Air Quality Plan to improve levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ambient air

Closed 15 Nov 2021

Opened 18 Oct 2021


What We Are Doing

The four Dublin Local Authorities (Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council) are preparing an Air Quality Plan to improve levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ambient air in Dublin. A copy of which is available below.

Why We Are Doing It

In 2019 there was an exceedance of the annual limit value for nitrogen dioxide at one of the air quality monitoring stations – St. Johns Road West.  All other pollutants measured were within EU limit values. When an exceedance is found, there is a formal process to inform the European Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They then issued a formal notification to the local authorities concerned to prepare the plan.  

Why your views matter

Going forward, this plan will seek to lower the NO2 levels across Dublin through various measures.  This consultation is your chance to help the Local Authorities ensure that these measures meet your requirements in this regard.  Essentially, we want you, to help us, to help you, to help us.

What happens next

Following this period of Public Consultation the results will be analysed and any suggestions/recommendations and ideas will be examined with a view to updating the Plan.


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