Park West – Cherry Orchard is identified in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 as a key strategic development and regeneration area capable of delivering significant and quantum of homes and employment for the area.
The focus of this chapter is to identify the (priority) sites within Park West – Cherry Orchard LAP area which are available/suitable for development and to set out the site specific development objectives for these sites.
A total of 8 no. key development sites have been identified as follows:
1.Elmdale-Hospital Site
2.North of Cherry Orchard Avenue
3a. M50-Cloverhill Site (LocalEnterprise Units)
3b. M50-Cloverhill Site (Housing Unit)
4. M50-Cedarbrook Avenue Site
5.Barnville Neighbourhood Site
6.Park West Avenue/Road Site (formerly ‘Sector 3’)
7.M50-Park West Site (formerly ‘Sector 1A’)
8.M50-Park West Site (formerly ‘Sector 1B’)
An Additional 2 no. Amenity development sites have been identified as follows:
A.Cherry Orchard Park
B.Gallenstown Waterworks /Canal Basin
The overall aspirations and objectives for each site are set out below. These build on the development strategies set out in chapter 4 and on the SDRA guidelines set out in Chapter 15 of the City Development Plan. Individual planning applications shall conform to the Development Plan objectives and the objectives set out below.
5.2 Site Briefs - Page 64
Site 1: Elmdale-Hospital Site
Details for Site 1: Elmdale-Hospital Site
Site Area:
Ownership & Availability:
Majority of site under Dublin City Council ownership; section owned by HSE. Available for development.
Proposed Use:
25-50 DPH
2-4 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity
200-300 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
New North South Link Street to Ballyfermot Road
Serviced Sites Fund 2018: Funding approval in principle secured for this site, to deliver affordable homes.
Development Objectives for the Site:
Facilitate and support the delivery of a proposed new north–south link street connecting Ballyfermot Road to the Park West train station. This new piece of infrastructure shall include the provision of pedestrian and cycle links to tie in with the surrounding area as part of a wider pedestrian and cycle network. The new link street should also include for the provision of landscaping, tree planting, on street parking, and should seek to incorporate SuDS as appropriate.
Requirement to relocated Cherry Orchard FC club house to facilitate new road link.
Identify and safeguard potential opportunities for a controlled pedestrian and cycle access through to Cherry Orchard Hospital as part of the wider pedestrian and cycle network.
Future development will be required to be appropriately designed and integrated with the existing residential area and neighbouring communities and with existing institutional uses. Site layout and building design will be required to address existing site features and constraints. Scheme layouts will be designed to avoid blank frontages to public areas and to provide an active street edges.
Future development shall maximise opportunities for passive surveillance onto all new streets and onto both existing and new public open space areas.
Explore the potential for a secondary private vehicular access to the north west of the site to facilitate access to Cloverhill Courthouse, subject to careful detailed design and compatibility with future residential uses.
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building
Site 2: North of Cherry Orchard Avenue (Local neighbourhood site) - Page 65
Details for Site 2: North of Cherry Orchard Avenue (Local neighbourhood site)
Site Area:
Circa 7.6 Ha
Ownership & Availability:
Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use:
Residential (to include senior citizens), plus local retail provision.
25-50 DPH
3-4 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity
200 – 250 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Local retail and neighbourhood centre to include plaza/park and streetscape improvements
Landscaped Green Link to be provided.
Development Objectives for the Site:
Local retail provision: Facilitate commercial ground floor development in the form of a number of smaller retail units (3-4 no) creating a local neighbourhood site which will play an important role in creating a strong focal point for both the existing and new communities. One local shop to be in the order of c. 200-250 sq.m., with the remainder c. 120sq.m. each.
Provide for senior citizen housing as part of the new neighbourhood centre thus allowing easy access to local shops and services for residents.
Provide a civic space/ neighbourhood park as part of the neighbourhood centre.
Allow for the future expansion of Cherry Orchard Community Childcare centre.
Enhance and upgrade existing streetscape along Cherry Orchard Avenue in the vicinity of the new local neighbourhood centre, to include new pedestrian crossings.
Deliver an attractive ‘green link’ providing a high quality safe attractive and well lit pedestrian and cycle connection between Cherry Orchard Park and Le Fanu Park; along Blackditch Road, Orchard Lawns and Clifden Drive.
Future development will be required to be appropriately designed and integrated with the existing residential area and neighbouring communities. Site layout and building design will be required to address existing site features and constraints. Scheme layouts will be designed to avoid blank frontages to public areas and to provide an active street edges.
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building
Site 3a: M50-Cloverhill Road Site (Local Enterprise Units) - Page 66
Details for Site 3a: M50-Cloverhill Road Site (Local Enterprise Units)
Site Area:
2.1 Ha
Ownership & Availability:
Majority of site owned Dublin City Council. Some lands within ownership of South Dublin County Council, going through transfer of ownership to DCC. Available immediately.
Proposed Use:
Local Enterprise/Employment Use
2-3 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity
CIRCA 120,000 SqM commercial space.
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Footpaths, cycle paths and public lighting to be provided along western edge of Cloverhill Road.
Development Objectives for the Site:
Future development of this site will play an important role in improving the character, appearance and sense of place of this area of the LAP which is somewhat detached and isolated from the remaining LAP lands. The western side of Colverhill Road requires footpath, cyclepath and public lighting to mirror that on the eastern side of the road.
The site is considered suitable for enterprise/employment use providing an active and attractive frontage to Cloverhill Road and integrating the existing isolated piecemeal development along Cloverhill Road into the LAP area.
Access arrangements will be subject to the site design and layout.
Design and layout of any development proposals for the site will require careful consideration of site noise levels having regard to the proximity of the M50. A full assessment of the potential for noise nuisance from traffic on the M50 along with mitigation details shall be submitted with any planning application.
Retaining and enhancing the green corridor (planting strip) to the M50 forms part of the overall Green Strategy for the LAP.
This site may be considered for local horse stabling subject to further analysis.
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building, Local Enterprise Employment Use
Site 3b: Cloverhill Road Site
Development Objectives for the Site:
Details for Site 3b: Cloverhill Road Site
Site Area:
Ownership & Availability:
Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use:
25-50 DPH
1-2 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity
40-60 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
The LAP proposes to consolidate the residential use of lands to the east of Cloverhill Road, helping to remove the isolated nature of the existing Orchard apartments and traveller housing at Bridgeview and St. Oliver’s halting sites.
Development will be required to be appropriately designed and integrated with the existing residential area. Site layout and building design will be required to address existing site features and constraints. Scheme layouts will be designed to avoid blank frontages to public areas and to provide an active street edges.
Explore the potential to relocate the single-storey St. Oliver’s Traveller Centre to a more suitable site/ building, thus allowing for residential development fronting onto Cloverhill Road, providing improved streetscape and passive supervision of this street.
Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use:
Mixed Use: Predominantly Residential, with enterprise and commercial along the M50 and next to the Train Station.
(c. 80/20)
75 DPH average (Ranging from 50 – 125 DPH)
Ranging from 2-4 storeys up to 7-8 storeys (24m) in close proximity to Neighbourhood Centre and Train Station, with opportunity for place marker landmark building of up to 60m
Estimated Capacity
600 – 700 no. units subject to detailed design.
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Convenience retail to be provided.
Possible park & ride parking for station.
Development Objectives for the Site:
A new mixed-use development is sought for this site.
Having regard to air, noise and amenity concerns associated with residential development next to the M50, the western strip of the site shall accommodate commercial/enterprise/employment uses such as may include own door office units, enterprise units or a community enterprise centre. Consideration also to be given to community uses that require large floorplates. It is required that these buildings shall be multi-storey where feasible to mitigate against noise from M50 traffic.
Mixed use development in the vicinity of the train station will be sought, having regard to the noise levels associated with the station. Commercial ground floor development that animates the streetscape will be particularly sought. The site shall make provision for a large convenience store to the immediate north of the train station, to serve the entire LAP area.
High density residential development is sought in proximity to the train station, scaling down in height and density towards the northern half of the site. Lower-density residential development will be considered to the northern half to “kick-start” development.
Consideration will be given to a landmark building (up to 50m) in close proximity to the train station along the southern half of the site. At the northern end of the site a gateway feature should be considered to act as a ‘gateway’ to Cherry Orchard.
The residential quarter shall include provision of a new neighbourhood park linking into the overall Green Strategy for the LAP. Where feasible, retention of planting to old field boundaries will be encouraged.
A green buffer zone shall be accommodated along the boundary with the M50 as part of a green corridor. Existing green infrastructure in the form of mature trees and hedgerows shall be retained and incorporated into landscape proposals for the central open space to be provided within the residential development area of the site and the open space located at the northern end of the site.
Adequate separation distances shall be required between residential and enterprise/employment uses. This may incorporate a central green space to function as a transition zone.
The development of this site will require a number of new access points onto Park West Avenue, and any future development (both residential and/or commercial/enterprise/employment) will be required to front onto and provide a strong active street frontage to Park West Avenue with limited setbacks where possible in order to create a strong urban street edge and contribute positively to the enhancement of Park West Avenue as a strategic north south link.
Examine possibility of providing park and ride at this location in close proximity to the rail station.
Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use:
Mixed Use – Predominantly residential with options for local retail and commercial uses (c. 80/20)
Density :
100 – 125 DPH
Ranging from 4-6 storeys up to 7-8 storeys.
Estimated Capacity
150 -200 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Site to provide pedestrian access through site towards Train Station. Opportunity for civic space / civic plaza.
(subject to detailed design)
Development Objectives for the Site:
This site shall provide for predominantly residential development along with some element of commercial and retail uses to serve local needs along with potential for flexible live work units.
Development of this site will be required to address the height variance between Park West Avenue and the subject site. Ground floor retail and/or commercial units shall be encouraged, accessible from the street level at Park West Avenue.
The open nature of this site surrounded by roads requires a careful and considered approach responding to the site context. The site layout and design shall respond in a positive manner avoiding blank elevations, and integrating with the surrounding residential development in a positive manner. The provision of a suitable scaled building overlooking Cherry Orchard Park with passive supervision of this space will be sought.
The site shall ideally facilitate local pedestrian desire lines to and from the rail station and to and from Cherry Orchard Park and the
surrounding residential areas.
Investigate the potential for the removal of the existing electricity pylon at Barnville Park.
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8 and Public Plaza also shown.
Site 6: Park West Avenue/Road Site - Page 70
Development Objectives for the Site:
The site shall be developed a new residential quarter in Park West.
The Department of Education and Skills have identified a need for a new primary school to serve the existing and future development of the Park West area. A suitable location for the provision of a new Primary School has been identified to the south east corner of Site 6 addressing Park West Road.
A social audit for community infrastructure shall be submitted. Consideration should be given in particular to the provision of local health care facilities, a place of worship and a community centre to serve the new and existing residential population.
Development on this site should provide good quality linkages and connections to the north towards the train station and Cherry Orchard Park; to the west as part of the strategic green network; to the south to facilitate improved pedestrian access to the neighbourhood Plaza, and should also allow for future connections to the east.
The buildings should address all primary and secondary streets, with active ground floors encouraged. Development should provide a continuous active street frontage along Park West Avenue and Park West Road.
Development along the western boundary of this site will be required to address the variance in levels between the site and Park West Avenue to ensure a high quality streetscape to Park West Avenue.
Ground floor retail units shall be completed to a turn-key standard.
Improvements to the interface of Park West Avenue and Park West Road should be provided to enhance pedestrian and cycle movement.
Continuing the water based theme of Park West and its relationship with the Canal will be encouraged.
Overhead EBS pylons to be addressed/ undergrounded.
Archaeological testing shall be required.
Details for Site 6: Park West Avenue / Road Site
Site Area:
Ownership & Availability:
Privately owned and available
Proposed Use:
Predominantly Residential, with supporting community infrastructure to include a primary school.
Density :
100-125 DPH
Ranging up to 7-8 storeys (24m) in close proximity to Train Station, with opportunity for place marker landmark building of up to 60m.
Estimated Capacity
550 – 650 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Schools Site Reserved
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Landmark building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8 and Proposed School site also shown.
Site 7: M50-Park West Site (formerly ‘Sector 1A’)
Details for Site 4: M50-Park West Side (formerly 'Sector 1A')
Site Area:
Circa 4.3Ha
Ownership & Availability:
Privately owned and available
Proposed Use:
Mixed Use - Residential along with Commercial/Enterprise/Employment (50/50)
100 - 150 DPH
Ranging up to 7-8 storeys (24m) in close proximity to Train Station.
Estimated Capacity
400 – 500 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Employment/ enterprise to buffer M50
Development Objectives for the Site:
Mixed use: residential and office employment uses sought.
Having regard to air, noise and amenity concerns associated with residential development next to the M50, the western half of the site shall accommodate employment uses, e.g. a multi-storey office development, that will present a strong urban block to the M50.
Mixed-use development in proximity to the train station will be sought, accompanied by a detailed noise assessment, and appropriate design response.
Development of the remainder of this site has the potential to deliver a high density residential development adjoining a public transport hub. However, cognisant of the noise and amenity concerns any future development proposals shall explore the use of internal courtyard arrangements in order to provide noise mitigation and shared amenity spaces.
Adequate separation distances shall be required between residential and enterprise/employment uses. This may incorporate a central green space to function as a transition zone.
Development of this site shall provide a woodland/landscaped buffer along the site boundary with the M50. This green buffer would enable a connection with the Grand Canal Green Corridor and form part of the wider network of green infrastructure.
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Landmark building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8 Community Building, Amenity Development Site and Public Plaza also shown.
Site 8: M50-Park West Site (formerly ‘Sector 1B’)
Details for Site 8: M50-Park West Side (formerly 'Sector 1B')
Site Area:
Ownership & Availability:
Privately owned and available
Proposed Use:
Mixed Use - Residential along with Commercial/Enterprise/Employment (50/50)
Density :
75 - 100 DPH
Ranging up to 7-8 storeys
Estimated Capacity
250 – 350 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:
Employment/ enterprise to buffer M50
Community/ tourism potential of Gallenstown Waterworks
New pedestrian/cycle link to Grand Canal Greenway
Development Objectives for the Site:
Mixed use: residential and office employment uses sought.
Having regard to air, noise and amenity concerns associated with residential development next to the M50, the western half of the site shall accommodate employment uses, e.g. a multi-storey office development, that will present a strong urban block to the M50.
Development of the remainder of this site has the potential to deliver a high density residential development in close proximity to a public transport hub.
Ideally residential development will be provided in proximity to the Gallanstown Waterworks/ the canal, to help animate the canal bank and provide a safe and attractive neighbourhood.
Cognisant of the noise and amenity concerns any future development proposals shall explore the use of internal courtyard arrangements in order to provide noise mitigation and shared amenity spaces.
Adequate separation distances shall be required between residential and enterprise/employment uses. This may incorporate a central green space to function as a transition zone.
Development of this site shall provide a woodland/landscaped buffer along the site boundary with the M50. This green buffer would enable a connection with the Grand Canal Green Corridor and form part of the wider network of green infrastructure.
Development of the site shall be required to take into account the potential for delivery of valuable recreation / amenity space in the form of a new Grand Canal basin at the site of the existing Gallanstown Waterworks Site.
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Landmark building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8, Local Enterprise / Empleyment use, Community Building, Amenity Development Site and Public Plaza also shown.
Amenity Development Sites - Page 73
A:Cherry Orchard Park Site
It is an objective of the LAP (CS1) to redesign Cherry Orchard Park and ( CS2) to support provision of new sporting facilities within Cherry Orchard Park:
CS1: It is an objective of Dublin City Council to maximise the use of Cherry Orchard Park for the whole community by undertaking a redesign and physical enhancements to the Park in consultation with local clubs and stakeholders.
CS2: To support the provision of an enhanced sporting hub within Cherry Orchard Park.
Development Objectives for the Site:
Dublin City Council plans to carry out a full review of the existing layout, form and function of the park to inform plans for a redesign, that will create an attractive high quality landscaped park using high quality durable materials, improved public lighting and landscaping that enhances the public space. The new Cherry Orchard Park and enhanced facilities will play an important role as the central neighbourhood park for the Cherry Orchard area.
The new Cherry Orchard Park shall include for both active and passive recreation play areas.
The potential for shared accommodation and/or shared use of sporting facilities shall be encouraged.
An important element of the redesign of Cherry Orchard Park will be the delivery of safe, direct, attractive and well lit north-south route through the park that provides a pedestrian link to the Park West train station, and forms part of the overall Green Strategy of the LAP.
Opportunities to provide surface water attenuation that enhances biodiversity and the attractiveness of the park will be explored during the design process.
The redesign of Cherry Orchard Park may accommodate a community enterprise hub as sought in the ‘Making Cherry Orchard Better’ action plan. This could be located in the south-eastern end of the park with possible café that consolidates the community focus and provides for greater supervision to the park itself.
B: Gallenstown Waterworks Site
It is an objective of the LAP (CS4) to explore the Gallenstown Waterworks as a new amenity development site and (ED08) to support the development of tourism, recreational and leisure facilities at this location.
ED08:To explore and support the development of potential tourism, recreational and leisure related facilities, in particular those linked to development along the Grand Canal and at the Gallanstown Waterworks site.
CS4:To explore the use of the Gallanstown Waterworks and immediate environs as a new recreational amenity for local clubs and as part of a City wide tourism attraction.
Development Objectives for the Site:
Carry out feasibility study to examine the potential for delivery of valuable leisure, recreation and amenity space in the form of a new Grand Canal basin at the site of the existing Gallanstown Waterworks and brick vaulted reservoir, which may also include opportunities for commercial and residential uses in the vicinity of the above area
Provide for new pedestrian/cycle bridge connection to the Grand Canal Greenway located on the southern side of the canal, providing enhanced connectivity between the new Grand Canal Basin area and Grand Canal Greenway.
Explore potential for community and sporting uses for running clubs, bike clubs, fishing groups who wish to utilise the canal tow-path, in addition to water based sports such as kayaking and canoe clubs.