Graphics & Desktop publishing Drawing Office, Planning 20-2-2019


5.1 Introduction

Park West – Cherry Orchard is identified in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 as a key strategic development and regeneration area capable of delivering significant and quantum of homes and employment for the area.

The focus of this chapter is to identify the (priority) sites within Park West – Cherry Orchard LAP area which are available/suitable for development and to set out the site specific development objectives for these sites.

A total of 8 no. key development sites have been identified as follows:

An Additional 2 no. Amenity development sites have been identified as follows:

The overall aspirations and objectives for each site are set out below. These build on the development strategies set out in chapter 4 and on the SDRA guidelines set out in Chapter 15 of the City Development Plan. Individual planning applications shall conform to the Development Plan objectives and the objectives set out below.

5.2 Site Briefs - Page 64

Site 1: Elmdale-Hospital Site

Details for Site 1: Elmdale-Hospital Site
Site Area: 7.7Ha
Ownership & Availability: Majority of site under Dublin City Council ownership; section owned by HSE. Available for development.
Proposed Use: Residential
Density 25-50 DPH
Heights: 2-4 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity 200-300 no. units subject to detailed design

Supporting Infrastructure Requirements:

New North South Link Street to Ballyfermot Road
Serviced Sites Fund 2018: Funding approval in principle secured for this site, to deliver affordable homes.

Development Objectives for the Site:

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building

Site 2: North of Cherry Orchard Avenue (Local neighbourhood site) - Page 65

Details for Site 2: North of Cherry Orchard Avenue (Local neighbourhood site)
Site Area: Circa 7.6 Ha
Ownership & Availability: Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use: Residential (to include senior citizens), plus local retail provision.
Density 25-50 DPH
Heights: 3-4 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity 200 – 250 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Local retail and neighbourhood centre to include plaza/park and streetscape improvements
Landscaped Green Link to be provided.

Development Objectives for the Site:

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building

Site 3a: M50-Cloverhill Road Site (Local Enterprise Units) - Page 66

Details for Site 3a: M50-Cloverhill Road Site (Local Enterprise Units)
Site Area: 2.1 Ha
Ownership & Availability: Majority of site owned Dublin City Council. Some lands within ownership of South Dublin County Council, going through transfer of ownership to DCC. Available immediately.
Proposed Use: Local Enterprise/Employment Use
Heights: 2-3 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity CIRCA 120,000 SqM commercial space.
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Footpaths, cycle paths and public lighting to be provided along western edge of Cloverhill Road.

Development Objectives for the Site:

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building, Local Enterprise Employment Use

Site 3b: Cloverhill Road Site

Development Objectives for the Site:

Details for Site 3b: Cloverhill Road Site
Site Area: 1.4Ha
Ownership & Availability: Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use: Residential
Density 25-50 DPH
Heights: 1-2 storeys, subject to design, location and site context
Estimated Capacity 40-60 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: TBC
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building.

Site 4: M50 - Cedarbrook Avenue Site - Page 68

Details for Site 4: M50- Cedarbrook Avenue Site
Site Area: 11.5Ha
Ownership & Availability: Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use: Mixed Use: Predominantly Residential, with enterprise and commercial along the M50 and next to the Train Station. (c. 80/20)
Density 75 DPH average (Ranging from 50 – 125 DPH)
Heights: Ranging from 2-4 storeys up to 7-8 storeys (24m) in close proximity to Neighbourhood Centre and Train Station, with opportunity for place marker landmark building of up to 60m
Estimated Capacity 600 – 700 no. units subject to detailed design.
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Convenience retail to be provided.
Possible park & ride parking for station.

Development Objectives for the Site:

A new mixed-use development is sought for this site.

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise also shown 0-8

Site 5: Barnville Neighbourhood Site - Page 69

Details for Site 5: Barnville Neighbourhood Site
Site Area: 1.5Ha
Ownership & Availability: Dublin City Council owned and available immediately
Proposed Use: Mixed Use – Predominantly residential with options for local retail and commercial uses (c. 80/20)
Density : 100 – 125 DPH
Heights: Ranging from 4-6 storeys up to 7-8 storeys.
Estimated Capacity 150 -200 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Site to provide pedestrian access through site towards Train Station. Opportunity for civic space / civic plaza. (subject to detailed design)

Development Objectives for the Site:

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8 and Public Plaza also shown.

Site 6: Park West Avenue/Road Site - Page 70

Development Objectives for the Site:

Details for Site 6: Park West Avenue / Road Site
Site Area: 7.3Ha
Ownership & Availability: Privately owned and available
Proposed Use: Predominantly Residential, with supporting community infrastructure to include a primary school.
Density : 100-125 DPH
Heights: Ranging up to 7-8 storeys (24m) in close proximity to Train Station, with opportunity for place marker landmark building of up to 60m.
Estimated Capacity 550 – 650 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Schools Site Reserved
of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Landmark building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8 and Proposed School site also shown.

Site 7: M50-Park West Site (formerly ‘Sector 1A’)

Details for Site 4: M50-Park West Side (formerly 'Sector 1A')
Site Area: Circa 4.3Ha
Ownership & Availability: Privately owned and available
Proposed Use: Mixed Use - Residential along with Commercial/Enterprise/Employment (50/50)
Density: 100 - 150 DPH
Heights: Ranging up to 7-8 storeys (24m) in close proximity to Train Station.
Estimated Capacity 400 – 500 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Employment/ enterprise to buffer M50

Development Objectives for the Site:

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Landmark building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8 Community Building, Amenity Development Site and Public Plaza also shown.

Site 8: M50-Park West Site (formerly ‘Sector 1B’)

Details for Site 8: M50-Park West Side (formerly 'Sector 1B')
Site Area: 3.8Ha
Ownership & Availability: Privately owned and available
Proposed Use: Mixed Use - Residential along with Commercial/Enterprise/Employment (50/50)
Density : 75 - 100 DPH
Heights: Ranging up to 7-8 storeys
Estimated Capacity 250 – 350 no. units subject to detailed design
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements: Employment/ enterprise to buffer M50
Community/ tourism potential of Gallenstown Waterworks
New pedestrian/cycle link to Grand Canal Greenway

Development Objectives for the Site:

of Existing Building, 0-4 Storey Residential Building, 5-8 Storey Residential Building, 9-10 Storey Residential Building. Landmark building. Storey Commerial / Enterprise 0-8, Local Enterprise / Empleyment use, Community Building, Amenity Development Site and Public Plaza also shown.

Amenity Development Sites - Page 73

A:Cherry Orchard Park Site

It is an objective of the LAP (CS1) to redesign Cherry Orchard Park and ( CS2) to support provision of new sporting facilities within Cherry Orchard Park:

Development Objectives for the Site:

B: Gallenstown Waterworks Site

It is an objective of the LAP (CS4) to explore the Gallenstown Waterworks as a new amenity development site and (ED08) to support the development of tourism, recreational and leisure facilities at this location.

Development Objectives for the Site: