
Dublin City Council is looking to facilitate the development of 24 ha of lands at 1. Belmayne and 2. Belcamp Lane, with the delivery of a new Town Centre and residential area focused on the Malahide Road junction (R139 / R107) in Dublin 13/17. This new town centre is to be developed with a strong urban form to reflect its key location and based around high frequency and high quality access to public transport.

The development framework and objectives for these land are set out in the Clongriffin - Belmayne Local Area Plan 2012 (the life of the plan was extended for a further 5 years in 2017). That Local Area Plan seeks the preparation of an integrated Masterplan for the lands.

Development of the Masterplan lands is to supplement and underpin the growth of the new housing areas at Belmayne and Clongriffin in Dublin 13. The development of the wider area, known as Clongriffin – Belmayne (North Fringe), has been on-going since 2000 and the areas’ strategic importance for providing housing for the City is reflected in Regional and National planning policy.

The development of 24 ha of mostly Council owned lands at Belmayne and Belcamp is an opportunity to create a focus for the Malahide Road junction and a hub for public transport and civic / cultural / community activity in the Belmayne / Belcamp area. It will complement and reinforce the existing District Centre at this junction at Clarehall Shopping Centre and Northern Cross. New health and other State and community facilities as well as a programme of investment in schools and public transport will underpin this new Town Centre Quarter as well as providing much needed housing.

The development of the lands will provide an opportunity for: placemaking by providing a strong legible urban form; completing key linkages to integrate this area fully into the urban fabric of the City; completion of an attractive Town Centre with a range of key local services; and creating new public parks and spaces.

A Introduction

A1 Context and Background

A1.1 The Masterplan

Dublin City Council has prepared this Masterplan to guide the development of c. 24 ha of lands at Belmayne and Belcamp Lane in order to secure the delivery of a new Town Centre and residential area focused on the Malahide Road junction (R139 / R107) in Dublin 13/17.

This new town centre will be based around high quality access to high frequency public transport infrastructure and will be developed to a strong urban form to reflect its

key role as a key new centre for the City.

A1.2 Location

The lands lie approximately 9km to the north east of Dublin City Centre adjacent the City Council’s boundary with Fingal County Council (see Figure A1.1 Location Plan). The lands lie between Dublin Airport and the M1/ M50 to the northwest / west and the coast in the east; more locally the lands lie near Clongriffin Railway Station and Baldoyle (east) and Darndale (west).

The Masterplan lands are located at the Clarehall / Northern Cross Junction (R107/R139) along the Malahide Road. The lands comprise two distinct flat mostly undeveloped Greenfield land parcels (see Figure A1.2 Context Plan) surrounded by urban development. The Belmayne land parcel (c.15ha) is located to the north east of the Malahide Road Junction. A residential development is currently under construction on the northern part of these lands. There is also an allotment site on these lands. The Belcamp Lane landbank (c.9ha) lies to the south west of the junction (see Figure A1.2 Context Plan). There are one-off houses and Travellers Halting sites on these lands and the access road to Newtown Court, a residential development located to the north, traverses the lands.

The Masterplan lands benefit from access to a high frequency bus service connecting the city centre to Clongriffin Railway Station (DART and Dublin/Belfast Rail Corridor), via the Malahide Road / Grange Road.

A1.3 Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022

The Dublin City Development Plan sets the city level planning policy context for the Masterplan lands. These lands form part of a wider development area located at the north fringe of the city called Clongriffin - Belmayne. The land use zoning objective, designations and a ‘Specific Objective’ pertaining to the Masterplan lands are referenced below and elaborated more fully in Appendix A - Planning Policy Context.


The lands at Clongriffin – Belmayne (including the Masterplan lands) are primarily subject to land use zoning objective Z14:

Land-Use Zoning Objective Z14: To seek the social, economic and physical development and/or rejuvenation of an area with mixed use, of which residential and ‘Z6’ would be the predominant uses.

The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 identifies Clongriffin-Belmayne (and the Masterplan lands) as a Strategic Development and Regeneration Area (SDRA1 North Fringe Clongriffin-Belmayne).

The Development Plan designates lands around the Malahide Road Junction (R107/139) as a Key District Centre. The Masterplan lands form part of the Key District Centre.

A ‘Specific Objective’ for Road Schemes and Bridges (Malahide Road / R107 including North Fringe Improvements and ‘Main Street’) also pertain to the masterplan lands.

View the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022

A1.4 Clongriffin – Belmayne Local Area Plan (LAP) 2012

A Local Area Plan (LAP) was made for Clongriffin – Belmayne in 2012 and the life of that Plan was extended in 2017 for a further 5 years on the basis its objectives have not been fully realised and that it is consistent with the Dublin City Development Plan 2016. The Clongriffin Belmayne LAP 2012, identifies lands at Belmayne and Belcamp Lane as ‘Key Sites’ - critical to the delivery of the overall place making of Clongriffin-Belmayne through the creation of a mixed use urban district centred on high quality transport. Section 8.0 of the LAP, ‘Key Sites Development Strategy’, sets out a development framework(s) for the lands and seeks the preparation of a Master plan for the lands.

The LAP sets out 12 no. Key Masterplan Objectives, and these are shown in Box 1. These detail the urban development elements to be addressed as part of the Master planning exercise for the lands. Further detail on the Clongriffin – Belmayne Local Area Plan and the Section 8.0 ‘Key Sites Development Strategy’ are set out in Section A2 below.

A1.5 Clongriffin – Belmayne Economic & Retail Study 2018

To inform the preparation of the Masterplan (specifically the quantum and mix of commercial uses that could be provided in the new Town Centre), the ‘Economic and Retail Study, 2018 – Belmayne & Clongriffin [PDF, 4.9 Mbs]’ was prepared by AECOM Ltd (Braniff Associates). This study provides an independent, evidence-based assessment of the retail and economic potential for the new Town Centre having regard to relevant planning policy, the extent and nature of existing services, vacancy and likely market demand. The Report identifies how much economic and retail floorspace can be developed and where this should be located. The study recommendations have been incorporated into the Masterplan.

A1.6 Development Permitted To-Date

In accordance with the LAP’s Phasing and Implementation Strategy, the following development has been granted permission/approved on these lands since 2012.

A proposal for a critical piece of road infrastructure – Main Street – has been approved by Dublin City Council under the Part 8 planning process (Reg. Ref. 4214/18 refers). The construction of this road, which has received funding under the LIHAF programme, is due to commence in 2020 (subject to Covid 19 restrictions). The provision of this road (along with cycle lanes, a number of junction upgrades and a bus gate at the Malahide Road) opens up Belmayne for Town Centre and residential development. The approved scheme has been designed to incorporate the Bus Connects-Core Bus Corridor No. 1 from the City Centre to Clongriffin Railway Station.

View Part 8 Application on Dublin City Council website.

In addition the following development have been approved at Belmayne:

The Purpose of the Masterplan

Box 1 LAP Section 8 Key Masterplan Objectives

  1. Establish relationship between development and wider urban context, illustrating the proposed urban structure and network of streets and urban spaces.
  2. Describe the character, design and function of proposed urban spaces and demonstrate proposals to achieve variety and activity on street and public spaces.
  3. Describe the mix of residential, commercial, community and other proposed uses,
  4. Illustrate the proposed built form and block structure and proposals for variety of built form and architectural expression.
  5. Outline proposals for landscape elements, planting, water features and public art and indicate proposed treatments of streetscape, materials and street furniture.
  6. Demonstrate the proposed approach to pedestrian and vehicular movement and access, circulation, parking and traffic calming measures.
  7. Indicate an integrated relationship with public transport infrastructure.
  8. Indicate proposed building layout, orientation, massing, density and building height.
  9. Outline indicative architectural treatments, variety of form, expression and principal architectural features, landmarks and gateways.
  10. Indicate proposed public and private open spaces, permeability, enclosure and proposals to ensure security, safety and privacy.
  11. Indicate proposals for environmentally responsible design and outlined sustainable energy, sustainable water drainage, waste and ecology proposals.
  12. Indicate suggested community, social and cultural infrastructure and proposed sports, childcare and play facilities.

A1.7 The Purpose of the Masterplan

The Masterplan functions to provide a detailed urban design framework for buildings, movement, space and land use at Belmayne-Belcamp Lane, to ensure their coordinated build-out and their integrated development. It provides guidance on fixed and flexible elements including the desirable quantum and range of uses, achievable height, massing and bulk of buildings, grid and block detail, movement, patterns of development, density and residential/ commercial yields – all as required by the LAP’s Key Masterplan Objectives (Box 1).

The Masterplan builds on the LAP by providing a more detailed integrated approach to the development of the lands. It illustrates how a mix of new, well designed housing, commercial and community service buildings alongside the introduction of new local amenities can ensure that the development of these lands contributes to the LAP and wider area, specifically by providing the range and quantum of uses as shown in Table A1 below.

A1.8 Status of the Masterplan

The Masterplan is a non-statutory development framework which translates and implements the statutory policies and objectives of the City Development Plan 2016 and the Clongriffin – Belmayne Local Area Plan, 2012. It is one of the planning mechanisms that together with the LAP and Development Plan will help to deliver a sustainable new community on the lands at Belmayne and Belcamp Lane. The higher level statutory plans set out the planning policies and objectives for the development of the Belmayne-Belcamp Lane lands and the Masterplan conforms with these while at the same time adding further detail. Together, the Development Plan, the Local Area Plan and the Masterplan will guide the assessment of planning applications for prospective development on the lands at Belmayne and Belcamp Lane.

The Council is undertaking a formal public consultation of 6 weeks on the Masterplan, the results of which will feed into the formulation of the final adopted version of Masterplan.

A1.9 Masterplan Phasing / Implementation

The development of these lands will be in accordance with the 'Phasing & Implementation Strategy' Section 16.0 of the Clongriffin – Belmayne LAP. The Masterplan lands comprise Phase 5 development lands (centred on the Key District Centre at the Malahide Road) and part of the adjacent Phase 4 lands (residential lands) at Belmayne.

The Phasing Strategy of the LAP seeks the build out of the lands in accordance with its phasing sequence. In any event development proposals which can demonstrate the orderly and sequential provision of future development and the development of connections and links to support the development and existing communities will be supported.

The lands at Belmayne and Belcamp Lane can be developed independently of each other.

At Belmayne it is envisaged that residential development will come forward firstly to support the development of the Town Centre. The necessary improved crossings and junction upgrades and site / supporting services to support development, as outlined in the Masterplan Strategy in Section B, must be provided as appropriate. The development of the Belmayne Lands will require the allotment site to be moved. The Council is currently investigating alternative locations for an allotment site.

The build out of the Belcamp Lane lands requires the completion of major infrastructure works - roads and services. It is anticipated that development along the Malahide Road side of the lands can potentially proceed in advance of the full servicing of the lands, provided the necessary local access and crossings and service infrastructure, as outlined in the Masterplan Strategy in Section B, are provided concurrently.

To facilitate the delivery of enabling infrastructure to serve the Masterplan lands, Dublin City Council is currently seeking funding under the Governments’ ‘Urban Regeneration and Development Fund’ (DHPLG). The Council is also working with State Agencies and relevant stakeholders to secure / coordinate the provision of community infrastructure and transport infrastructure.

The Masterplan has been screened as part of the processes for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA). Dublin City Council has determined that the Masterplan does not require a full SEA or AA to be undertaken. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening reports accompany the Draft Masterplan.

An updated Flood Risk Assessment with a high level Surface Water Management Strategy accompanies the Draft Masterplan.

Table A1: Breakdown of Masterplan development yield
RetailBelcamp LaneMasterpan Total
Residential Unitsc. 1,400 - 1,600 unitsc. 800 - 1,000 unitsc. 2,200 - 2,600 units
Retail/café/commercialc. 10,000 sq. mc. 2,000 sq. mc. 12,000 sq. m
Community/ Educationalc. 21,500 sq. mc. 4,000 sq. mc. 25,500 sq. m
Public Open Space/Civic Spacecc. 20,000 sq. mc. 6,000 sq. mc. 26,000 sq. m

A.2 Clongriffin - Belmayne

A2.1 Clongriffin – Belmayne Local Area Plan 2012

The Clongriffin – Belmayne Local Area Plan (LAP) sets out a development strategy for some c. 200 ha of lands at Clongriffin – Belmayne, which includes the Masterplan lands. The LAP development strategy includes an overall vision, approximate development capacity, a spatial framework, policies and objectives, key strategic infrastructure requirements and a phasing strategy.

The LAP also sets out a complementary and detailed development strategy for the majority of the masterplan lands (Phase 5 lands), Section 8.0 ‘Key Sites Development Strategy’ of the LAP refers.

The LAP development strategy and the Section 8.0 ‘Key Sites Development Strategy’ as it relates to the Masterplan lands are summarised below:

1. The LAP development strategy:
Overall Vision:

Due to its strategic location on intercity rail and on a dedicated bus route, the Council’s vision for Clongriffin – Belmayne is to facilitate the development of a highly sustainable, mixed use urban neighbourhood/ quarter with a distinct urban identity and a strong sense of place, based around high quality public transport nodes (rail/bus). The housing unit development capacity of the Clongriffin - Belmayne area has been identified at c. 8,000 residential units under the LAP. Long term Clongriffin – Belmayne has the potential to achieve a future population of between 20,000 to 25,000 people.

Urban Structure:

The LAP identifies the following urban structure elements:

Policies and Objectives:

The LAP includes policies and objectives that should be used to inform all development relating to a number of key themes including movement and transport, housing, green infrastructure, community and social infrastructure, environmental sustainability. Policies and objectives prioritise sustainable movement across the area, seeking the creation of walkable mixed- use neighbourhoods that are of the highest quality, permeable and centred around convenient attractive public transport options.


Significant infrastructure has been provided at Clongriffin – Belmayne including water and drainage infrastructure, roads including sections of the new Main Street, schools, a railway station at Clongriffin, a public square with a large park and ride at Clongriffin, sections of the Greenway and a redesigned Father Collins Park. Outstanding elements include the completion of Main Street which is required to complete the Key District Centre at the Malahide Road Junction in the west and to open up lands for housing and the Malahide Road By-Pass which will allow for the development of the Belcamp Lane lands and greater bus priority and a more pedestrian/cycle friendly redesign of the Malahide Road Junction.

Phasing Strategy:

The phasing strategy for the LAP Lands provides for 6 phases of development (Figure A2.2 Clongriffin Belmayne LAP Phasing Priorities Map). The LAP identifies the development of medium density development (residential) at the initial stages of build out with higher density development required at Clongriffin Town Centre Square Key District Centre and at the Malahide Road Junction (Belmayne Town Centre) and along Main Street and the Malahide Road.

The masterplan lands comprise Phase 5 development lands (centred on the Key District Centre at the Malahide Road) and part of the adjacent Phase 4 lands (residential lands) at Belmayne).

2. Section 8.0 ‘Key Sites Development Strategy’ of the LAP

The following Development Strategy is outlined for the Phase 5 lands:

New Connections:

connecting new development to existing communities and improving connections between the 4 quandrants of the Malahide Road Junction.

Completion of Main Street:

providing the connection between Clongriffin Railway Station and the Malahide Road with a public transport emphasis and opening land up for development (Town Centre and Residential neighbourhoods).

Provision of Belmayne Town Centre:

(extending across the junction to Belcamp Lane) at a sufficient density to reflect the existing urban environment and to support commercial and community uses and public transport facilities while positively integrating with developments at Northern Cross and Clarehall centres. A local centre / community hub is also identified at junction of Main St / Belmayne Avenue.

New Town Squares:

to front onto the Malahide Road and to act as the focus for vibrant retail and commercial activity. At Belmayne, the bus route (City Centre to Clongriffin Railway Station) is to be integrated into the Town Square setting.

Provision of Relief Road:

(Malahide Road Junction by- pass) to the south west / west of Belcamp Lane Lands. Locally, this new road would facilitate the development of the lands and allow for improvements to be made to the Malahide Road Junction for pedestrians, cyclists and bus movements while also allowing for public realm / environmental enhancements along the Malahide Road.

Urban Form and Block Layout:

will provide a permeable network of attractive streets and urban spaces which encourage pedestrian and cyclist movement. These are to be framed by perimeter commercial, residential and community blocks.

Variety in Building Height:

with higher buildings to frame the main movement corridors and landmark / gateway buildings in the Town Centre and along the Malahide Road. Building height will reduce where they meet existing lower buildings.

A Rich Mix of Uses:

to include retail, commercial, community, employment and residential uses will be sought on these lands. At Belcamp the development will be primarily residential with a mix of typologies and tenures supported by community and social infrastructure. Commercial uses will be located along the Malahide Road and around the Town Squares at the Malahide Road junction.

Architectural Treatment:

will be of the highest quality and allow for a range of building types and designs.


B1. Overall Concept

One of the key objectives of the LAP is the integration of existing and future communities. To achieve this strong connections are needed and this is central to the design of the Masterplan. A strategic link is formed when Darndale Park is linked to Father Collins Park, through Belcamp and via the Main Street/Greenway. Central to this link is the Town Centre. A series of open spaces and complementary lands uses are added to the link, like 'beads' along a 'necklace', to which all parts of the masterplan and surrounding areas can be linked. This will further to generate movement and promote the formation of active streets and spaces (see Figure B1.1).

B2. LAP Application

The Concept Plan is applied to the LAP Framework, and adapted to integrate with the existing urban structure (see Figure B2.1). Key elements of this plan are:

The design elements are further developed and detailed in the urban design frameworks contained within Sections B3-B6 below.

B3 Access and Movement

Key connections have been identified and integrated with the existing street network. A grid like structure has emerged that will ensure the street network is permeable (i.e allowing for direct journeys via multipleroutes), legible (i.e easy to navigate) and developed in accordance with the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (2013). The principle objective of the Access and Movement Framework (See Figure B3.1) is to prioritise mobility for sustainable modes (i.epedestrians, cyclist and public transport) and reduce car dependency.

1. Belmayne-Belcamp Link

The Link will the provide a direct connection between the Town Centre, major areas of open space (connecting Darndale Park and onto Farther Collins Park), schools and other services and amenities. The Link will include Belmayne Main Street (to the east) and Belcamp Avenue (to the west). It will be designed to prioritise the movement of sustainable modes (pedestrians, cyclists and public transport - see Figure B3.2). All strategic cycling and walking routes throughout the area (including those from surrounding neighbourhoods) will connect to the Link to maximise access throughout by sustainable modes.

2. Completion/Upgrade of Belmayne Main Street

The partially constructed Belmayne Main Street will be extended west and aligned with Mayne River Avenue (Northern Cross) so that bus access can be provided to Belmayne from the Malahide Road. The Main Street will also be extended west to New Priory. The layout seeks to retain as much of the existing structure as possible. However as the street was designed prior to the implementation of DMURS and the National Cycle Manual, substantial abortive works will be required to enable 'best practice' design, particularly to the west of Belmayne Avenue where the number of vulnerable users will be highest (i.e between the Town Centre and Greenway). This includes the narrowing of the carriageway (traffic calming), increasing the width of footpaths and the provision of cycle lanes (see also Figure B3.3 Street Layouts).

3. Belcamp Avenue

The western section of the Belmayne-Belcamp Link is referred to as Belcamp Avenue. The street will be designed as a traffic calmed space with segregated cycle tracks and high quality pedestrian facilities (see also Figure B3.3 Street Layouts).

4. Belcamp Parkway

A new link street between Malahide Road and the Grange Road extension will reduce the volume of traffic through the Town Centre, will relieve stress on and facilitate the redesign of the Grange Road/Malahide Road junction to cater more effectively for cyclists, pedestrians and public transport. It will also provide additional access to the site and lands to the north (see also Figure B3.3 Street Layouts). The final function/design of this street may be altered, subject to future studies of the strategic road network.

5. Improved Crossings and Junction Access

To facilitate the development of the KDC and Masterplan Area and enable pedestrian/cyclist movement and vehicular access a number of new junctions and crossings will be required. A number of existing junctions will also need to be upgraded (i.e from three to four arm junctions). The new/upgraded crossings are provided along key pedestrian/cycle routes to promote safe and sustainable travel (i.e reducing reduce car dependency). All alterations to the existing network will be subject to a detailed Traffic and Transport Assessment and should include:

Malahide Road

R139 (west of Malahide Road Junction)

Belmayne Avenue

Signalisation of existing junction with Main Street to provide safe crossing facilities for pedestrian/cyclist and safely manage vehicular movement.

6. Pedestrian/Cycle Friendly Street Network

A street hierarchy has been developed in accordance with the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS). This will establish a self regulating network that prioritises the safety of vulnerable users and the movement of sustainable modes. Individual streets will be designed in accordance with DMURS and will incorporate a range of passive design measures that not only calm traffic, but will also enhance the amenities of the areas and its 'place' value (see also Section B3.3-B3.4).

7. Bus Priority Measures

A Bus Gate on the northern side of the Town Square to prioritise bus movements to/from the Town Centre. The bus gate will also reduce traffic through the Town Centre, and the Town Square, enabling greater levels of mobility for pedestrians.

8. Alternative Access to Newtown Court

The new street network will provide for multiple new pedestrian, cycle and vehicle links to the Newtown Court site via the Belcamp Lands.

9. Pedestrian Link to Grattan Lodge

A new pedestrian link via a pocket park to Grattan Lodge will substantially reduce car dependency and walking distances from this established residential scheme to the new schools and shops. A post-primary school may occupy the lands direct adjacent to Gratton Park (see Section B4). As such time/security resurrections may limit access during certain periods.

10. Sustainable Transport

The Masterplan has been developed to encourage residents and workers to walk and cycle to their destinations (schools, local facilities, parks) and to easily access public transport. To support a sustainable approach to travel, proactive integrated Mobility Strategies and Residential Travel Plans will be required to be developed and implemented for residential and mixed use development. Mobility Strategies would include car and bike share, high quality bike parking , mobility management and car parking provision. Residential Travel Plans would contain measures and initiatives designed to encourage a sustainable approach to travel.

They are:

B4 Land Use

The distribution of uses within the Masterplan area is spatially arranged with regard to movement pattens and proximity to amenities and services. The principle objective of the Access and Movement Framework is to facilitate the creation of a number of areas with a distinct character that are defined in part by the type of development and levels of activity therein. These are illustrated in Figure B4.1 and discussed further below. It should be noted that some overlapping may occur between those uses illustrated in Figure B4.1. The quantum of retail, commercial and leisure uses are derived from the Belmayne Economic and Retail Study 2018.

1. Belmayne Town Centre

The Town Centre is located at the convergence point several major strategic links. The Centre is framed around a Town Square at the end of Main Street, extending into adjacent blocks. A range of uses will be located within these blocks to service the KDC area, including:

See also Table B4.1 for further definitions.

Retail uses will be concentrated on the edges of the Town Square, Malahide Road (opposite the existing shops) and along the Main Street to the junction with Churchwell Avenue. Commercial/leisure uses will be concentrated in those blocks to the south, adjacent to the Malahide Road and Grange Road Extension where they will benefit from exposure to passers by and provide a buffer to residential uses from traffic (see also Figure B4.2).

Major community facilities will also be located within the Town Centre, including a library and potential Primary Care Centre.

The Town Centre will be mixed use, integrated with higher density residential development c. 225-250 dph.

2. Town Centre Extension to Belcamp

Part of the Town Centre will also extend across the Malahide/Grange Road Junction into Belcamp (see Figure B4.3) and will include:

3. Belmayne Local Centre

A local centre will be located at the junction of Main Street and Belmayne Avenue and will contain a number of small scale shops and other services, to serve the immediately surrounding community, including3:

1 Financial and professional services. 2 Financial and professional services. 3 In addition to existing facilities fronting the Main Street and Belmayne Avenue. 4 Financial and professional services.

4. Belmayne Main Street

The Main Street will shift in character between mixed use and residential development. Whilst retail/commercial uses at ground floor will be predominately located within the Belmayne Town and Local Centre, all ground floor residential dwellings east of Belmayne Avenue should be designed to enable future conversion to retail/commercial units (i.e. higher floor to ceiling heights and readily adaptable facades).

5. Belcamp Avenue

Belcamp Avenue will be predominately residential in character with mixed use development located at its eastern end. A number of community facilities will also be located along the route. Corner units opposite parks park may however contain small cafes, or similar, or be constructed to allow future conversion to retail uses (as above).

6. Malahide Road/Grange Road Flexible Frontages

A flexible approach may be taken to frontages along the Malahide Road and Grange Road Extensions outside of the Town Centre. Retail, social services and commercial uses, that would not normally be found in the Town Centre, such as retail warehousing and showrooms, may be located along these frontages providing further animation to these major moment corridors (and benefit from potential passing trade). These uses will also provide a vertical buffer to residential uses above. An opportunity may exist for the provision of a Garda Station and/or a Primary Care Centre at this location.

7. Belmayne and Belcamp Residential Areas

Residential densities will increase towards the Town Centre, and along major movement corridors to maximise access to services and amenities. This creates four distinct area of residential density as follows:

As noted above, densities of 225-250 dph will also be integrated within the Town Centre.

Depending on the volume of development taken up by other uses such as schools, Primary Care Centre etc, the lands could have a capacity to provide the following number of dwellings within each of the Masterplan areas:

8. Post-Primary School Site

A c. 2ha site for a Secondary School. Located at the end of the Greenway and at the corner of Belmayne Avenue and the Main Street to maximise access from within the masterplan area, and adjacent suburbs. /p>

Table B4.1 Further Definition of Land Uses
RetailRetail includes convenience goods and comparison goods and retail services. Convenience goods are mainly groceries and other consumable commodities that are purchased regularly and usually locally. Comparison goods are durable items for which customers are prepared to travel some distance in order to compare prices and quality. They include clothes, footwear, household durables (both bulky and non-bulky) and leisure goods. Retail services refer to businesses whose primary trade is the retailing of a service and/or hiring of goods. This category includes hairdressing and personal care outlets, dry cleaners, travel agents, repair shops, post offices, opticians and clothes hire shops.
Leisure services Leisure service uses are very much service and activity based and largely refer to the following:
  • Restaurants/cafes/fast food takeaways.
  • Public houses/bars/clubs.
  • Places of entertainment such as cinemas, theatres and concert halls, as well as places of recreation such as gyms, leisure centres and swimming venues are also categorized as leisure services.
Financial and professional services Financial and professional services include professional offices, bank branches, building society branches, solicitor's offices, auctioneers, etc. They typically form part of the profile of shopping/commercial areas and have own-door premises that interact with and provide a service to the public.
Retail Warehousing/Showrooms Retail Warehouses mainly sell bulky household goods that require extensive areas of showroom space, such as carpets, furniture and electrical goods (refer to Annex 1 of the Retail Planning Guidelines, 2012) . They may also include a range of other goods associated with building and garden supplies, transport (such a buggies, bicycles)and domestic pets, Car showrooms may also be considered.

B5 Building Layouts and Height

Buildings throughout the Masterplan area are massed toward the street edge to create a continuous urban edge and form perimeter blocks. Building heights are illustrated in Figures B5.1 and B5.2. These heights have been applied within the range contained within the LAP5 and to contain the quantity of development outlined in Section B4, above. The heights have been adapted to the proposed urban structure and spatially arranged with regard to the location of amenities, services movement corridors, as well as those building heights in adjacent communities. Variations will be considered to add further variety, subject to assessment criteria contained within Urban Development and Heights, Guidelines for Planning Authorities.6

1. Primacy of the Town Centre

The prevailing building height is greatest within the town centre and adjacent blocks. This will reinforce the primacy of the Town Centre within the KDC area as well as supporting the formation of a vibrant town centre, by providing a critical mass of workers and residents. As noted in Section B4 above, this will also maximise access to amenities and services. Building have however been lowered in critical locations, such as on the southern side of the Town Square, to ensure adequate solar access is provided to the key area of open space (see also Figure B5.3).

2. Reinforcing Belmayne Main Street and Belcamp Avenue.

The prevailing building height is also higher along Belmayne Main Street, reinforcing it's role as an urban boulevard and its importance as a movement corridor, as well as ensuring a strong sense of enclosure. A similar distribution of height is applied to Belcamp Avenue. However where the focus is on providing houses that are lower in scale, a more strategic application is applied to positioning of higher buildings (i.e at gateway locations).

3. Landmarks and Gateways

Landmark and gateway buildings are located within the Town Centre and along the Belmayne-Belcamp Link. This will further reinforce the primacy of the Town Centre, as well as acting as place markers that assist with navigation (i.e where they terminate views and/or at major junctions). Landmark or Gateway buildings should be of sufficient height (compared with adjacent buildings) so as to ensure legibility and enhance the diversity of the skyline, particularly from key vistas lines (see also Figure B5.4 and B5.5).

4. Height Transitions

Buildings heights follow the patterns of surrounding neighbourhoods, where appropriate, so as to provide a transition from established areas to those taller buildings located in the Town Centre and along the Central Movement Corridor.

5. Town Square Pavilion

A lower scale stand alone (i.e pavilion) building is located within the Town Square, to assist in animating the space, whilst also providing a degree of shelter. As noted above, the building has been earmarked form community/cultural use, such as library.

6. Perimeter Block Layout

Buildings are massed toward the street edge to form perimeter blocks and, to create a continuous urban edge (enclosure, traffic calming, overlooking, animation) and clearly define public and private space. Typical block widths are 45-50m (lower scale housing) to 55-60m (higher scale apartments). This will enable suitable separation distances to be achieved between the rear of blocks, as well as proving for a fully enclosed and secure area of private open space.he post-primary school building will similarly be massed towards the street edge along Main Street and Belmayne Avenue.

7. Podium Blocks

Blocks within the Town Centre/Malahide Road may be built over a podium level containing retail/commercial uses and off-street parking.

8. Interface with Malahide Road

Buildings on the western side of the Malahide Road at the Belcamp Lane lands will be set back and separated from the Malahide Road by a parallel local road and landscape buffer which will coincide with the route of a wayleave.

9. Energy Efficiency

The development of a New Town Centre and residential neighbourhood presents the opportunity for innovative approaches to energy efficiency, energy conservation and the use of renewable energy in the design and operation of these schemes. Development proposals are to address these issues.

5 Refer to Sections 7.8 of the LAP 6 Published by the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

B6 Landscape and Urban Grain

The Masterplan area will be characterised by a highly varied built form and landscape. Urban spaces will cater for a range of activities and will be combination of hard spaces (i.e squares) and softer spaces (i.e parks). Streets too will be landscaped to provide an attractive living environment. All planted areas will have a number to functions relating to amenity, sustainability (including Sustainable Urban Drainage) and biodiversity.

Although there is a common architectural language applied to Belmayne, one of the key characteristics of Belmayne is its varied built form. This approach will be continued throughout the newly developed areas with variations in the design of buildings that reinforce the urban structure and caters for a range of uses and residential tenure.

1. Town Square

The Town Square (c. 5000 sqm) is the most important area of open space within the KDC and will support the development of a vibrant town centre. As noted in Section B4 above, the edges of the square will be animated with retail and commercial uses. A community anchor building placed within the Square will also to help animate the space and reinforce its civic/cultural importance. Activity will also be provided by a large number of movements through its centre and around its edges. The Square will also be a focal point for events and gatherings. As such, careful consideration to need to be given to the final design to ensure that the more functional elements of the square are balanced with the need to populate the square with items of public art, planting and street furniture (so it does not appear vast or empty - see also Figure B6.2).

2. Neighbourhood Parks

Neighbourhood parks are larger spaces (c. 5000 sqm that will cater for a range of active and passive activities. As with the Town Square, careful consideration to need to be given to the final design to ensure that the more functional elements of the square are balanced with the need to populate the square with items of public art, planing and street furniture. Larger parks will also incorporate elements of SUDs as a design feature (see also Figure B6.3).

3. Pocket Parks

The open space network will be supplemented by a number of smaller parks. These will generally be passive areas that provide areas of rest and/or play areas for small children (see also Figure B6.3).

4. Green Links

Green Links are streets that directly link areas of open space within the Masterplan area. Pedestrian and Cyclist movement along these links will be prioritised streets, in particular to cater for the most vulnerable users (i.e small children). These streets will have extra planting and incorporate SUDs elements, so as to promote the formation of an interlinked open space network. Green Links also follow major movement patterns, to reinforce the legibility of the scheme and create a an environment that is more attractive for pedestrians.

5. Sustainable Urban Drainage

Well designed sustainable urban drainage (SuDs) can mitigate local flood risk, benefit ecology and create valuable amenity spaces for communities.

The SuDS strategy as set out in Appendix B seeks to meet the water management needs of the Masterplan area while delivering green infrastructure and supporting high quality development. Softer engineered approaches alongside a ‘treatment train’ approach are to be used to manage surface water at source and must be integrated with landscaping plans for development.

All planning applications are to be accompanied by a surface water drainage plan which shall demonstrate compliance with the referred Surface Water Strategy.

6. Living Streets

All streets, in addition to Green Links, will be plated with materials and passively traffic calmed, via a 'placed base' approach to street design. This will require the 'movement function'7 to be balanced with its 'place function', to contribute to a shared, safe and amenable street environment. All streets will be designed in accordance with the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (2013), with particular care taken at crossing points and junction to ensure safe and comfortable movement for vulnerable users (i.e pedestrians and cyclists), particularly along the Main Street and Belcamp Ave (see Figure B6.4). This presents significant challenges when applied to the major road infrastructure that intersects the Masterplan area, however t is anticipated that the design of such roads will be revisited as upgrades are initiated to facilitate the Bus Connects (NTA) and the Greater Dublin Cycle Network (NTA).

7 Refer to Section 9.5.4 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022

7. Buffer Areas

A series of landscape buffers adjacent to existing major road infrastructure will be provided to mitigate future residents against noise and air pollution. Residential development will be setback some 6-10m (or further where required due to wayleaves) from the edges of the vehicular carriageway, and significant planting provided.

8. Varied Urban Grain

A variety of building types will be provided within the Masterplan area to cater for the mix of uses and residential densities (i.e apartments, duplexes and houses). Larger buildings (i.e offices and apartments) will be located within the town centre and along major movement corridors. This, in combination with wider streets, will promote a coarser or more robust grain reminiscent of higher density urban areas. As development moves away from the town centre, and particular on local streets, a finer grain will form with narrower plots and streets that promote a more intimate scale of development (see also Figure B6.6).

9. Podiums and Private/Semi-Private Courtyards

Many blocks throughout the Masterplan area will incorporate a range of housing types that will require the integration of communal (i.e apartments) and private opens space (i.e houses) at ground floor level. These may be accommodated via a range of courtyard style arrangements where smaller areas private open space open onto larger communal areas. Such areas may also be elevated over podiums where larger retail/commercial floor plates are located beneath, or semibasement car parking (see also Figure B6.5).

10. Architectural Language

A distinct architectural language has been applied to earlier phases of Belmayne, where variations are applied along similar themes. This creates balance between a visually engaging, varied and coherent urban form. Variations in roof forms, building lines, fenestration (i.e the pattern of openings), frontage/bay widths are unified by commonalities in materials and finishes. This approach should be continued through the Masterplan area, so that new areas integrate with previous phases. There is an opportunity however to establish a new architectural language in Belcamp, that is distinctive to both Belmayne and Northern Cross, provided it modern in form and varied in detail.


Appendix A: Planning Policy Context

1.0 General

The masterplan takes cognisance of national, regional and local planning policy made since 2012 and any relevant ministerial guidelines. These are outlined below.

2.0 National Planning Policy

2.1 National Planning Framework (NPF)

The NPF sets out both the national strategic outcomes (NSO’s) and national policy objectives (NPO’s) for the future growth and sustainable development of the country to 2040. There is a major new policy emphasis on compact growth and urban consolidation. As the country’s leading global city of scale the NPF acknowledges the critical role that Dublin City plays in the county’s competitiveness. The NPF therefore sets a target that at least 50% of all new homes targeted for Dublin City and suburbs are delivered within / adjacent its existing built- up footprint (NPO 3b). It specifically seeks the progression of the sustainable development of new greenfield areas on public transport corridors for housing. The National Planning Framework identifies the development of the Clongriffin area for housing as a key future growth enabler for Dublin City.

Download National Planning Framework (NPF) [PDF, 7.7 Mbs]

2.2 The Climate Action Plan, 2019 (DCCAE)

The Climate Action Plan, 2019, in seeking to address issues of climate change, sets out decarbonisation targets for sectors including Electricity, Transport, Built Environment and Industry. It states that land use planning must take account of the need to transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient society, and the requirement for compact growth and sustainable mobility in the development of lands / land use plans. The full document can be viewed at:

Download 2.2 The Climate Action Plan, 2019 (DCCAE) [PDF, 2.6 Mbs]

2.3 Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016 – 2035, National Transport Authority (NTA)

The NTA’s Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) provides a framework for the planning and delivery of transport infrastructure and services over the period 2016 – 2035 - such as road, rail, walking and cycling. The strategy seeks the integration of land use planning and transport planning and it particularly seeks the consolidation of Dublin City. In terms of Clongriffin – Belmayne, transport proposal include:

Download NTA Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (GDA)[PDF, 9.6 Mbs]

2.4 Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS), 2013, (DTTS, DHPLG)

The Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS), 2013, sets out the manner in which roads and streets in urban and suburban areas should be designed; ameliorating the historic dominance of the private car and other motorised forms of transport. Its aim is to put well-designed streets at the heart of sustainable communities. The key issues addressed include the provision of transport networks that promote real alternatives to car journeys and the encouragement of lower vehicular speeds in urban areas with a view to making streets safer and more attractive places.

Download Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS), 2013 [PDF, 20.7 Mbs ]

3.0 Ministerial Guidelines

3.1 Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments, Guidelines for Planning Authorities (March 2018), (DHPLG)

These guidelines set out internal space and amenity space standards for apartments; address the emerging ‘build to rent’ and ‘shared accommodation’ sectors and remove car parking requirements at certain locations under certain circumstances. Locations suitable for large scale high density apartment developments include Central and /or Accessible Urban Locations. The Masterplan lands are served by a high quality bus corridor connecting the city centre and Clongriffin Railway station and the lands would be classified as an ‘Assessable Urban Location’ and therefore an appropriate location for large scale high density development.

Download Design Standards for New Apartments - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (March 2018) [PDF, 5.65 Mbs]

3.2 Urban Development and Building Heights: Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2019.

The Urban Development and Building Heights: Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2019, set out national planning policy on building heights in relation to urban areas. The Guidelines draw from the strategic policy framework set out in Project Ireland 2040 and the National Planning Framework, with a view to creating more compact and integrated communities. In the interests of urban consolidation it seeks consideration of building heights of at least 6 storeys in city centres and major towns.

Specific Planning Policy Requirement 1 (SPPR1) of the Guidelines looks for: increased building height and density at highly accessible locations; it requires Planning Authorities to identify locations for height in land use plans; and, it prevents Planning Authorities from applying blanket numerical limits on building height in statutory land use plans.

Download Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities [PDF, 7.5 Mbs]

4.0 Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy, 2019, Eastern and Midlands Regional Assembly (EMRA)

The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Regional Area (RSES) sets out the vision for growth (homes and jobs) and Regional Policy Objectives (RPO) for the Eastern and Midland Region (9 counties). It also includes a Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) for the Dublin metropolitan area. To support Dublin’s sustainable growth and continued competitiveness MASP identifies a number of large scale strategic sites (strategic development area)s which have the potential to deliver significant development (housing and employment development) up to the year 2031.

MASP identifies Clongriffin – Belmayne as one of these strategic development areas and it supports its development.

Download Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy 2019-2031 [PDF, 14.3 Mbs]

5.0 The Dublin City Development Plan, 2016 - 2022

The following outlines the Land Use Zoning Objective, designations, and Specific Objectives from the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 as they relate to the masterplan lands.

(i) Land Use Zoning

The master plan lands are subject to Land Use Zoning Objective Z 14, which seeks the social, economic, physical development and/or rejuvenation of an area with mixed use of which residential and ‘Z6’ would be the predominant uses. This zoning objective is shown on Figure 1 below.

(ii) Strategic Development and Regeneration Area.

The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 identifies Clongriffin-Belmayne as a Strategic Development and Regeneration Area (SDRA 1 North Fringe Clongriffin- Belmayne).

SDRA 1 ‘North Fringe – Clongriffin and Belmayne’ contains objectives/guiding principles for the lands, these include:

The 2016 – 2022 CDP contains an indicative map illustrating the above objectives/guiding principles and this is shown in Figure 2 below.

(iii) Key District Centres (KDC)

The City Development Plan designates Clongriffin and Belmayne as a Key District Centre (KD1 North Fringe East and West). Key District Centres (KDC’s) are the top tier of urban centres outside of the city centre. As a KDC, Clongriffin-Belmayne is expected to deliver on a range of requirements including:

(iv) Specific Objectives:

A ‘Specific Objective’ for a Local Area Plan also pertains to these lands. In the case of Clongriffin – Belmayne, the Clongriffin – Belmayne Local Area Plan, 2012 is already in place.

A ‘Specific Objective’ for Road Schemes and Bridges (Malahide Road / R107 (including North Fringe Improvements and ‘Main Street’) also pertain to the masterplan lands.

(v) Protected Structures:

A mile stone on the Malahide Road near its junction with Belcamp Lane is on the RPS as per the 2016 City Development Plan.

The full document can be viewed at: Dublin City Development Plan

6.0 Clongriffin - Belmayne

The following:

Can be viewed at Clongriffin Belmayne LAP - 2012

Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 & Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023

Appendix B – High Level Surface Water Management Strategy for Belmayne – Belcamp Lane Masterplan Lands

1. Vision for the integration of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDs) into Masterplan

The development of the masterplan lands provides the opportunity to create great places whilst managing surface water for development through the use of SuDs.

Well designed SuDs can mitigate local flood risk, benefit ecology and create valuable amenity spaces for communities.

The SuDS strategy as set out below will meet the water management needs of the Masterplan area while delivering green infrastructure and supporting high quality development.

2. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) Strategy

The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 -2022, Chapter 9 identifies the need for Sustainable Environmental Infrastructure as part of any development in the city.

The criteria listed in Chapter 9 are linked to the other major environmental themes within the Plan specifically, in relation to Climate Change, Green Infrastructure, Open Space and Recreation, and Sustainable communities. Therefore, therefore developers are expected to integrate the principles of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDs) in the management of surface water, using best practice solutions.

Dublin City Council (DCC) requires a softer engineered approach to be used to manage surface water at source as it is a greener, more environmentally effective approach for managing stormwater on developed lands. Over ground soft engineering solutions integrated with a landscaping plan are necessary and alongside a ‘treatment train’ approach in accordance with best SuDs practice is required.

The concept of a ‘treatment train’ should be implemented. By passing water through several stages of treatment, sediment and other pollutants can be removed more effectively and maintenance costs can be reduced as downstream SuDs features are less likely to get blocked. The use of a treatment train will further enhance the streets and links proposed and add opportunities for engagement and education.

Management of surface water at source is the priority and ideally, only overflow in extreme weather events shall be directed to main surface water infrastructure.

Good management of rainwater is vital. The comprehensive SuDs strategy as set out below will meet the city’s water management needs while delivering green infrastructure and supporting high quality development. There is a range of opportunities for SuDs to complement the local environment and type of development.

Delivery of SuDs schemes in areas of development can manage surface water, reduce pressure on the existing infrastructure and reduce localised surface water flooding. SuDs as an integrated system across the masterplan will also support ecosystems by regulating flows, delivering habitat and filtering out sediment and pollutants that harm our watercourses.

(a) Specific Surface Water Management Requirements

Surface water runoff from all proposed developments within the masterplan area shall be managed by providing a minimum 2/3 staged treatment process at or near source before conveying flows to the appropriate Discharge Point (see below) – which will need to be agreed in consultation with the Council’s Drainage Department.

(b) Recommended SuDS Systems for Future Developments within the Masterplan area

On this basis, Table 1 below sets out suitable SuDS devices for each type of development within the Masterplan area. Alternative options (i.e. traditional attenuation tank) would be considered by the Council, provided they form part of a ‘treatment train’. The minimum requirement for each development type would be 2-staged treatment train to manage runoff prior to draining flows to the most appropriate Discharge Point.

The Hierarchy of Discharge Options are:

  1. Water reuse
  2. Infiltration
  3. Discharge to water body (subject to agreement with Council’s Drainage Department / WFD Group)
  4. Discharge to surface water drain

The use of nature based water retention measures using SUDS will have the dual effect of reducing the rate of surface water runoff into sewers, thus reducing the risk of downstream flooding, as well as improving the water quality of that runoff through percolating the runoff through natural media with a green infrastructure approach.

Traditional Housing Developments with Gardens
Commercial/Apartment Developments
Public Realm Areas That Are To Be Fully/Partially Paved including Car Parking Areas, Bus Bays etc
  • Permeable paving
  • Tree pits with infiltration system
  • SuDS components such as filter drains, swales or other surface channel designed to run adjacent to impermeable surfacing to take runoff directly.
  • Public Roadways and Footpaths (to be taken in charge)

    3. Sustainable Urban Drainage Deliverables for individual developments

    Proposals for all developments will be required to address the following:

    Phased development

    Where development under a development proposal/ planning permission is phased or under various contract arrangements, coordination of the overall surface water management strategy shall be implemented at the first phase in order to ensure the overall integrated design is implemented.