Graphics & Desktop publishing Drawing Office, Planning 20-2-2019
Dublin City Council is fully committed to securing the implementation of the key principles and objectives of the Park West – Cherry Orchard Local Area Plan.
The City Council, as a major landowner and the local authority will undertake an active land management approach to progress and secure the objectives of the LAP to achieve the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in line with the vision set out in Chapter 3.
The council has a wider role to play in relation to achieving a successful outcome, in that it is responsible for the delivery of a range of public services that are critical to making the Cherry Orchard and Park West area a successful, vibrant and sustainable neighbourhood. Dublin City Council are committed to continued investment in community infrastructure for the area, building additional social housing, community buildings, parks and open space, and recreational facilities: all of which will play an important role in delivering on the overall vison for the area.
The Council as the Planning Authority will ensure that all planning applications made within the LAP area are assessed fully for their compliance with the policies, objectives and standards in the Dublin City Development Plan and the objectives set out within this LAP
As one of the main landowners and the local authority for the area, the council is uniquely position to play a leading role in successfully implementing the plan to achieve the aims and objectives of the Park West - Cherry Orchard LAP.
It is likely that the area will develop on an incremental basis. The strategic objectives identified within Chapter 4 and the site briefs outlined in Chapter 5 provide detailed information on the future structure of the LAP lands and will ensure that incremental development will contribute to a co-ordinated whole
Prior to the fifth year, from adoption of the LAP, the Planning Department will carry out a review of the LAP which will be presented to City Council members, in order to decide whether the plan should be extended (max five years), reviewed or revoked.
Phasing is typically based on a timed delivery and integrated delivery of residential and commercial development with community and public transport facilities. It is the intention of the LAP to be a flexible workable framework document and to respond to the evolving needs of the community and market forces. Site briefs outlined in Chapter 5 provide detailed information on the future structure of each of the strategic sites and the key development objectives for each of the strategic sites which will ensure that incremental development will contribute to a co-ordinated whole.
The supporting infrastructure such as surface and foul drainage upgrades / water supply upgrades, utilities upgrades, new roads / bridge links, along with the requirement for new community infrastructure such as sports, Educational, recreational facilities are all identifying as key outcomes and items of infrastructure which the Planning Authority seek to achieve in the redevelopment of areas across the Plan lands
As such a specific phasing or sequencing programme is not necessary given the strategic objectives identified within Chapter 4 and the detail contained in the site briefs (Chapter 5).
Funding for the redevelopment of the LAP area will be derived through a combination of public investment from Dublin City Council and private sector investment in tandem with the roll out of development.
Dublin City Council will also work with government agencies such as Department of Housing Planning community and Local Government and other funding agencies to seek funding through available sources, for example, the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund, Affordable Housing Serviced Sites Initiative and the Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund for specific projects.