Cabbage Patch Park Consultation
Results updated 30 Apr 2019
- CABBAGE GARDEN PUBLIC CONSULTATION - Report (1).pdf, 1.9 MB (PDF document)
Dublin City Council In association with local community groups and residents, local elected reps,
An Gardai Siochana, The Iveagh Trust, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Iveagh Celtic Football Club and YMCA are working on new projects, improvements and community development plans for the Cabbage Patch Park and surrounding areas and streets.
This is an invitation to all who are interested to come to contribute online your hopes, wishes, ideas on how to make the area a place you love to live in, work in and rear a family in. There are serious issues and existing challenges which our community need to address together. We wish to look forward to redeveloping and improving this historic public amenity through a two – five year plan to support the people who live locally.
- Dublin 8
- Anyone from any background
- All Interests
- All Services
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