Graphics & Desktop publishing Drawing Office, Planning 20-2-2019
Park West-CherryOrchard will be an attractive and identifiable place with a vibrant and active community. A good mix of residential typologies will cater for people across all spectrums of their lifecycle, and residents will have the benefit from the provision of local shops, schools, parks and community and recreational facilities. New commercial and enterprise space will provide opportunities for local employment and both residents and workers will benefit from a high quality intergrated public transport network system, and a permeable and safe environment.
This vision for the Park West – Cherry Orchard Local Area Plan has regard to, and seeks to capture the key points of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 guiding principles under Strategic Development and Regeneration Area No.4, in addition to the vision statement set out within the “Making Cherry Orchard Better” Area Action Plan 2017 and the submissions received during the public consultation Issues Paper stage for the Park West – Cherry Orchard Local Area Plan.
The aim of this Local Area Plan is to facilitate the vision for Park West – Cherry Orchard, by providing a framework within which new development in the area can take place. It is important that the LAP ensures that in developing individual land parcels opportunities for regenerating and enhancing the area as a whole are not missed. Taking account of the key themes and issues raised during the pre-draft public consultation stage, analysis of the area and the guiding principles set out in the City Development plan, the overarching principles considered essential to deliver the vision for Park West – Cherry Orchard are set out below and are elaborated on in greater detail within Chapter 4.
Develop the remaining vacant sites in the area in a sustainable manner to create a vibrant sustainable new (neighbourhood) Urban Area.
Deliver new residential units in a mix of unit types and tenures to cater for people across all spectrums of their lifecycle, with higher densities sought in proximity to the railway station.
Create a local neighbourhood focal point within Cherry Orchard neighbourhood enhancing existing services and amenities.
Create a new commercial destination in the vicinity of the train station, with landmark buildings and civic spaces.
Improve the appearance and image of the area and create a content, caring and vibrant sustainable community which integrates the new community with the existing established community.
Facilitate the provision of local retail provision as part of enhancing the neighbourhood centre within Cherry Orchard.
Create a new mixed use environment incorporating a supermarket and other commercial/ employment opportunities in the vicinity of the train station.
Support opportunities and initiatives which promote education and aim to address unemployment supporting economic activity through the provision of existing and future services and businesses in the area.
Support and facilitate the provision of additional school places to serve the existing and emerging communities.
Support and facilitate the development of a Community and Social Enterprise Hub.
Support the provision of mixed-employment uses in proximity to the M50 boundary.
Consolidate and improve the existing sports and recreation facilities and promote the provision of new recreational facilities.
Enhance existing open space areas and develop a connected network of green spaces and green infrastructure to maximise their potential use by the existing and future generations.
Enhance accessibility and connectivity both within the Park West - Cherry Orchard area and to the surrounding areas to service the remaining development sites.
Promote sustainable modes of transport by making them convenient and attractive (including walking and cycling) through the implementation of a well connected, permeable, coherent street network with high levels of accessibility to an integrated public transport network with improved infrastructure to maximise its potential use.
Ensure timely provision and investment in infrastructure including water and drainage provision, public transport, telecommunications network support new development opportunities.
Underground overhead ESB pylons where-ever possible to enhance the urban form of this part of the city.
To protect and promote the natural and built heritage of the area and provide a network of well maintained parks and civic spaces connected by tree lined streets taking the opportunity to incorporate best practice SuDS infrastructure as appropriate.
Support the aims and objectives of the Water Framework Directive for the Camac River Catchment, particularly in relation to hydromorphology and improvements in water quality and the streams that drain the LAP lands.