublin City Council is currently reviewing the Casual Trading Bye-Laws (Control and Designation) 2013 and the Casual Trading Bye-Laws (Fees) 2013 which were made pursuant to Section 6 of the Casual Trading Act 1995, to regulate, supervise and administer casual trading in its functional area.

The Draft Bye-Laws may be inspected on the website or at the offces of Dublin City Council, Environment and Transportation Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offces, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, (between the hours of 09.00hrs and 17.00hrs Monday to Friday excluding bank holiday Monday 4th June 2018 )  for a period from 28th May 2018 to 28th June 2018.

Dublin City Council will consider any submissions in relation to the draft  review of the Bye-Laws which are submitted in writing to the Casual  trading Unit, Dublin City Council, Environment and Transportation Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offces, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, by email to or on line at  on or before the 12th July 2018.

All submissions previously received as part of the current review will be considered and do not need to be re-sent.


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