Graphics & Desktop publishing Drawing Office, Planning 20-2-2019
This chapter sets out the overall strategies that will shape the future spatial development of the LAP area. These relate to broad issues such as urban function, land use, access and movement, public transport, development and place. Key to the implementation of the overall ‘Vision’ for the LAP area will be the development of the vacant sites and their successful and sustainable integration into the existing urban fabric of both the immediate area and the wider city.
It is important that the development strategy recognises the supporting infrastructure requirements of delivering sustainable communities and therefore each strategy seeks to identify and facilitate the delivery of supporting infrastructure in tandem with development, including social and community facilities as well as physical infrastructural improvements.
The development strategy of the LAP is in accordance with the land use strategy and zoning objectives set out in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022, in addition to the Development Plan’s strategic development and regeneration guiding principles, summarised as follows:
Further development objectives for specific sites to support the overall strategies of the LAP are set out in Chapter 5.
It should be noted that all policies and objectives of the Dublin City Development Plan (in operation at time of submitting a planning application) apply to the Park West – Cherry Orchard LAP area.
The overarching aim of the land use strategy is to achieve the efficient and effective use of undeveloped land through active land use management.
Key to achieving a successful and sustainable land use strategy is the requirement to link land use and transport to maximise the lands resources and development potential. Environmental considerations have also played a key role in the land use strategy, in particular having regard to noise levels and air quality in proximity to the M50.
Other determining factors include the desire to create new hubs serving both Park West and Cherry Orchard, and the need to integrate with and support the existing community.
The overall land use strategy for the LAP shows two new retail/ neighbourhood centre hubs, employment uses along the M50 boundary, new connections and residential use, with varying densities and typologies reflective of each location and the need to integrate with the existing environment while simultaneously making efficient use of urban land.
The Urban Framework strategy for the LAP area shows the long-term plan wide concepts for land use and function as they should evolve in the future and contribute to the vision. It is important that the LAP facilitates and co-ordinates the development opportunities on a number of key sites while at the same time integrating with the existing community and addressing important local issues such as economic activity, housing, transport, urban design, and community and social infrastructure.
This chapter sets out key aims and objectives for Park West – Cherry Orchard under the following headings:
The LAP contains a number of sites suitable for future economic development and employment opportunities, most notably lands adjoining the M50 and in the vicinity of the train station. The Plan will seek to compliment and integrate with existing employment uses at Park West Business Park and also supports the continued institutional employers within the area at the Prisons and the Hospital.
While identifying lands for economic development is an important component of the Plan, the LAP multi-faceted strategies are equally about creating the right environment in which economic activity can be developed and thrive. Key to achieving these goals will be the delivery of supporting infrastructure, including social and community infrastructure, parks, schools etc.; physical infrastructure including roads and drainage, and also the delivery of a mixed income housing stock that can support economic activity within the area. These elements are not as easily identifiable as ‘economic development interventions’ however they are key ingredients needed to create the environment to attract and promote economic activity in the area and in creating sustainable communities.
The provision of local retail shops is an essential component for sustainable communities, whilst also providing local employment opportunities. Two areas have been identified for new local retail provision, in addition to supporting the existing Park West Plaza:
Across from the existing local amenities of Saint Ultans National School, the Cherry Orchard Health Centre and the Church of the Most Holy Sacrament, it is proposed that a small number of local retail shops should be provided to serve a local need and to consolidate the existing local facilities (Site 2). This location is considered suitable for c. 3-4 small shops (e.g. newsagents, pharmacy, hairdressers, cafe), with the location optimising opportunities for walking and single trip destination. These units should form part of a larger scheme in order to provide a good urban design response to the site, with residential units considered appropriate above ground floor retail to provide passive supervision and an appropriate urban form. Given the proposal for local retail, together with the adjoining local amenities, this site is also considered suitable for the provision of senior citizens housing (see section 4.4 on housing below).
There is a need for a large convenience store to serve both the Park West and Cherry Orchard neighbourhoods. The LAP identifies the site to the immediate north of the train station (Site 4) as the most suitable location for such a use. Here opportunities exist to optimise level differences at this location, and to provide a non-noise sensitive use next to the train line. The train station and the distributor road will provide good footfall at this location and it is well placed to serve both neighbourhoods. Other opportunities for retail use in the vicinity of the station will be encouraged, in particular the provision of ground-floor retail to Park West Avenue.
Given the importance of local retail in serving local communities, it is considered that new developments within Site 2 and along Park West Avenue should be required to fit-out ground floor commercial units to a specification that facilitates turn-key letting.
The LAP supports the continued use and development of local retail facilities within The Plaza at Park West. Opportunities to enhance this space and further address Park West Road and Park West Avenue, enhancing the pedestrian interface and use of this space, will be encouraged and welcomed as part of any future development proposals.
The LAP contains significant vacant lands abutting the boundary with the M50 and adjoining the Park West – Cherry Orchard Train Station, identified in the LAP as suitable for commercial development (office and enterprise). These lands are predominantly zoned as Z14 ‘to seek the social, economic and physical development and/or rejuvenation of an area with mixed use, of which residential and ‘Z6’ would be the predominant uses’.
South of the railway line, the vacant lands adjoin the Park West Business Park which provides high specification office accommodation and is currently home to a number of global and multinational companies. Consolidating this use is an objective of the LAP.
Taking account of the scale of the vacant sites and the objective to create a mixed-use area, the land use strategy of the LAP is to seek the provision of employment generating office/ enterprise use along the M50 boundary which will build on the success of the Park West Business Park. Such uses will also provide an important buffer between new residential development and the M50 motorway. Commercial activity will also be encouraged in the vicinity of the train station to create a diverse mixed-use development, supporting a vibrant community. It is thus an objective of the LAP to facilitate mixed-use development with employment generating uses buffering the M50 boundary and adjoining the Park West-Cherry Orchard Train Station.
Site 3a is a long relatively narrow strip of land buffering the M50 boundary.
Zoned “Z1” within the City Development Plan, this land was examined for a number of alternative uses, including residential development (set out as an alternative within the SEA). Taking into account a number of factors in particular noise and air quality, it is considered that this site is best suited for the provision of enterprise and employment space.
The ‘Making Cherry Orchard Better’ social and economic action plan, published in 2017 identified the specific need for a new community and social enterprise hub within Cherry Orchard Park that would provide support, training and space for local start up enterprises, particularly social enterprises. The Plan identified a site adjoining the Orchard Community Centre within Cherry Orchard Park as a suitable location for this new facility.
The LAP supports the provision of this centre, and notes a number of locations which could accommodate this facility, subject to timing considerations and further information on the size and nature of activities which the centre will offer; or indeed it could be a multi-campus approach depending on the requirements. Suitable sites include:
The community audit undertaken for the LAP identified a number of small community enterprises based in houses within residential areas. These centres provide a valuable community resource and have to date made the best use of the spaces available to them. Other local training centres include St. Oliver’s Training Centre on Clover Hill Road, a single-storey structure with limited potential; while just outside the LAP on Lavery Avenue are a number of small enterprise units within the Park West Industrial estate. It is considered that in developing proposals for a new Community and Social Enterprise Hub for Cherry Orchard, that consideration should be given to relocating existing providers based in houses and other dated structures, to this new purpose built facility, thus providing them with more suitable spaces and freeing up houses and sites for residential use. The LAP area contains an alternate site suitable for a new traveller training centre just south of Oliver Plunkett Avenue, which would allow for the provision of a modern training facility and allow the existing site to be redeveloped for residential use.
It is an objective of the LAP to support the delivery of a new community and social enterprise hub within the Cherry Orchard area.
As the construction of the development progresses within the LAP area there may be opportunities for both employment of local residents and provision of training. This has the potential to greatly benefit the community. The council will aim to facilitate agencies and organisations, particularly those engaged in employment and training initiatives in the Cherry Orchard and Park West area, to work together with a view to maximising employment, volunteer and training opportunities for the residents of Cherry Orchard, Park West and the surrounding area. It is an objective of the LAP to liaise with relevant organisations and agencies in order to maximise education opportunities and support access to employment for local residents.
The Grand Canal Greenway (cycle and pedestrian route) passes along the southern boundary of the LAP area. It is considered to have great potential for developing a recreational and tourism economy in the LAP area. Building on the ‘Dublin City Canals’ study (2010) which identifies the recreational, tourism and commercial potential of the Dublin City Canals and Docklands, it is an objective of this LAP to support the development and enhancement of the land adjoining the Grand Canal. Opportunities identified in the 2010 Canal study include enhanced linkages from the Canal to surrounding businesses and communities; the importance of engaging canal side communities in valuing and using the canal as recreational space; and the development of a safe and secure canal basin at the former filter beds associated with the former waterworks.
The former waterworks at Gallanstown, lie within the Park West area to the south of the LAP, adjacent to the Grand Canal. The waterworks which date back to the 1860’s was likely the first municipal waterworks to supply treated water in the City. It comprised three components; the underground brick arched reservoir, a sand filter bed and a settling pond. The waterworks no longer form part of the Dublin water supply, and the various components are within the ownership of Dublin City Council. It is considered that this location has the potential to act as a base for tourism and recreational use along the canal, and it is identified in the LAP as a key amenity site (see Chapter 5 for further detail). A good comparable example of reusing older buildings for tourism is that of the former famine workhouse at Kilmacthomas, now located along the Waterford Greenway route and a hive of tourism activity. It is an objective of the LAP to liaise with relevant agencies, organisations and relevant stakeholders to maximise the potential for recreational and leisure use of this unique asset, and its relationship to the Canal.
The LAP adjoins the Park West Industrial Park, which is currently zoned Z6 ‘to provide for the creation and protection of enterprise and facilitate opportunities for employment creation’ and accommodates a wide range and mix of uses.
In preparing this LAP regard is had to objective CEE04 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, where it is an objective to carry out targeted surveys of existing industrial estates with likely redevelopment potential, along with the policy direction of the National Planning Framework which aims to relocate less intensive land uses outside of the M50 ring. On foot of this Dublin City Council sought and received funding from the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government for financial assistance under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund, to undertake a detailed examination of these Z6 lands extending east to Inchicore, to determine the potential for rezoning to higher intensification uses, including the potential for residential development in the vicinity of the Grand Canal.
The LAP will ensure that the proposed uses set out in the LAP are compatible with both existing uses and possible future development at this location.
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:
A core aim of this LAP is the successful delivery and integration of residential development on vacant and undeveloped lands within the area. The LAP area has potential to provide mre than 2,000 new homes in an area served by existing and future infrastructure and amenities within a reasonably short time frame. As such it can play a key role in addressing the shortfall in housing supply within Dublin and the wider metropolitan area.
Chapter 2 of the LAP sets out the existing population and housing profile for the area and highlights the skewed variances between Park West and Cherry Orchard and the also the skewed tenure mix among the existing housing stock. The LAP seeks to promote the development of new housing which delivers integrated, balanced communities and a sustainable social mix. There will be a need to balance the conflicting demands for addressing the significant social imbalance that currently exists in Cherry Orchard with the demand for additional social housing in the area. It is important that a balanced residential population is achieved by ensuring the LAP promotes the provision of a broad mix of residential units delivering a wide range of housing typologies, sizes, and forms of tenure catering for families of all sizes and people of all ages.
At present both the Park West and Cherry Orchard LAP areas have a low proportion of older and retired people. However it is important to plan for the future when allocating scare land resources and all neighbourhoods should have provision made for older person’s accommodation such as independent living, step-down housing and nursing home accommodation. Furthermore, the Carna and Kylemore Electoral Divisions immediately to the north and east of the LAP area are characterised by an older and ageing population with limited opportunities locally for downsizing and/or supported living. The Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014 – 2019 recognises that there is insufficient alternative accommodation for older people in local communities.
In keeping with the City Development Plan older persons housing should be located in close proximity to village/ neighbourhood centres where residents have easy access to a range of local amenities. Being able to relocate to step-down housing within existing communities also allows people to retain their relationships with the community. Site 2 on Cherry Orchard Avenue is identified within the LAP for senior citizen housing, located across from the church, health centre and community centre, this site is also ear-marked for a number of new local shops, and is in close proximity to Cherry Orchard Park. It will help ensure that future residents do not become isolated, allowing residents easy access to a host of local services and amenities. Other opportunities for older persons housing in Park West will be sought as these lands are developed.
In addition to identifying housing for senior citizens, other vulnerable users exist in our society for whom independent living is not an option, and who require supported living accommodations. In order to ensure that as a society we embrace inclusivity as part of our sustainable communities, the City Council will work with the HSE and other interested voluntary housing bodies to identify suitable sites for assisted housing.
Achieving a balanced tenure mix is to the forefront of the City Council’s Housing Strategy, ensuring all sectors of society have access to good quality housing supply. It is also used as a tool for economic regeneration as it is recognised that areas need a balanced economic profile to support the establishment and success of local shops and other commercial amenities.
The tenure mix for Cherry Orchard and Park West is currently highly skewed compared to the rest of the City. The figures shown in Chapter 2 (taken from the 2016 Census) show the proportion of DCC/ Social Renting within Cherry Orchard currently standing at 46.2% compared to 13.2% for the rest of the City. The figures also show that the portion of owner occupied households within Cherry Orchard currently stands at 28% compared with 49.8% for the rest of Dublin City. These figures become even more divergent when we take into account of newley constructed Local Authority and Voluntary Housing; and also add in those in reciept of housing subsidies which bring the real social housing figure to 60.1% (See Chapter)
Notwithstanding the above it is recognised that there remains a high demand for new social housing in the area. In developing the remaining vacant lands within Park West – Cherry Orchard it is considered that all tenure options should be provided for, and that provision should be made for:
Dublin City Council recently sought funding under the Serviced Sites Initiative with the aim to deliver affordable housing provision on Site 1 within the LAP. This scheme allows for the servicing costs of the site, (roads, drainage, water) to be funded directly from central government, thus reducing the overall cost of development to provide affordable housing provision. It is envisaged that this site will be the first deliverable site of the LAP (subject to future planning consent).
As part of addressing the housing imbalance, there is a need for people to be able to buy in the area at different market levels, with different house/apartment types to accommodate those at various stages of their lifecycle, those flying the nest, starter homes, upsizing, downsizing, step-down housing etc. Whilst, it is important that medium to higher densities are achieved across the area it is equally important that a reasonable level of traditional semi-detached and terraced family homes with gardens are provided in order to attract and retain working families in the area.
Having regard to local circumstances including the current socio-economic profile of the area and concerns regarding the viability of residential development it is important to ensure that the planning process is appropriately flexible and adaptive in anticipating and addressing changing economic circumstances. At the same time achieving strategic objectives such as delivering appropriate residential densities, making efficient use of scarce urban land, capitalising on existing and future investment in infrastructure and addressing the existing housing imbalance in the area are important planning considerations.
The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 - 2022 notes the benefits of the ‘kick start’ initiative outlined in the governments ‘Construction 2020’ document. This plan-led approach for the incremental development of strategic residentially zoned land is a useful approach which leverages existing infrastructure and allows for some initial development at a lower density. This approach has been adopted in other SDRAs and has resulted in the delivery of additional homes and the continued development of new neighbourhoods in others parts of the city including Pelletstown and Clongriffin.
In current economic circumstances, the financial viability of higher density projects in locations such as Park West – Cherry Orchard which are outside of the city centre or outside of mature high-value residential locations is a concern in terms of deliverability of the LAP. Having regard to the prevailing economic and social circumstances in the area, it is considered important that greater flexibility is warranted in the early stages of new larger-scale developments in Cherry Orchard in order to ‘kick start’ a valuable project that might otherwise not be market-viable. However, this shall only be appropriate on sites furthest from the train station at which point there should be a commitment to achieving higher densities and sustainable development.
The LAP contains eight key sites available for development, which have the potential to deliver in the order between 2000-2700 new residential units. Further details on each of these sites is set out in Chapter 5.
Within the existing built-up area of Cherry Orchard it is considered that there are opportunities for infill developments that could deliver additional housing provision, outside of the eight “key sites”. These are sites that were identified previously in the 2007 Donal Walsh Study, which has guided a number of in-fill developments to date. The sites identified in the Study are a mixture of Z12, Z1 and Z9 zonings, and in the case of the latter would require further public consultation and analysis, and would be dependent on Council decision to rezone lands. The lands have the potential to address existing deficits in urban form, while simultaneously providing enhanced landscaping to a number of local neighbourhood parks. It is considered that these sites have the opportunity to address existing local housing needs, and it is an objective of the LAP to examine the potential of these lands.
Site | Use | Estimated Unit Numbers |
Site 1 |
100% Residential (with opportunity for créche facility) |
c. 200 news units (in addition to the 72 no. units on-site / under construction) |
Site 2 |
Residential, including senior citizens accommodation and some local retail (3-4 shops) |
c. 130 - 170 new units (in addition to the 77 no. units near completion) |
Site 3a |
3a Enterprise / Employment Use |
N/A |
Site 3b |
100% Residential |
c. 30 - 60 units |
Site 4 |
Predominantly residential, some mixed-use: Residential: 70% - 80% Enterprise / Commercial: 20% - 30% |
c. 600 - 700 units |
Site 5 |
Predominantly residential, some mixed-use: Residential: 80% Enterprise / Commercial: max. 20% |
c. 120-180 units |
Site 6 |
Predominantly residential, some mixed-use: Residential: 80% Enterprise / Commercial: max. 20% |
c. 500 - 700 units |
Site 7 |
Mixed Use - Residential and Commercial c. 50/50 split |
c. 400 - 500 units |
Site 8 |
Mixed Use - Residential and Commercial c. 50/50 split |
c. 250 - 350 units |
Total new units c. 2000 - 2700 |
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:-
Chapter 2 outlined some of the difficulties associated with the existing road network, including permeability constraints due to the location of the LAP lands adjoining/ abutting the M50, the railway line, the Grand Canal and the larger institutional land uses. The wide carriageways within residential areas and the sweeping distributor road next to the train station all place a focus on car travel, rather than pedestrian and cycle movement. The LAP presents an important opportunity to shape the built form of the underutilised and vacant lands whilst also ensuring that existing connections are improved and new connections are provided where feasible.
One of the main aims of this LAP is to create an environment that promotes and sustains a vibrant community where people living and working in Park West and Cherry Orchard can walk, cycle and easily access public transport via a connected network of safe and attractive streets, public spaces, green links; and where people benefit from the clustering of community and commercial services. The movement strategy identifies and incorporates direct lines of movement along desire lines, the creation of highly accessible places supported by a clear street hierarchy that incorporates strategic corridors of movement and increased accessibility to public transport as outlined in the Urban Form and Design Strategy. This will involve establishing a street network that is formed around a clear hierarchy that manages and directs different modes of transport throughout the LAP area and a balanced view in relation to the provision of car parking whilst facilitating public transport and other modes in proximity to the train station. It is an objective of this LAP to support and facilitate development proposals which promote modal shift to more sustainable modes of public transport and other modes such as cycling and walking.
As part of the preparation of the LAP, a high level traffic analysis was undertaken for the LAP lands. At present the road network serving Park West – Cherry Orchard experiences some traffic congestion during peak hours in areas such as Cloverhill Road, Park West Avenue and Le Fanu Road with the highest delays occurring where these roads connect to regional roads such as Ballyfermot Road and the New Nangor Road. As vacant sits are developed, new employment and residential areas will generate additional demands on the existing transport network. Planning applications for sites will be required to provide detailed junction analysis and to determine the impact of a development proposal on the local road network, identifying any capacity enhancements required.
The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 (SDRA No. 4), identifies the need for a new north-south road link between Ballyfermot Road (and future LUAS line) and the railway station. There is an opportunity to provide this link as part of the development of Site No. 1. This link offers the potential to provide some relief to the existing road network serving the area.
In order to future proof the area for greater connectivity, the LAP identifies the lands south of Cherry Orchard Drive (in the vicinity of the old railway station/ existing pedestrian crossing) as a strategic crossing point over the railway line. Pending the outcome of the review of the Industrial lands at Park West Industrial Estate, this connection could take the form of a new public roadway should lands south of the LAP become available for redevelopment. In addition it is considered that Site No. 6 should make provision for future east-west connections to these lands.
The Park West – Cherry Orchard area is served by a modern new rail station centrally located between the two neighbourhoods. It is acknowledged that the potential of the station is not being fully realised, and that this is compounded by the presence of significant vacant lands within a 500m walk band of the railway station. There is a need to obtain a critical mass of population including high density development in and around the station in order to support the delivery of improved infrastructure and enhanced frequency and levels of service.
It is acknowledged that the proposed DART Expansion programme which forms part of the National Transport Authority’s ‘Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035’, identifies the provision of fast, high-frequency electrified services to Park West/Cherry Orchard which will be a significant positive development for the area resulting in much improved levels of frequency.
In addition to the requirements for improved infrastructure, frequency and levels of services as set out above, the accessibility and connectivity to and from the Park West and Cherry Orchard Rail station is an important factor which needs to be addressed as part the future development of the area. It is an objective of this LAP to support the improvement and enhancement of pedestrian/cycle linkages between residential and employment areas and the station to support and encourage greater use of rail based services.
A key element of fostering a modal shift to rail transport is the enhancement of facilities at the train station including the plaza area to the front of the station making it more attractive and pedestrian friendly. The area around the train station would benefit greatly through the provision of improved pedestrian facilities such as pedestrian crossings, new street furniture, better public lighting, and real time information for rail and bus services, bicycle parking and storage, along with the removal of unauthorised car parking to the front of the plaza. Such initiatives would enhance the passenger experience and may assist in increasing usage of rail services.
At present Park West – Cherry Orchard train station does not have any designated formal car parking, set down areas, or taxi facilities. However as mentioned above there is unauthorised parking evident on a daily basis to the front of the station plaza which needs to be addressed. There is an opportunity to introduce a designated car parking facility near the station as part of future development opportunities This ‘Park and Ride’ facility in conjunction with the future arrival of DART services would facilitate the integration of private and public transport for the local and surrounding area. It is an objective of this LAP to support the development of park and ride facilities as part of the development of site no. 4.
The Luas Red Line at the Kylemore stop is located approximately 2.1km for the LAP area and while this may be an acceptable distance for some to walk, the route itself is unattractive, passing through industrial only lands. Is it acknowledged that over time this area is likely to experience change on foot of the proposed rezoning of these lands from industrial to “regeneration” by South Dublin County Council. Direct linkage from Park West to the Inchicore Luas stop is available along the Canal’s green link, which provides a flat route away from traffic. Issues of anti-social activity along this route unfortunately also negate against this as an attractive option.
The Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy 2016 – 2035 identifies a long term proposal for a new Luas line to Lucan along the Ballyfermot Road to the north of the LAP area. Therefore, in addition to the high frequency bus corridors along Ballyfermot Road it is important that pedestrian and cycle routes to and from the LAP area provide good quality direct links to the planned Lucan Luas Line on the Ballyfermot Road.
As illustrated in the map below there are a large number of bus stops in the area serving the majority of the LAP lands and approximately 14,680 people within a 5 minute walk to a bus stop. It was however noted during the initial public consultation stage of the LAP that residents are concerned over the level of bus services that are withdrawn due to anti-social behaviour resulting in lack of service. Further concerns were raised regarding the lack of adequate bus shelters and facilities. The City Council will endeavour to work with Dublin Bus to help resolve these issues; some of which may be alleviated through the development of vacant lands, and the provision of more active street fronts.
The National Transport Authority (NTA) is in the process of redesigning Dublin’s bus system under the ‘BusConnects’ project which will identify a network of high quality radial and orbital bus corridors. The project which aims to overhaul the current bus network system in the Dublin region has implications for the Park West – Cherry Orchard area which will avail of a high frequency bus network better connecting the area to the City Centre and other areas of the city such as University College Dublin. It will involve slight alterations to existing routes through the area however the Draft Bus Connect Review published in 2018 envisaged that frequency of services in the area will be every 10 to 15 minutes along with faster, more reliable and predictable bus journeys. The City Council will continue to work with and support the NTA in planning and implementing improvements and enhancements to the public transport network in the area.
Park West – Cherry Orchard, and in particular the vicinity of the train station following the rollout of DART services, provides an opportunity to introduce a bus and rail interchange where local residents and commuters from adjacent areas will be able to catch frequent public transport services to all parts of the city and other areas. The existing Bus Connects proposals show a proposed new orbital route (S4 route) along the Kylemore Road. However it is also considered that following the upgrading of the railway track to DART services, the provision of a new link road between Ballyfermot Road and the train station, and the delivery of higher density development around the train station, that there is an opportunity to create an alternative/additional outer orbital route. Along with the sustainable transport benefits, this approach would have other benefits for the area by attracting more people into the area and in turn assisting in the economic and social regeneration of the area. It is an objective of this LAP to support the development of an integrated transport interchange hub in the vicinity of the train station.
As set out in Chapter 2 the NTA Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan seeks to deliver and implement a number of key cycle routes in the LAP area and surrounding environs. The LAP offers the potential to incorporate and integrate these routes into the future planning and development of the area. It is an objective of the LAP to support the delivery of the GDA Cycle Network Plan through the delivery of a co-ordinated cycle network with good quality cycle infrastructure throughout the LAP area thorough the redevelopment of vacant sites and redesign of existing parks and open spaces.
It is important that the development of vacant sites in the area contributes to the delivery of a co-ordinated cycle network and good quality cycle infrastructure. In particular proposals which accommodate safe and attractive routes which reflect desire lines will be supported.
For example, the proposed road at Elmdale linking Ballyfermot Road to the Train station has the potential to deliver a good quality pedestrian and cycle route as part of the delivery of Site 1. In addition, a new east-west cycle link in Cherry Orchard linking to Le Fanu Park is sought as part of both the cycle and green infrastructure strategies (delivered as part of Site No. 2, 5 and Cherry Orchard Park).
In addition to the above, the development of a network of Green Infrastructure incorporating green corridors and links is an objective of this LAP which is given further consideration later in this chapter (See Section below). Such corridors and routes have many functions and provide the opportunity to develop quality walking and cycling routes. It is an objective of this LAP that wherever possible and practical walking and cycle routes will be encouraged alongside the green corridors and links throughout the LAP lands.
The Grand Canal Greenway route (Primary Cycle Route 7B above) is an existing piece of pedestrian and cycle infrastructure which runs along the southern boundary of the LAP area. However, accessibility to this valuable amenity is limited due to the lack of connections to the route from Park West – Cherry Orchard area. It is an objective of the LAP to seek an additional connection across the Canal from the Park West Business Park, in the vicinity of the Gallanstown Waterworks, linking to the Greenway.
This section of the Grand Canal Greenway and further east through the industrial lands is unfortunately known for anti-social behaviour making it unattractive to use. The lack of passive surveillance and active uses along the Canal is an issue for both the LAP and wider area. Where new opportunities for development are presented adjoining the canal it is imperative that issues of overlooking, animation and urban design are addressed appropriately.
The delivery of a safe attractive coherent network of cycle routes with good quality cycle infrastructure at strategic destinations is critical in fostering a culture of cycling and achieving greater modal shift within the area. It is recommended that as part of the upgrade of public transport in the area that proposals for secure cycle parking facilities at the train station and possible future bus interchange is encouraged and supported in order to promote cycling and encourage sustainable transport modes in the area.
Where new office and commercial development is proposed, the Council will seek the provision of detailed work travel plans, which shall incorporate the provision of suitable facilities for cyclists including secure bike storage and changing/ locker facilities.
Dublin City Council also works closely with schools across through the Green Schools programme to teach children that their behaviour can have a positive or negative impact on the environment and foster a sense of responsibility and ownership of the environment. It is an objective of the LAP that the Green Schools initiative continue to support and engage with St. Ultan’s NS with the aim of achieving a transport flag.
The LAP area is very much a legacy of late twentieth century suburban planning and development characterised by car led residential and employment development with wide distributor type roads and little regard to pedestrian or cycle infrastructure. Despite the increasing popularity of walking, cycling and public transport across the city, roads and vehicular use is very much prevalent in the LAP area.
In accordance with the LAP vision it is an objective of the LAP to create attractive identifiable legible places, with easy to navigate pedestrian links. The aim is to make walking more attractive to users by introducing new pedestrian links, improving pedestrian footpaths and pedestrian crossings and implementing public realm improvements. This can be achieved through the modification of some existing roads and the construction of new roads in accordance with best practice outlined in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (2013).
There is an opportunity to significantly improve the pedestrian environment within the existing built-up area in addition to planning for future sites. Of particular importance is the area along Cherry Orchard Avenue in the vicinity of the Church and school where the creation of a more traffic calmed streetscape with a more pedestrian friendly environment is sought. This may include the re-allocation of existing carriageway space to better provide for pedestrians with new footpaths and landscaping as part of overall enhancements to the public realm, along with junction upgrades and/or removal of existing roundabouts to facilitate the provision of new pedestrian crossings along key desire lines. As part of the delivery of Site No. 2 it is also sought to create an attractive and “green” walking route connecting Cherry Orchard Park to Le Faun Park, which could be used to form part of a new “Slí na Sláinte” route promoting active and healthy lifestyles.
In developing site No. 5 and the build out of site No. 7 there are opportunities to significantly improve pedestrian access to and from the train station, particularly with regard to its relationship with Cherry Orchard. Elsewhere within Park West improvements to the existing pedestrian network will be sought to ensure linkages are safe, well overlooked and provide an accessible and easily navigable routes. Further south a new pedestrian link over the Canal at the Gallanstown waterworks will be sought to provide a direct safe and attractive walking route from the Greenway along the Canal to the Station.
This LAP places a strong emphasis on sustainable forms of travel such as walking, cycling and public transport and aims to take a proactive approach to influencing travel behaviour and effective traffic management. The quality, directness and attractiveness of walking and cycling routes are key to creating a sustainable neighbourhood. The implementation of a clear street hierarchy and network of open spaces will develop greater legibility for the area which in turn will encourage greater movement and encourage modal shift to more sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport. Development proposals should support and facilitate pedestrian and cyclist routes which follow desire lines and as part of this it is necessary to ensure that all interfaces between proposed new development, existing developments and undeveloped lands are integrated in a manner which creates the opportunity for more permeable layouts and encourages passive and active surveillance of streets and spaces. It is an objective of this LAP to support the upgrading and opening up of cul-de-sacs for pedestrian access where it shortens trips to community facilities, schools, open spaces, shops, employment and public transport stops.
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:
Quality urban form and urban design is essential in creating a built environment that will be successful and in contributing to the long term social and economic viability of the area. The aim of this section is to set out key principles and urban design objectives which will assist in delivering a high quality, sustainable, urban community and in creating a sense of place.
This section of the LAP reviews the current urban structure of the area, identifies key structuring principles required for future development and provides guidance on densities, building heights and building design. The urban form and design strategy seeks to achieve coherent patterns of urban structure within a clear hierarchy of streets and spaces which create a sense of place and create legible walkable developments which enhance the image of Cherry Orchard and Park West. The section below provides over-arching urban design objectives for all new development within the LAP area, followed by specific development objectives for each of the 8 key sites, set out later in Chapter 5.
Within Cherry Orchard the existing wide distributor roads flanked by two-storey houses, lack of tree-line and numerous underutilised large green spaces, adds little to creating a sense of place and lacks the sense of intimacy sought in a residential area. Furthermore the monotony in urban form together with the large number of cul-de-sacs and terminated roads creates a poor sense of legibility which can make the area difficult to navigate. These characteristics along with the absence of a defined neighbourhood centre in Cherry Orchard illustrate the clear need for physical intervention.
It is an overarching objective of the LAP to not just examine the requirements for new vacant sites, but also to examine ways of enhancing the existing urban form, and to integrate the two where possible. Within Cherry Orchard it is considered that there are a number of sites which would benefit greatly from in-fill development, for example to secure exposed rear boundary walls, providing passive surveillance over-looking landscaped parks, creating tree-lined avenues. It is an objective of the LAP (H12) to examine the potential for in-fill housing schemes within Cherry Orchard, to address local housing need, and importantly that this potential is used to create variety in streetscape and help create a sense of place. The creation of enhanced green links along Cliffden Drive, Cherry Orchard Drive and Cherry Orchard Avenue forms part of the green infrastructure strategy and is also an objective of the LAP, to enhance the existing streetscapes and to help define streets.
In Park West there are some good examples of landscaping and in particular the inclusion of water in the urban form, however the existing residential development is isolated in both form and function. The neighbourhood centre does not link in well with the surrounding area and in particular has poor pedestrian connections; the existing high voltage overhead ESB power lines along the main Park West Road sits at odds in an emerging urban area, while the mono office and industrial uses along the canal bank detracts from the use of this resource as a potential key amenity.
One of the main objectives of the Park West–Cherry Orchard LAP is to improve the image and appearance of the area and to consolidate and improve the existing public realm. The implementation of a public realm strategy for the LAP area will be fundamental in delivering an attractive and identifiable place. The strategy is based on a hierarchy of spaces, which ensures that all public open spaces have a clear role and function and serve a range of recreational needs within close proximity to homes and workplaces. The development of an integrated network of green routes and corridors throughout the LAP is a key element of the public realm strategy and is set out in greater detail below. Key development sites within the LAP area provide opportunities for the provision of new high quality open spaces as part of residential and large scale non-residential developments.
There are a number of locations within the LAP where the focus shall be on the public domain. These spaces are the neighbourhood centres and the key commercial and community areas within the LAP. They are about creating ‘places’ and not just ‘spaces’. Visibility, design, high quality materials should all address the need to make these spaces identifiable and unique to their setting.
In Cherry Orchard it is an objective to enhance the neighbourhood setting along Cherry Orchard Avenue to provide a local village feel by consolidating the neighbourhood uses at this location. The LAP seeks the provision of a number of local shops at this location in conjunction with the provision of senior citizen housing, and possibly a community / enterprise hub. This new centre should have an identifiable public use, fronting onto an enhanced public domain with potential civic plaza/ open space. The building(s) should be higher than the surrounding 2-storey residential setting, (c. 4-storeys in height) and should provide passive supervision of the public space. The existing road layout should be addressed as part of this proposal, providing for pedestrian crossing points, bus shelters, and the build out of the footpaths adjoining the existing Health Centre. Consideration should be given to removing the existing roundabouts at the junctions with Blackditch Road and Cherry Orchard Grove, with a design that puts the focus on pedestrian movement as a priority.
Higher level commercial activity and mixed uses are sought to the immediate north of the Train Station, linking to and enhancing the existing public plaza already in place. Here larger scale convenience shopping and commercial activity should be reflected in the public domain. High quality durable materials, public lighting and landscaping that enhances the public space is a priority consideration. Taller landmark buildings that further reinforces this space as a destination and node of activity will be prioritised.
Within Park West the existing neighbourhood centre consists of an internally focused public space with attractive water feature and public seating. While the space works reasonably well once inside the “triangle”, it is less successful from the public street; from Park West Road or from Park West Avenue. As part of any future development of this urban block and the adjoining sites, it is an objective of the LAP to seek enhanced pedestrian movement and animation of the spaces linking into the neighbourhood centre.
Cherry Orchard Park forms a central feature of the LAP area, with large landscaped spaces located adjoining the church, school, health centre and the Orchard Centre. However it is clear from the levels of vandalism to the playground and multi-use games area, that there are issues which need to be addressed. It is an objective of the LAP to carry out a landscaped redesign of this park with an emphasis on creating an attractive park and public space, and which incorporates the following guiding principles:
Elsewhere within Cherry Orchard it is recognised there are a significant amount of smaller local pocket park spaces that are of poor quality and that these spaces need investment. It is recommended that any investment or enhancement of such spaces must be accompanied by an appropriate and focused approach to the management and ongoing maintenance of such areas. It is an objective of this LAP to examine the potential for in-fill housing within Cherry Orchard. Following the outcome of this study, those spaces which are to remain as open space should benefit from enhanced landscaping and amenity investment to increase usage of these spaces and to enhance their biodiversity potential. It is therefore an objective of the LAP to carry out enhancements to a number of local neighbourhood/ pocket parks, following an analysis of these spaces.
Within the Park West area there are a number of high quality well maintained public open spaces which include a number of public art sculptural pieces. These areas have potential to form part of a wider network of well-connected high quality green corridors and green spaces and could potentially form part of a “public art trail”. However the existing high voltage overhead ESB power lines and pylons detract both visually and restrict opportunity in terms of providing even greater amenity along these potential green corridors. In order to enhance some of these existing spaces it is an objective of the LAP to seek the undergrounding the existing over-head ESB power lines in this emerging urban streetscape.
The Grand Canal, albeit outside the LAP area immediately adjoins the LAP boundary. The Canal with its historic locks, waterside setting and towpath walks and greenway cycle / pedestrian route provides a wonderful yet underutilised asset to the residents and workers of Park West and Cherry Orchard. The Grand Canal has the potential to form a key part of the urban framework in the area and play a key role within the Public Realm Open Space strategy. To make the most of this asset it is essential that the Canal is given its best possible setting. There is a need to address issues such as increased accessibility and improved safety along the existing canal. There is an opportunity to provide better accessibility and direct linkages to the canal as part of development of an integrated network of green routes and corridors throughout the LAP. The provision of new crossing points or footbridges to provide direct access for residents and workers in the vicinity will be critical in supporting increased usage along the Canal and providing greater supervision of the area. It is an objective of this LAP that any future redevelopment of lands immediately to the north of the Canal in Park West shall have regard to and respond to the presence of the canal providing overlooking to increased passive surveillance and where possible new linkages to the canal to improve accessibility. Retaining water as a feature of Park West will also be strongly encouraged within new developments.
Ensuring that open spaces, both existing and proposed are not viewed independently, but rather part of a wider interconnected series of spaces is central to both the public realm strategy and also to the green infrastructure network, set out in further detail below in section below.
A key element of the public realm strategy is the facilitation of movement along the existing and anticipated local desire lines as part of the wider urban form and design strategy to ensure the successful integration of existing and future developments. It is important that existing pedestrian and cycle routes within the LAP area are upgraded and enhanced as well as providing new pedestrian and cycle routes to improve connections within and outside the LAP boundary. The attractiveness of these routes throughout the LAP area could be improved in a number of ways including improvements to public lighting, enhancing the physical condition of the routes, providing active frontage with good overlooking making routes feel safer by increasing passive surveillance where opportunities arise. Street planting along new roads as well as retro-fitting existing roads to provide landscaping enhancements is also considered fundamental to improving the overall attractiveness of the area, and is an important element of the green network strategy. It is an objective of the LAP to provide new areas of public space and to upgrade existing parks/ spaces/ streets to deliver an integrated network of green routes and corridors throughout the LAP which help knit together the streets and open space hierarchy so they provide highly amenable spaces for existing and future residents.
The established local road network both within and immediately surrounding the LAP area can be very much characterised as suburban in nature with vehicles assigned the highest priority. The network is mainly comprised of three types of roads; regional roads, local distributor type roads or local access roads as illustrated below. In terms of the design and character, many of the roads in the LAP area appear and function as local distributor type roads due largely to their excessive widths and absence of landscaping along with the lack of built form, frontage and active uses. This creates an environment that promotes excessive driving speeds and results in an unfriendly pedestrian environment. Sustainable urban neighbourhoods are diverse, focused on identifiable centres and walkable. The proposed urban form and design strategy shifts away from suburban roads and focuses on the creation of urban streets and the function of these streets. The emphasis placed on each function will depend on the location and context of the street and its place within the overall street hierarchy.
It is an objective of the LAP to redesign some of the roads with the existing wide carriageways, such as Cherry Orchard Avenue and Park West Avenue, to reflect their status within a clearly revised hierarchy of streets. The redesign of such roads to urban streets may include a range of interventions such as the narrowing of carriageways along with the introduction of tree planning and/or landscaping, incorporation of SuDS features, on street parallel parking, enhanced pedestrian/cycle facilities, and increased development frontage where appropriate. This suite of measures will help to create a better sense of enclosure and better sense of place, creating a self-enforced traffic calmed environment resulting in safer more pedestrian friendly streets. As part of the preparation of this LAP a review of the established road network was undertaken with a new urban street hierarchy proposed as illustrated across.
For each of the key sites identified in the LAP, it is important that housing density and design is appropriate to its location, reflecting the significance of the SDRA designation as a resource for the future of the city, and cognisant of national planning policy, Development Plan policy and current legislation. The ‘Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas’ (Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government 2009) outline that it is Government policy to promote higher residential densities in locations which are served by public transport.
The SDRA and a large proportion of the LAP lands are within the 400/500m catchment of the Dublin - Kildare commuter line and station, which will benefit from significant improvements as part of the DART Expansion Programme over the medium-term. The plan area will also benefit from enhanced bus services as part of the Bus Connects network review and additional bus priority measures. In consideration of the existing and planned public transport infrastructure in the area, this location is considered appropriate for medium to high density residential and commercial development to maximise this investment in public infrastructure. Building at higher densities makes more efficient use of land and energy resources, creating a consolidated urban form which fosters the development of a compact neighbourhood, and creates a critical mass of population to contribute to the viability of economic, social, amenity and transport infrastructure.
National planning guidelines advise that a minimum net density of 50 dwellings per hectare is sought within existing or planned public transport corridors, with the highest densities being located at rail stations / bus stops, and decreasing with distance away from such nodes. In the previous non-statutory Urban Framework Plan in the early 2000’s an average density of 65 units/ha was planned for the vacant lands; and examples of newer developments in Park West Pointe and Cedarbrook reflect this higher density approach. The development of the remaining residential and mixed use sites in Park West – Cherry Orchard has the potential to provide a significant increase in residential population to assist in generating the critical mass of population needed to deliver enhanced social and community services, improve and sustain shopping facilities and improve public transport provision. The key sites of the Plan are identified as having the capacity to deliver in the order of 2,000 – 2,700 new residential units.
The LAP sets out a graded approach to density, with different density ranges for different sites, considering the built context, proximity to the train station and bus routes and the desire to integrate with existing residential developments.
In this regard the map and table below identifies the remaining development land parcels and illustrates the indicative density levels across the LAP area as follows:
Building height, and its relationship with the width of streets or spaces, plays a very important role in developing street and space enclosure. The primary routes tend to be wider and this can provide opportunities for greater building height along building frontages while providing appropriate levels of enclosure. Street enclosure is achieved where a relatively continuous line of frontage buildings, of adequate scale, provide a coherent visual space at ground level.
National planning policy recently published in the 2018 ‘Urban Development and Building heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities’, identifies the needs for our cities and towns to grown upwards and not just outwards in an effort to achieve compact urban growth. The Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 identifies the Park West/ Cherry Orchard LAP area as a location suitable for landmark focal points in the vicinity of the Train Station and next to the M50, to act as place-makers and enhance the new identity of the area. These focal points may take the form of landmark tall buildings, subject to the Development Plan’s assessment of design principles and standards, and the ‘Development Management Criteria’ set out in the 2018 Height Guidelines.
The height strategy for the LAP sets out guidance for building heights for each of the key sites, responding to considerations including proximity to commercial centres, proximity to the Railway Station, the role of the street or space in the movement hierarchy, views and prospects, the need to respect adjoining residential amenity and the potential to provide important local landmarks for legibility. While the layouts shown for the sites are indicative only, the principles of the height strategy remain fundamental in achieving an attractive and sustainable community.
Development immediately adjoining areas of existing single or two storey housing should seek to ensure a gradual change in building heights with no significant marked increase in height within transitional areas. Development backing on to existing buildings must respect existing context building heights.
The design, quality and finish of buildings in newly developing areas is a key factor in promoting and selling new developments and in achieving a long-term sustainable neighbourhood. Good building design with quality materials will weather well, reduce maintenance costs and remain attractive and pleasing for years to come. Good building design gives the area character and distinctiveness.
The Park West – Cherry Orchard area has already seen significant development over various periods including up to the early 2000’s, with each area having its own design approach. It is important that future development integrates well with the existing development in the area. This does not necessitate the repetition of existing designs however to seek new designs which have some regard and express a continuity to adjoining development for example through the choice of materials or links to surrounding elevation design.
Noise/Air pollution mitigation will need to be designed into the layout of developments adjacent to the M50. All planning applications for development proposals adjoining the M50 and the railway line shall submit a detailed assessment and mitigation strategy for noise and/or air quality.
In terms of energy efficiency in buildings and the construction of new homes and non-residential buildings the requirements are primarily addressed in Part L of the current Building Regulations. These regulations prescribe requirements relating to thermal performance, overall energy use and CO2 emissions and also require dwellings to incorporate renewable energy sources.
It is an objective of the City Council to promote energy efficiency and it is recommended that development proposals should have regard to the ‘Towards nearly Zero Energy Buildings in Ireland – Planning for 2020 and Beyond, (DECLG)’, which promotes the increase of near Zero Energy Buildings in Ireland.
On an area wide level, the City Council supports and encourages the production of energy from renewable energy systems such as district heating networks. A key determining factor in the viability of heat networks is the heat demand density across the area covered by the network. Having regard to the Dublin City Spatial Energy Demand Analysis (2016) and due to the predominantly low density development in the area and prevalence of vacant sites the density and development mix in Park West – Cherry Orchard, at present the area does not have the potential for a viable local heat network to emerge. However, it is an objective that in the medium to long term subject to the delivery of appropriate development densities, the development of a heat network such as a district heating system should be explored.
Design Component | Objective | Project/Area of Focus |
Landmark Building | To provide 2/3 mid-rise buildings (up to a max of 50 metres) in the vicinity of the rail station or adjoining the M50 to enhance the identity of the area. |
Key Corners | To mark the significance of a number of key corner locations by locating buildings which are designed to address the corner and are visible from key streets. |
Activity Node | To provide a focus for active ground floor uses responding to locations in the urban structure. Adjacent to existing civic plaza at the train station. |
Key Frontage | To create a positive street frontage in order to improve the appearance of the area in key locations and create a sense of place. |
Key Street Improvement | To enhance the urban design quality and appearance of key streets in the area by means of public realm enhancements and / or restructuring. |
New Connections | To create new key routes though streets and spaces that connects parts of Park West – Cherry Orchard. |
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:
The importance of creating sustainable communities and neighbourhoods in the city cannot be over-emphasised. Ministerial Guidelines on ‘Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas (2009)’, and statements on housing policy stress the importance of integrating housing with the delivery of community infrastructure. In this regard the timely provision of sustainable social and community infrastructure is key to the successful creation of sustainable communities and neighbourhoods and development of this area.
Community or social infrastructure refers to facilities that serve the needs of the community in areas such as education, health, welfare, emergency services, leisure and entertainment. Many of these facilities are provided directly by or supported by the State and there is a requirement to ensure that they are located so as to be used in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The provision of a proportionate level of community and social infrastructure is central to the delivery of a sustainable community.
The 2017 ‘Making Cherry Orchard Better Plan’ is an Action Plan of the City Council and the Ballyfermot partnership to tackle gaps in areas of community, social, policing and education services, and to improve and help co-ordinate services locally. The LAP supports the on-going implementation of this Plan, including the provision of a new community and social enterprise hub, see Section 4.3.
An audit of the existing community facilities in the LAP area and the adjoining area of Ballyfermot was carried out during the plan preparation stage. As detailed in Chapter 2, the main concentration of community and social facilities within the LAP area is currently focused on Cherry Orchard Park with St. Ultan’s National School, the Church, HSE health building and the Orchard Centre all located in the north-east quadrant of the park area. The park itself contains a playground, all weather playing pitch, multi-use games area, two soccer pitches and an attenuation area/ wetland. In close proximity is the Cherry Orchard Family resource centre (the “Bungalow”), the Cherry Orchard Equine Centre and the Cherry Orchard Court (CHI) community centre.
During the pre-draft public consultation stage for the LAP numerous requests were received seeking enhancements to the sporting provisions within the area. Three specific local clubs – the Chery Orchard Running Club, Orchard Celtic Football Club and Del La Salle GAA Club; - came together to request the exploration of an all-weather sports facility in Chery Orchard which could accommodate all three clubs, with this facility ideally providing a GAA pitch, soccer pitch with running track and changing facilities. These are well established local clubs who between them cater for a significant cohort of the young population and adults alike, and it is an objective of the LAP to support the provision of an enhanced sporting hub within Cherry Orchard park. It is acknowledged that the existing layout, form and function of the park is not operating optimally, with a large area given over to drainage and the poor interface between the school, Orchard Centre and the park facilities creating opportunities for anti-social activity.
It is hence an objective of the LAP to carry out a complete redesign of the park, which will be subject to further detailed public consultation, with the local school, clubs and sporting organisations, and to ensure that this work occurs in tandem with the provision of new housing provision in the area.
As noted previously in the LAP it is also an objective to enhance the “green” link between Cherry Orchard Park and Le Fanu Park by providing a safe and attractive tree-lined route between these two parks along Blackditch Road, Orchard Laws and Clifden Drive, delivered as part of the built-out of Site no. 2. It is considered that this route will greatly benefit groups such as the local running club.
Play is recognised as being essential to the healthy development of children and young people – not just their physical development, but their social and cognitive development too. The City Council’s play strategy ‘Play here, Play there, Play everywhere’ (2012) encourages families and communities to support children and young people to play outdoors and to take actions in supporting the use of local environments. The LAP area contains one purpose built formal children’s playground, located within Cherry Orchard Park. This playground provides an important amenity, however the anti-social activity that takes place in this area detracts from the use and attractiveness of this space. Elsewhere within Cherry Orchard are numerous local pocket parks, however it is clear from the youth consultation undertaken for the LAP and from visiting these spaces, that they are not being optimally used by local children, with fear of horses cited as one of the key reasons.
In order to ensure that existing open spaces are available and attractive for children’s play, it is an objective of the LAP to carry out a play assessment and strategy for the area, following a detailed review of the existing open spaces. Creating natural play areas, in small intimate spaces within local greens that is safe and usable for all children is an objective of the Plan.
For new residential developments opportunities for children’s play should be addressed as part of the Landscape Plan that is submitted with planning applications. Public open space and semi-private open space in all residential developments shall include opportunities for children’s play. Nature based play and natural play spaces that promote children’s play will be particularly encouraged. Play features should be sited so that they are universally accessible and are well supervised, without causing nuisance to nearby residents.
Running along the southern boundary of the LAP lands is the Grand Canal, with good quality cycle and pedestrian facilities on the southern side of this amenity. At present the recreational and sporting use of the canal is somewhat limited, due in part to the poor physical relationship between the canal and its immediate hinterland and the industrial nature of much of this land. One exception to this is the adventure centre for the Ballyfermot Youth Service which operates out of an industrial unit within south-east corner of the Park West industrial estate. This centre utilises its location along the canal for kayaking, canoeing, fishing and biking.
The Local Area Plan has identified the lands which once made up the Gallenstown Waterworks, south of Park West Business Park as a significant new sporting, amenity and tourism facility. It is an objective to first carry out an assessment of the brick vaulted water reservoir to ascertain its potential as a functional, usable space, and to then develop a strategy for delivering a new destination point along the Canal. It is considered that this location has enormous potential for new community and sporting uses, including for example changing facilities for running clubs, bike clubs, fishing groups who wish to utilise the canal tow-path, in addition to kayaking and canoe clubs. Opportunities for boat docking could also be explored as part of this study. The LAP also has an objective for a new pedestrian/cycle link across the canal at this point which would facilitate access from this new facility to the Canal’s “greenway”.
Cherry Orchard is noted for having a tradition and culture of horse ownership, with horses frequently occupying public open spaces and parks in the area. This has placed it at odds with the designated use of such local green spaces for use as children’s play areas, quite spaces and places of biodiversity value.
The Cherry Orchard Equine Education and Training Centre opened in 2003 in response to local demand. Catering for 24 horses this facility has an indoor and outdoor arena, and was host to the Special Olympic Ireland Games in 2018. Plans for 2019 include the installation of a new sensory pony trail funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development, as part of Dublin City Council’s Local Community Development Fund. In addition to their community horse riding school, the centre is also home to Cherry Orchard Community Training Centre, Cherry Orchard Integrated Youth Service and CODY Garda Youth Division Project. It’s Strategic Plan 2018-2022, Jobs Change Lives, seeks to further broaden the education and training focus, and expand into the provision of employment related supports for young people engaged in their services. One of the Strategic goals of the centre is to “seek opportunities to expand the facilities, programmes and services provided by the organisation”, including for example for the provision of social enterprises on-site. The high demand for the services provided within this centre and its success in reaching out to youths is clear and it is an objective of the LAP to support and facilitate the continued development of this centre where feasible.
In carrying out the community consultation as part of the LAP additional requests for community stabling were put forward. Local group “HorsePower” are seeking the provision of an additional equine facility whereby stables are available to rent to local horse owners, and which has the potential to provide a social enterprise scheme. The group is seeking the provision of lands for stabling within the LAP area, including specifically Site No. 3a. It is considered that subject to further detailed analysis and the putting in place of appropriate management and financial structures that consideration can be given to how this use could be accommodated on site 3a, alongside other appropriate uses.
The provision of schools is an integral part in the development of a compact and sustainable urban community. Local schools allow children to walk to school and help to build community cohesion. Census data indicates that the existing population within the LAP area is currently peaking between 5 and 12 years of age representing 13% of the population. A common theme from the pre-draft consultation stage was the need for further primary school places within the LAP area as the existing primary school, St. Ultan’s, is already operating at maximum capacity with a waiting list in place.
Responsibility for the provision of new schools rests with the Department of Education and Skills (DES). Consultation with this Department during the LAP preparation phase has identified a clear need for an additional primary school in the area. Based on projected growth that will occur as the key sites are developed, it is anticipated that an additional c. 700 primary school places will be required. The analysis of the existing school patterns also revealed a highly dispersed school going population from within Park West, with children travelling to numerous schools in the wider Dublin area. In response to this analysis the LAP has identified a site to the south-east of Site No. 6 as the most suitable location for a new primary school based on the following:
There are several childcare providers operating throughout the LAP area, many of which are located in new purpose built facilities, such as Cherry Orchard Community Childcare Crèche, St. Ultan’s Childcare Centre, Babes in the Wood Crèche within Cedarbrook and Giraffe Childcare in Park West. Having regard to the planned level of growth and development it the area it is an objective of this LAP to encourage the provision of additional childcare facilities as an integral part of proposals for new residential developments, particularly the key development sites identified in the plan.
It is understood that the Cherry Orchard Community Childcare centre on Croft Wood Crescent (within Site no. 2), is seeking to expand its current service. Any proposals for the future build-out of Site No. 2 shall take account of, and liaise with the existing childcare providers to facilitate land for such an expansion.
In keeping with Policy SN5 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, any application for a significant large new residential development of over 50 units, shall be required to be accompanied by a social audit and an implementation and phasing programme in relation to community infrastructure, so that facilities identified as needed are provided in a timely and co-ordinated fashion. With regard to community facilities required for the newly emerging Park West community, consideration should be given to the provision of a place of worship, health care provision, community centre and the requirement for a local school.
Communal facilities within apartment schemes shall also be required as per the requirements of the ‘Design Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2018).
It is important that healthcare facilities are easily accessible to all members of the community. The area currently benefits from the provision a new Primary Care Centre on Ballyfermot Road and the HSE building on Cherry Orchard Avenue, however it is also considered that the provision of other health services including general practitioners, dentists etc. shall be encouraged within the LAP area, and in particular within Park West (furthest from the Primary Centre centre).
It is thus an objective of the LAP to support and facilitate the provision of new healthcare facilities, particularly within Park West.
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:
The buildings and structures we inherit from the past often make significant contributions to an areas identity, and to the richness and diversity of the urban fabric. The Park West Cherry Orchard area contains a number of features of historic and social historical merit and it is the policy of the City Council to preserve such features where they make a positive contribution to the character, appearance and quality of the area.
At present there are no Protected Structures recorded within the LAP area, however as set out in Chapter Two, the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) recommends that the City Council include a number of buildings at the 1950’s Cherry Orchard Hospital campus on the Council’s Record of Protected Structures (RPS) due to the regional importance of the hospital and the special interest of certain structures. Consideration on including these structures within the RPS will be undertaken in accordance with the ‘Strategic Approach’ set out in Section 11.1.4 of Chapter 11 of the City Development Plan.
Site No. 1 of the LAP lies to the immediate south of the hospital campus. Currently an undeveloped grassed area, the LAP proposes this site be developed as a new residential area with a north –south vehicular road accessing Ballyfermot Road to the immediate east of the hospital. The section of road to the east of the hospital campus is already in place. Given the scale of the hospital lands and its location immediately adjoining the prison lands, it currently presents as a large impenetrable block. It is thus an objective of the LAP to seek additional pedestrian / cycle linkages between Site 1 and Cherry Orchard Hospital in order to enhance permeability. This could be accommodated as part of the development of Site No. 1 and/or as part of future hospital developments. Given the high level of pedestrian footpaths through the hospital grounds which formed part of the original layout, it is considered that this approach will not have a detrimental impact on character of the Hospital or the NIAH proposed protected buildings. Any proposed connections shall assess the impact on the NIAH buildings.
The Record of Monuments and Places is the statutory list of all known archaeological monuments provided for in the National Monuments Acts. The archaeological heritage relevant to the LAP area includes one known site of interest, registered as an Early Christian burial mound, located within the existing Park West Area, Recorded Monument Ref. DU017-083. Records show quite a large cemetery located in the vicinity of the open space to the Crescent apartment buildings in Park West. Subsequent archaeological testing in this area (submitted in March 2001 as part of planning application Ref. 3716/99), provided an analysis of charcoal and plant remains suggesting the area was used over a prolonged period, with soil and seed testing dating to an Early Christian or later date.
Development sites Nos. 6, 7 and 8 of the LAP are all located in close proximity to this know National Monument, and given the presence of other finds in the vicinity it is considered that any development of these three sites shall be accompanied by appropriate archaeological investigation, as agreed with the City Archaeologist.
As set out in Chapter Two of the LAP, the Grand Canal and its associated locks and bridges forms an important feature of industrial heritage located to the immediate south of the LAP area. Now an important amenity and “greenway”, the LAP seeks to enhance the connectivity to the Canal tow-path through the provision of a new pedestrian/cycle connection over the Canal in the vicinity of the Gallanstown Waterworks. The provision of any such new connection will be required to respect both the industrial heritage of the Canal and the biodiversity value associated with its pNHA status (see section below).
Of particular importance for the Local Area Plan is the former Gallanstown water works adjacent to the canal. The site contains old filter beds (now filled in), a covered storage reservoir (visible only as a slightly raised grass area), and a Stilling Pond (an open pond). Considered to be of ‘regional merit’ in the Dublin City Industrial Heritage Record, this unique feature is considered to have the potential to make a significant contribution to the physical, social and economic regeneration of the area.
Subject to further review / feasibility study the Gallanstown Waterworks site may have significant potential for recreational purposes, being available as an amenity and that the covered brick arches could be opened up and used for some viable future use for the local community. This site could potentially be an oasis for recreational use for those living and working within the Park West - Cherry orchard LAP and become an integral part of an overall public realm strategy for area. As set out in Section 4. 5.1 in relation to the development of a tourism economy, it is an objective of the LAP to liaise with relevant agencies, organisations and relevant stakeholders to maximise the potential for recreational and leisure use of this unique asset, whilst respecting its unique industrial heritage and its relationship to the Canal.
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:
Green Infrastructure comprises a network of interconnected green spaces, habitats and ecosystems which can encompass a range of features including wetlands, canals and parks. One of the key benefits of Green Infrastructure is its multi-functionality, performing several functions including reducing storm water flows, cleaning water and air, enhancing biodiversity or improving the visual appearance of the area, all in a single shared space. It can provide ecological, economic and social benefits through natural solutions.
Policies of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 relating to green infrastructure place emphasis on the encouragement of new linear parks and connections (including both pedestrian and cycle access), enhancing biodiversity, and co-ordinating with flood management requirements. At a strategic level the City Development Plan focuses on objectives to strengthen the city-wide strategic green networks, including along the Grand Canal, as shown in the Core Strategy map in Chapter One of the LAP.
At a local level the LAP seeks to create a green infrastructure network of high quality green spaces that permeate through the plan lands while incorporating potential biodiversity enhancements.
4.9.2 Proposed Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy
The LAP seeks to identify resources and opportunities to improve existing green infrastructure alongside recommendations for new green infrastructure within new development proposals for the LAP area. The strategy contains proposals for (i) green corridors; (ii) street planting, and (iii) local parks, each set out in further detail below.
At the core of the green infrastructure strategy is the desire to develop three principle green routes / corridors within the LAP, notably:
Connecting these two hubs of green infrastructure is central to the green strategy of the LAP. Running north to south it comprises a number of identifiable elements:
In order to fully optimise the potential of the Grand Canal to act as a “green corridor” it is imperative that any future development along its bank is set back to fully optimise its potential as a recreation amenity and as a biodiversity resource for the City. This is of particular importance for any proposals to develop the Gallanstown Waterworks site.
3. Along the boundary of the M50.
A “greenbelt” of planting shall be provided along the entire western boundary of the LAP adjoining the M50, as a noise and air quality mitigating measure. This “greenbelt” will meet the “greenway” of the Canal to the south of the LAP.
Where these green corridors connect with new development sites, “green” connections will be sought to create a comprehensive strategy. The green infrastructure strategy will incorporate SuDS options, green wildlife corridors and walking and cycling routes where appropriate and achievable.
Within the existing Cherry Orchard area it is recognised that more could be done to enhance the green infrastructure network and to improve the physical appearance of the area, linking in with the public realm strategy. The excessive widths of some of the existing streets could be reconfigured to incorporate a range of “green” features including street trees, SuDS measures, and enhanced pedestrian/cycle facilities. The LAP seeks in particular to upgrade Cherry Orchard Avenue and Cherry Orchard Drive with street trees and other green infrastructure as achievable. While there is limited presence of hedgerows and vegetation on the undeveloped sites, there may be scope within Site 4, to incorporate elements of existing hedgerows into the landscaping plan for this site.
Elsewhere within Cherry Orchard are a number of existing open spaces characterised predominantly by grassland and often mounded areas. As noted above it is an objective of the LAP to examine each of these spaces to determine if there is potential for in-fill housing (Objective H12). This exercise shall simultaneously identify those open spaces for which upgraded landscaped plans will be sought, to improve both amenity and biodiversity potential.
New development in Park West has made good use of water as feature of its landscape planning, providing an appropriate response to its location along the Canal. It is considered that this approach should be encouraged throughout the build out of Park West, and that the potential for spurs off the Canal should be explored where opportunities become available. (The latter opportunity may present itself more to the lands further east of the LAP.)
Each of key sites for development shall be required to positively contribute to the overall green infrastructure strategy of the LAP area. Managing the environment in a sensitive way that promotes biodiversity as well as passive and active recreation is important and the Green Infrastructure Strategy seeks to maximise potential opportunities for green infrastructure within the LAP area. The development of the key sites will provide opportunities for biodiversity enhancement, visual improvements, integrating sustainable drainage systems along with facilitating pedestrian and cycle improvements.
The main components of the Green Infrastructure strategy are:
Protect and enhance the Grand Canal pNHA/Green Corridor;
Protect existing green infrastructure and encourage potential improvements and enhancements as part of delivering a comprehensive network of green infrastructure
Enhance the existing parks and open space areas with further planting, maintenance and the provision of direct linkages and connections between existing parks and open spaces and existing strategic green assets such as the Grand Canal and Le Fanu Park;
Develop a Green Corridor adjoining the M50 linking into the Grand Canal Green Corridor.
It is an objective of Dublin City Council:
Whilst in general there is well developed infrastructure in the area, in order to service the identified development sites additional surface water infrastructure will be required in order to convey runoff from these sites to the existing surface water sewer network and connect to existing outfalls. A survey should be carried out to determine if the existing surface water infrastructure is adequate to serve the both the existing and future surface water volumes. Development within the LAP lands must take cognisance of the impact on downstream receiving watercourses, the Camac River and the River Liffey. It may be necessary to carry out upgrades of the existing surface water drainage network, pending a more detailed assessment of the capacity and condition of the existing infrastructure.
The majority of the LAP lands fall within the River Camac Drainage Catchment. Dublin City Councils Environmental Services section are currently examining the River Camac under the Water Framework Directive as part of implementing the Camac Greenway. There is an objective of DCC to improve its status from “Poor Status” up to “Good Status”.
DCC WFM Strategy provides the following guidelines for developments proposals within the Camac Catchment.
Sites directly on the Camac River or tributaries must demonstrate how they are alleviating the confirmed pressures on the Camac Catchment:
Sites in the Camac River Valley (within 200m of the Camac River or tributaries.
It is an objective of the LAP to support the implementation of the above Water Framework Directive to improve the status of the Camac, through implementing best practice SuDS and potential works to streams as part of any future development within the LAP area and to support and facilitate the upgrade of existing surface water infrastructure where possible.
The development of the LAP lands affords the opportunity to implement best practice SuDS features in order to reduce the volume and increase the quality of outflow from the public open spaces and roads. One of the guiding objectives of the proposed Park West - Cherry Orchard Local Area Plan is “to create a vibrant and sustainable new urban area”. The implementation of SuDS principles within the LAP lands will support this vision, ensuring that surface water is managed in a positive and sustainable manner within the lands, reclaiming water as an asset for the area. SuDS approaches are holistic in their management of surface water, considering not only the volume of water to be accommodated, but also the quality of this water as well as the amenity and habitat functions that these features can often perform.
A core objective of the strategy is to manage surface water in a sustainable way, ensuring there is no unacceptable residual risk of flooding to the LAP lands as well as ensuring no increased flood risk up or downstream of the lands. A fundamental pillar of the strategy is the provision of adequate levels of treatment of the surface water as it is proposed to discharge to existing watercourses. Surface water discharges shall be limited to 2l/s/ha for proposed development. With the above objectives in mind, it is recommended that a SuDS treatment train approach be implemented across the LAP lands.
DCC requires this softer engineered approach to be used to manage surface water at source as it is a greener, more environmentally effective approach for managing stormwater on developed lands. Over ground soft engineering solutions are necessary and a minimum 2-staged treatment approach in accordance with best SuDs practice would be the preferred. Management of surface water at source is the priority and ideally, only overflow in extreme weather events shall be directed to main surface water infrastructure.
Based on the SuDS strategy outlined above, the topography of the LAP lands, the flood risk identified within the LAP lands and the ground conditions encountered during the ground investigations which have been carried out within the LAP lands, the following areas have been identified as appropriate for SuDS features within public realm areas. The final location and design of these features will require further geotechnical assessment
A number of existing roads within the LAP area, particularly the Park West Business Park and Industrial areas have cross sections which include trees and grassed verges and this provides the opportunity to implement SuDS features such as tree pits, street planters and swales as a source control measure whilst improving the landscape and amenity value of these areas. The introduction of such features into the existing roads in the area which are wide such as Cherry Orchard Avenue shall also be explored as along with reducing the volume and increasing the quality of runoff they would greatly help improve the landscape and visual amenities of these areas.
SuDS features should also be incorporated within public open spaces where appropriate to reduce the volume and increase the quality of runoff from these areas, as well as to improve their landscape and amenity value. A number of public open spaces exist within the LAP lands, in particular within the Cherry Orchard residential area. These public open spaces afford the opportunity to implement further SuDS features within the LAP lands.
Two significant public open spaces exist within the LAP lands, namely Cherry Orchard Park and Old Cherry Orchard Park. These areas afford the opportunity to implement larger SuDS features such as detention basins to collect runoff from public roads and public open spaces. Based on site specific investigation, infiltration trenches and basins could also be implemented in locations where the required infiltration rates can be achieved as well as swales to convey runoff through the open spaces.
There is an existing SuDS feature Within Cherry Orchard Park which currently provides compensatory flood volume storage relating to the Cedarbrook development. It is recommended that this compensatory flood storage area is relocated / reconfigured to allow for the provision of community and sporting facilities within the Park, for example through the provision of a swale along the southern end of the park, or to an underground storage facility. The making cherry orchard better action area plan had previously identified this site location for the provision of proposed community and social enterprise hub as part of creating a new town centre area. This matter shall be subject to detailed assessment as part of any future redesign of Cherry Orchard Park and/or as part of a more detailed review of surface water drainage network in the area.
As discussed above there are a number of tributary streams that run through the LAP are which feed into the Camac river. In most instances these streams are culverted through the LAP area. The LAP seeks to support opportunities to allow for Surface Water Management Protection of existing watercourses and the reopening (re-lighting) of covered or culverted watercourses as part of all new development e.g. Gallanstown Streem, Blackditch stream and Galback streams.There are significant potential benifits when daylighting streams. especially within green corridors, allowing for the creation of ecological synergies between the fresh water systems within the LAP lands.
New planted edges and/or buffer treatments will be provided between contrasting land uses at part of new developments, for example, at established industrial areas and surrounding residential areas at Broomhill and Greenhills. These areas will emphasise enhancement of local biodiversity and local surface water management. They may also provide a visual, screening function. Surface water management will form part of a range of open spaces and green corridors which will form the green infrastructure strategy in the LAP area.
The development of the LAP lands also affords the opportunity to build further resilience into the surface water drainage network through the provision of an additional surface water sewer crossing under the railway tracks, or as may be required to support future developments subject to detail design.
The requirements of ‘The Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2009), need to be taken into account in order to ensure that flooding within the Plan Lands does not impact on human health, property, the ability to meet the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive, or the need to protect biodiversity.
The majority of the Park West – Cherry Orchard LAP area is located within the Camac River Catchment, with only a small area which includes Cherry Orchard Hospital within the Lower Liffey Lyreen Ryewater Catchment.
This LAP is accompanied by a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment which has been informed by the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) undertaken as part of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022.
Any development must take cognisance of the impact on downstream receiving watercourses, i.e. the Camac River and the River Liffey. All of the proposed development sites are situated within the catchment of the River Camac which has been prioritised within the Eastern CFRAMS study due to known flood risk issues.
The LAP lands are not identified as areas at risk of flooding; Dublin City Council will adopt a risk-based sequential and balanced approach, with development proposals required to carry out to an appropriate level of detail, a Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment (SSFRA) that complies with the ‘Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines’ and pays attention to site specific risks to ensure that flood risk can be managed to an acceptable level without increasing flood risk upstream or downstream as a result of development.
Irish Water have raised concerns regarding the capacity of both existing and downstream network and they suggest that further capacity studies would be required to confirm potential for additional capacities and to determine if a new large capacity foul water outlet will be required in order to facilitate the development of the lands
The LAP area is constrained by a number of hard boundaries such as the M50, Canal and Railway Line which are physical barriers which constrain the delivery of new drainage infrastructure and new drainage outfalls. Each of these boundaries provides physical constraints to the provision of new surface water infrastructure and the creation of new site outfalls.
At present the development of the LAP lands is constrained by the capacity of the existing twin 300 diameter sewer crossing under the railway at Le Fanu Road. This creates a potential pinch point in the network and there are already reports of surcharge incidents at the Cherry Orchard area.
In order to service the identified development sites additional foul drainage infrastructure will be required in order to convey runoff from these sites to the existing sewer network and connect to existing outfalls. A survey should be carried out to determine if the existing foul drainage infrastructure is adequate to serve the both the existing and future run off volumes.
There is a well-developed water supply network within the LAP lands, with large trunk mains located in the vicinity of the proposed development plots, however there are no significant distribution mains within the proposed development sites.
However, as a result of the piecemeal and incremental nature of how the area has developed it is necessary to review the LAP area in terms of the supply/capacity for both water.
Following further correspondence and feedback from Irish Water, it has been confirmed that there is a good water supply network in the area and there is a good water supply network available. However, some of the existing older watermains (1950s/1960’s) may need upgrading.
As a result of the proximity of the LAP lands to the Inchicore High Voltage Substation, a number of high voltage power lines traverse the LAP lands, both overhead and below ground. In addition, there is a network of medium and low voltage power lines which service the developed residential areas and industrial/business areas. The number of high voltage power lines and pylons located in Park West in close proximity to the M50 and in the adjoining Cherry Orchard Barnville area are a constraint on the development potential of these lands, as such there will be a requirement to divert/ undergrounding the existing infrastructure at these locations in order to fully realise the development potential of the LAP lands.
The LAP is also well served in terms of gas supply, the network is well developed however additional infrastructure will be required in order to service the development lands in the area. Gas Networks Ireland has indicated that the Park West area is primarily served by a medium pressure distribution system, while the Cherry Orchard residential area is served by a low pressure distribution system. An important consideration for the future development of the area is the provision of a low pressure distribution main in the Park West area in order to serve any future residential development in the area with the appropriate pressure regulation
The generation and management of waste is an everyday challenge, which people, businesses, industry and institutions must recognise. The Waste Framework Directive, as transposed into Irish law by the European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations 2011, sets targets for household waste recycling in addition to construction and demolition waste which will come into effect. In order to help meet these targets consideration must be given at plan stage to waste storage to help facilitate and increase recycling rates locally.
Currently within the area the houses are served by a three-bin collection system, and there is a well-used local bring centre at the Cherry Orchard Centre. The City Development Plan 2016-2011 provides guidelines for waste storage in all new apartment developments which shall be addressed at individual planning application stage. However it is important in this evaluation that provision is made for glass bottle recycling within Site No.4 and withinPark West at an appropriate location that serves the local community, ideally located in close proximity to other local community/ retail uses.
It is an objective of Dublin City Council to:-
The area of Park West - Cherry Orchard has a key role to play in delivering the City’s vision and core strategy as set out in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022. The presence of large vacant sites, suitable for development that are located along key public transport corridors and adjoining a range of existing social and community facilities, places the development of this area firmly to the fore in its ability to delivery future sustainable communities.
The Park West – Cherry Orchard LAP seeks the provision of over 2,000 new residential homes, alongside new employment generating uses, and supported by the necessary community and social infrastructure. The proposed electrification of the DART line to the Park West- Cherry Orchard station presents the opportunity to create a high density development around the station, supported by ground floor retail and community/ commercial units to Park West Avenue, creating a Main Street boulevard. In addition opportunities to extend the plaza to the front of the station into the adjoining sites flanked by one or two key landmark buildings will create an attractive and key place-making feature for the area.
Within Cherry Orchard it is proposed to consolidate the existing hub of community uses at the church, school and community centre through the provision of new local retail units along Cherry Orchard Avenue, in order to create an identifiable neighbourhood centre, with improvements to the streetscape and landscaping. Within this hub, new senior citizen housing is also sought to allow people the opportunity to access “step-down” housing locally within their community and within walking distance of amenities. In Park West another consolidation of local community uses in sought in the provision of a new primary school across from the Plaza commercial centre, linked with a new pedestrian crossing and active street frontages.
New community and cultural amenities will be provided to support the existing and emerging new community, with a particular focus on two key amenity developments sites at Cherry Orchard Park where the creation of a sporting hub is proposed, and secondly exploring future sporting, community and tourism potential at the old Gallanstown Waterworks site. Ideally situated along the Grand Canal’s greenway, this location, with its unique industrial heritage has huge potential to act a destination point, drawing people into the area, thus increasing local spend and with it local amenities .
In total eight key development sites are identified in the Plan along with the two key amenity sites above. The eight sites have the capacity to deliver between 2,000-2,700 new residential units, ranging in heights from 2-storey to landmark buildings of up to c. 60 meters in height. This housing shall cater for a range of sizes and tenure options in order to cater for all age and income cohorts, essential in delivering sustainable communities. The sites shall also provide new commercial and employment opportunities, in particular along the boundary with the M50 motorway and in the vicinity of the train station. Offices and enterprise space will serve to act as a noise buffer to the motorway and provide a key source of local employment.
The development of the new sites will place sustainability at their core in terms of design and construction. Streets will place a focus on pedestrian and cycle amenity encouraging more sustainable patterns of travel, and parks and open spaces will be linked by “green” routes. It is a key objective of the Plan to seek a strategic green route through the plan area, linking Le Fanu Park to the Canal, with a new pedestrian bridge in the location of the waterworks site. New strategic vehicular routes are also sought to increase permeability throughout the area, linking Ballyfermot Road to the train station (to the rear of Cherry Orchard hospital); and allowing a future connection over the railway line in the vicinity of the old train station at the intersection of Cherry Orchard Parade and Avenue.
The delivery of the objectives of this Local Area Plan is considered essential to meet the City’s great need for housing at present. Park West and Cherry Orchard has the capacity to provide over 2,000 new homes for people, in an areas served by public transport, with good access to parks and schools and along one of the City’s greatest amenities in the form of the Grand Canal. Delivering these objectives will be a key focus of Dublin City Council, as both the Planning Authority and as a key landowner in the area over the next 6-10 years of the Plan.